.....¿ Or will the final restallón?. Without doubt, all that happens is fireworks!. This really is a TSUNAMI. again history repeats itself, first with Felipe González and now with ZP. And then as now in a time of crisis and a total number of unemployed scandal. It is no coincidence!.
Another "Groundhog Day Groundhog
caused from the same address:
The government and "their stuff."
Victims: sick and destitute by the institutions (apart from harassment by them) , physicians involved in research to improve the quality of life of people and they closed doors, ... and now big business!.
The New Rumasa
Food companies only
, now has 24 large enterprises. Another 24 in the Beverages Sector
, Which would have to add that it is in the field of Distribution, Hospitality, Heritage and Sociocultural . (Which is not only the Rayo Vallecano, but it includes a radio: RADIO LIBERTY
and several NGOs to reintegrate into groups such as prisoners, and foundations to promote youth employment through education ,.... Some of crafts to be focused on their land Jerez. I hope and all great entrepreneurs do the same to him. has TB. a political party which he created years ago after struggling to regain their businesses and believe that was not bad).
In times of crisis, especially at a time as this, the government
(in my point of view) should provide facilities to companies to keep these things happen. Or at least not to hinder. The Social Security (Under the Ministry of Labour and Immigration) , no longer a government agency (which also all know what "good" works for other things which we have reported on this blog). The CNMV no longer
other entity of the Government of President-as noted by the news, by Julio Segura
. (Interesting to see who is this man).
Twenty-eight years after expropiación de Rumasa , sigue pendiente de resolverse el contencioso por el justiprecio valorado en 18.000 MM €.
Cuando la Expropiación de RUMASA el 23-F de 1983 tenía más de 60.000 trabajadores, ahora tiene más de 11.000
Así que gracias al "Gobierno" se puede decir que con esa acción vía
, supuestamente para salvarguardar los puestos de trabajo , los depósitos de los bancos y el patrimonio de terceros, SE HAN CARGADO, 49.000 PUESTOS DE TRABAJO (de momento) . Dá
laughter reading about the "slush" allegedly then
(no more than read the newspaper and see the many boxes B having the Government itself and / or their branches). Billing New Rumasa: 1,400 MM € Heritage: 5,900 MM € Debentures total: 700 MM € Equity Valuation: 5,000 MM € The MM are MILLION EUROS. The bank debt is "only" 700 of the thousands and thousands who have or will have. The companies concerned (all you have) would be:
HIBRAMER TRAPA Carcesa says the News of the Country:
's empire crumbles Ruiz-Mateos again after thousands of investors trapped
New Rumasa owner, Jose Maria Ruiz Mateos, on arrival at the press conference in which he announced that ten of its large companies initiate bankruptcy EFE .- The New Rumasa leading try renegotiate its debt to avoid bankruptcy - Clesa, Dhul, Hotasa and Ray, among those affected RAMON MUÑOZ ElPais - Madrid - 17/02/2011 Vote Results 276 votes Comments - 439. . The CNMV said seven times on emissions from New Rumasa Ruiz-Mateos: "If I shoot you pay (if my faith I may)"
" If not return to the last euro to our investors, to people who in a gesture of kindness and trust we have placed their savings, I'd shoot in the head, if I profess that faith allowed me
. " This forceful and explicit was José María Ruiz-Mateos in the press conference he gave yesterday, after announcing that the top 10 firms New Rumasa group was welcomed the situation preconcursal
, a precursor to bankruptcy. With the threat of suicide, more rhetorical than real since it is known Marian Catholic faith professed by the employer Jerez and to prevent that act, trying to reassure the 5,000 investors, according to the group, bought notes or shares of companies New Rumasa despite repeated warnings from the National Securities Market.
Social Security warns of more foreclosures Rumasa The CNMV warned seven times on emissions New Rumasa The Social Security ORDERED New Rumasa seize assets. February 16, 2011. The Director General of the Treasury Genral Social Security, Javier Aibar , says it has given many opportunities and confirms the order to carry out foreclosure "prevention" of property belonging to the family corporation Ruiz-Mateos.
Justice ordered the seizure 7 farms in New Rumasa.
February 3, 2011. However that occurs after a demand for investment Rado Island New Rumasa with whom he had business and seems to have failed (by not obtaining licenses IIR prompting agreed that New Rumasa suspend payments as a precautionary measure we are talking about almost 1 .- MILLION euros) and now claims cross each other. (on above link interesting and very enlightening). Ruiz-Mateos: "If I shoot you pay (if my faith I may)" Ruiz-Mateos, "Everything they say about me is completely false" New Rumasa has unpaid debts banking value of 76 million Dhul, Clesa and five companies of the group collect the debt (including photo Clesa workers supporting the company). February 16, 2011. Rayo Vallecano
, punctuated by the crisis in New Rumasa
The vast expropriation
On 23 February 1983 nearly brand new Socialist government of Felipe González
royal decree approving a law laying expropriated Rumasa group, the 18 banks and nearly 400 companies . The intervention group led by businessman Jose Maria Ruiz-Jerez Mateos became " in order to fully guarantee bank deposits, jobs and economic rights of third that as severely threatened," according to the official statement from government spokesman Eduardo Sotillos . ... On the morning of that day, Boyer and the ministers of Industry and Agriculture , Carlos Solchaga
and Carlos Romero ( History of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
) explained in detail the expropriation:
Rumasa had become a huge conglomerate business in which there was double counting (box B).
decision received support from the entrepreneurial ranks
(with bankers
López Emilio Botin, the father of current chairman of Santander
, and Luis
Valls, president of Banco Popular
and, Ruiz-Mateos, a member of Opus Dei
), the subject was from the right answer, which appealed to the Constitutional Court
that dictate decision rejected .
The High Court ruling was a major political triumph of the Government of González
and opened the way for the immediate privatization of the entities audited without legal mortgages. However, this process was found to have coleado obstacles so far. Rumasa had 18 banks and more than 400 companies (among which was the now defunct GALLERY PRICE).
José María Ruiz-Mateos
DEPTH Birth: 11-04-1931Lugar: Rota The decision to invoke the Bankruptcy Act, but does not necessarily lead to bankruptcy, brings to expropriation of Rumasa memory 28 years ago by the first government of the PSOE, which still fishtailing in the courts, where the Ruiz-Mateos requires 18,000 million as has always considered
has lost a lawsuit after another. "It's painful remember that 28 years ago and now we suffer what we suffer this new persecution, "he complained bitterly Ruiz-Mateos. Rumasa patriarch and New Rumasa present, along with their six sons and none of his seven daughters he said, excited, yet quiet, which is "pay both principal and interest"
to all who have signed promissory notes and shares of companies at a high interest (up to 10%). Nobody knows how many savers and the amount invested. The family refused three times to provide this information at the hearing although New Rumasa website says they are "more than 5,000 investors." According to Published five days, the family has captured over 140 million.
The decision to invoke Article 5.3 of the Insolvency Act, Ruiz-Mateos attributed to the "brutal campaign" launched against the group and "to safeguard the interests of its customers, employees and suppliers" ; granted within three months to negotiate with creditors to avoid insolvency. After this deadline will be another month to file a formal bankruptcy, which in turn provides two months of negotiations. The decision has taken place after several operations to raise funds from individuals, according to data by Five publicadosayer Days, would reach about 140 million euros from 5,000 investors. In particular, companies are concerned by the use the former bankruptcy law
are Clesa (dairy), Garvey (spirits), Hotasa (tourism), Dhul (dessert), Elgorriaga (chocolate) Hibramer (eggs), Trapa (sweets), Carcesa (meat) Menorquina Cheese (Cheese The Casería) and Rayo Vallecano own.
From now on, have added from New Rumasa, attack "
a major restructuring that will ensure its future viability and compliance with all of its commitments "And, they add, rely on the current situation is" reversible. "During these years of crisis, we have maintained all the companies and jobs" despite the "rise of raw materials, falling sales, reduced margins and loss of bank financing. "However, they say, the group's situation was" exacerbated by the exaggerated
constant presence in the news media do not coincide with reality
have created a climate [...]
detrimental to
Group companies. should be noted that although the various campaigns emissions publicity to raise capital from private investors conducted by the Ruiz-Mateos conglomerate 60 brands from which they own are grouped under the banner New Rumasa actually unbound as a holding, which means that
are independent. addition, the vast majority of these companies are controlled from tax havens. The CNMV warned up to seven times to advise individuals to be well before deciding to participate in these operations. According to its makers there is no reason for this attitude of "alarm", as the group claims to have an asset value of 5,900 million and bank debt of only 700 million, with a turnover of 1,400 million. However, this figure is based on valuations that have been unmarked until their authors, they were based on unrealistic assumptions.
Dhul Clesa and are the most indebted companies
300 million to banks, suppliers and government agencies the end of that year and Dhul 134.8 million. El Rayo Vallecano accumulated a debt of 21.72 million. The CEO also said that are in "advanced talks" with an investment group [foreign] to take a share of New Rumasa, with a cash injection of up to 500 million. Social Security Defaults The announcement of the Ruiz-Mateos has taken place two days after the Treasury Social Security warned that it has already given ample opportunities to regularize their New Rumasa situation. The agency under the Ministry of Labour also ordered the seizure of property belonging companies Ruiz-Mateos family to address non-payment of social security contributions, both the current and the deferments he issued to the company. Said yesterday in an open letter itself Ruiz-Mateos, maintain employment for him is an "obsession" which "at times has threatened the economy of their enterprises, even at the cost of not paying the State .
addition to this, the New Rumasa group is already in the process of renegotiating a mortgage with Royal Bank of Scotland, after that the entity submit an executive demand, amounting to 36 million euros, which included a request to freeze certain assets of several of its businesses. In total, according to various records of delinquent who has had access to the country, New Rumasa has
"unpaid" to the bank worth 76 million. Embargoed Goods The Court of First Instance 67th Madrid, after the Scottish bank's demand, issued in September last
a car that includes attachable assets of Clesa. Among them, fifteen taxable estates with annotations liens in favor of Social Security
located in Lerma, Caldas de Reis, Utrera, terrace and Ciudad Real.
This procedure adds another lien
ordered by the Court of First Instance number 57 of Madrid on seven farms in the family companies Ruiz-Mateos. In this case, the judge's decision comes after a lawsuit filed by the family Rado
of defaults in a transaction for the sale of hotels. At this point, according to trade reports,
the company's outstanding older Bamingo Canarias, Tenerife hotel group that has been affected by falling margins experienced by the sector. According to the report of the group, the estimate of
New Rumasa turnover in 2010 was 1,494 million.
Of these, 1,013 million for the division of power, especially Dhul group and Clesa; 117 million sale and rental of land, 112 million to the distribution companies, 103 million to the wineries and beverage companies, and 89 million to the tourism sector. Today added that the assets of the group is 5,900 million and debt, 700. Campaign New Rumasa emissions has become known for strong advertising campaigns in print and television
to raise capital from the small saver by promissory notes with high interest and capital that have not been vetted by any official agency. "In 2009, to combat the liquidity crisis, we made four bond issues to acquire five hotels and factory in Mahon The Hamlet," says the company. "The strategic diversification and cyclical sectors of New Rumasa provide the robustness needed for a favorable outcome to any economic changes," continues the company. First came notes with an annual fee of 8% and a minimum investment of 50,000 euros. In April 2010 amended the Securities Exchange Act
almost exclusively to end impunity for these financial instruments New Rumasa and demanded a financial intermediary. At that time, the group changed its product after capturing an amount Ruiz-Mateos not want to encrypt.
began capital increases, nor needed the CNMV approval , and promise not return or have an organized market. Dhul that as CC OO has not paid the last pay extra 340 employees committed to their factory Granada, attracted 30 million and Clesa, who has not complied with farmers during the past four months , 12 million. few weeks ago, New Rumasa started
third way: a letter to investors announcing the promissory notes issued by Rumanova 50,000 euros, with the endorsement of Dhul and Clesa, with an interest rate of 10% to year and 12% per year, if at 24 months with quarterly interest payment. According to Cinco Dias added today, this society has an issued capital of EUR 132,200 and assets of 59,535 euros. In 2009, recorded losses of 681 euros despite not having any kind of activity. Within a week, February 23, marks 28 years of the expropriation of Rumasa , an anniversary that anticipates, again, difficult for the group.
The news includes
Open Letter Ruiz Mateos
Madrid, February 16, 2011 Viewing the news these days about my modest person in the media, I do these reflections. Thank God that despite the passing years I still think the same. few years ago, traveling to Palma de Mallorca, I met the then Deputy Prime Minister, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega
, took the opportunity to greet him with all respect as befits such an important member of the Government. I remember saying he admired their ability to work and sacrifice for their countrymen. I pulled from my briefcase a medal of the Virgin, which I love passionately, and said gladly give you this gift , that you also do miracles
for all English with no color difference , insignia or
ideologies, we are all equal before God.
I do not presume anything, I give me anything, nor am I anything, but I think that if God allows each which thinks in a way, who am I to act otherwise. The next day I received a ballot in their own handwriting, thanking me, which I recognized him deeply. Non-presumption want to say that the media manifested against me will not change my devotion to the working world , which I am immersed in my earliest childhood, I mean least those who defended me. Regardless of what I discuss, send these lines with the request that no publication of anything to thank me, I deeply love the world work, sharing his sufferings, troubles, sorrows and tribulations with the same interest, that if it were my family.
My dear father, wonderful person, always made me see that when you leave this world you can not take anything, all that remains is the accumulation of things you've done for others. With this feeling I have not done anything in my life to work passionately, creating jobs and despite the misunderstanding and injustice received from many, so let's address the most important thing a business. full
An entrepreneur has to take care of the material values \u200b\u200bof whole, but not forgotten in all the most important thing is his personality. Reason why,
my obsession has been to provide job you do not have
. A good example of this is the high cost of a job and have not been able to dismiss any of them , even in a big, as is the case of Clesa, fully aware that the lack of means to provide for their families, given the severe crisis that is sweeping Europe, is a real trauma, a host of sufferings, sorrows, disappointments, tragedies and even disease. Sometimes this way of thinking and acting has endangered the economics of our business.
Today, the most painful and hard is the lack of income to support a family . Aware of this truth, I am sure also that God blesses performances with both hands how are you, that many, unfortunately, can not understand. The current Prime Minister , criticized by many, I know that I have written 3 times
a while defending the rights of workers, another when he employed immigrants and the last in all that was related to attention to more modest and humble. My identification with the needy of the world of work is full
, will always have my sympathy, love and understanding.
There is a phrase that fills my soul and for which I thank God, "know that I do not want that in the world of work, give my life for the poor." To me, red flags, white or yellow no distinction . When we hire one of them, both my kids like me, imbued with the same spirit, what they ask is about your integrity, honesty, compliance of their duties in good faith, domain of his trade and respect for their fellow
conclude by saying that the rest rest of my life, I will continue with an obsession: WORKING TO MAKE THAT DO NOT HAVE and hopefully be millions, all without anger, without resentment and vengeance of any kind. Jose Maria Ruiz-Mateos Related news: New Rumasa faces arrest for more than 45 million Royal Bank of Scotland has become the largest creditor of the holding company of Ruiz-Mateos to sue 37 million euros, which affects Cacaolat plant in Tarragona.
The first agency to claim was the General Treasury of Social Security , which in May 2010 ... Clesa requested late payment of around 3.5 million euros. In December last year , Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) became the largest creditor, to demand around 37 million euros for non-payment of a loan granted to Clesa. fonts
bank yesterday refused to rule on this issue
. Ruiz-Mateos's family said yesterday in a statement that is renegotiating debt with the Scottish bank and attachment order was subsequently suspended by court order because of opposition from the dairy, which is "at odds with the plaintiff's claims" and added that this
litigation is pending judicial
Another company is claiming
Banco Popular (15,000 Euros) , which closed today has risen by 2.5% and shares
one of the companies with the highest growth forecast this year
( over 30%). Here EXPANSION table published in:
Once seen and read this, to me as an ordinary citizen to see almost the same players, I posed a question "existential" . Does it have something to do with it
the closed-door meeting of trade unions
, Minister of Labour and "the markets"?. Why not let him go to the media even take a picture of the attendees?. What about the accounts
discovered offshore billionaire
and that not only were fined "market" if not that they turned a blind eye?. Whose are these accounts? (Only escaped with the money was not to cut wages
officials or to not remove the aid of EUR 426
the unemployed who exhausted benefits and too much!). Because this account was debated in Congress
(discussed a couple of months or three), but to no avail.
On the "slush"
no more than reading about
Gürtel, the TIDE Case
etc. etc, etc , etc .....
The Triangle Bank-Opus-Government-Opposition (PSOE-IU-PP)
shelled think it's right in this entry, missing a photo of the type of the triangle
Ferreiru Cajastur-Pepe el-Tini
Areces (President of the Principality) and the connections Lada-Velilla, Vitorino Alonso (mining ),... Here, directly or indirectly, more than likely be the same actors in the garlic (or a portion thereof). Because after the disappearance of
Galerias Preciados WHO benefits?. Indeed!, February 23 marks the first anniversary of the Judgement Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, on trial AGAINST THE MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE
on the issue of Galleries.
Lack of SUPREME INSURANCE looking (although I do not think too much on it from experience). So go on!
I, like Asturias, I'm a little "bitter" with Mr. Ruiz-Mateos following the purchase of Chocolates La Herminia
and its subsequent disappearance (ie the real reasons that led to this), and hurt that disappeared after purchase Gijón legendary company, and because they took the molds to Trapa (and the chocolate does not taste the same, no sir). Did you make something the City Council of Gijón
to prevent or happened as Tabacalera
that left her "go" to a change Santander Central Government sticker?. My "bitterness" does not mean that I rise up from this that make him and his family. Comentió What crime?. "which is really the reason for so much harassment ?. Mr. Ruiz Mateos left three years ago from prison do you want to put it back in it?. Why are you so afraid they want to upload at all costs?. In view is the No support to the families of this Government (in the blog there are several examples of real cases, some really dramatic), "
have something to do that are
large family (and so numerous) ?. Or is that no "vendetta" in Opus ?. And if there WHY?. Or is it a "vendetta" of the Government
Or is it a "vendetta" between parties after multiple cases of corruption that are involved around the illegal funding of the same?. Too many questions, possibly many not we have answers but at least I hope to hear from some of them!. ;) As to Pay Extra
denouncing CCOO, here in Asturias, there are several public OFFICIALSnot claimed that either (take to be paid in 2009 and are taking longer to collect 2010). Do we have the same yardstick for all?. What has to say
other unions CCOO and
to this?.
have moved their headquarters (after 18 years in Pozuelo). Just take a publicity campaign to Ipad
pre-roll video that the company hired smartclip and created a fanpage on Facebook where he premiered his new spots (even before television.)Update news: New Rumasa : "We have already refinanced 90% of all debt" Javier Romero / Africa Semprún headquarters in New Rumasa Lark Street, the luxurious estate of Somosaguas (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid ),... Scandals dot the PP. Barcenas testify voluntarily sought before the Supreme ( Gurtell to the case and Pozuelo de Alarcón ). comment today on TV, and if such a thing, which at the City Council who had sent a fax!
asking for 30 million euros of the Commissionsby reclassifying some land (the City's annual budget is about 106 million .- see page 4 of the publication of the October 20, 2010 in 20minutes, the very day that Zapatero remodeled the Government).
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