State which was yesterday the hillside next to the chapel of San Antonio
(click the image you can see a wing of the chapel at the edge of precipice .)
The hermitage of San Antonio, about to fall
The council, which in January claimed that the temple was founded on rock and not in danger, now admits that if no moves can be pulled by the argayos 'in days'
Candida, Braulio
Despite an alarming situation, the local executive avoided making judgments about the possible fall of
Renaissance temple, built in the seventeenth century
and dedicated to San Antonio de Padua. Yesterday, there was the only solution "in the relocation of shrine to a safe place," although, according to their own municipal officers, "
may no longer have time to save
." Speaking of alternatives proposed location in the Cape San Antonio, although in a considerably more remote area of \u200b\u200bthe cliff.
middle of last January ,
PSOE and Izquierda Unida
launched a message of reassurance
, ensuring that no danger of being dragged by the argayos, according to a study commissioned by them. The report revealed that the chapel 'is entirely founded on a rock substrate, unlike the surrounding terrain, near the cliff, and that is land. " However, due to the instability of the area as the promenade to the shrine had also been a few inches of the slope,
was decided to delay the fenced area
and alter the pedestrian coastal path, as was done last year with another area out of San Antonio, where the known viewpoint of the guns of the War of Independence. instability problems by continuing landslides at Cape San Antonio a month ago affect the chapel is held every June the pilgrimage the same name, the first summer
. However, eleven months
the area was jeopardized by argayos was the viewpoint of the guns
, located a few meters from the shrine. Carreño City Council in March 2010 sealed the lookout to argayo warn risks across the hillside overlooking the port of Candida . That caused even to withdraw from the place eighteenth century defensive equipment who presided over the site formerly used as a bulwark. Again be placed weeks later, although more delayed with respect to the line of the cliff. The cause of the landslides can be curiously
originated in the renovation of port of Candida, which ended in 1999
. "The argayos occur for some time, from the time they are performed at the Mount San Antonio for reform candasín port ", according to the spokesman for the Neighborhood Association of Candida, Luis Fernandez. The group has week warning of the continuing fall of ground in San Antonio. This position is also that of
geologist and professor at the University of Oviedo Germain Flower
that also states that the port works as one of the probable causes of instability in the area. Posted in
LNE. Article and photo Braulio Fernandez
Here some pictures of the chapel by Asturiasverde in 2008 and last January 2011. Congratulations Antonio Rodriguez Dosantos for such wonderful work (with this and other historical and cultural patrimionios "forgotten" as the Palacio de Carrió). asturiasverde January 31, 2011
Positive feedback: two negative votes: 0
256 Plays CHRONICLES: ... From the Department of Environment and Town Planning of the Municipality of Carreño's neighbors reported that the hermitage of San Antonio in Candas, no danger of being swept away by landslides that have been happening since the beginning of January. On January 15 the situation was so serious that the city commissioned a study or the risk that could find the shrine of the late sixteenth century and only example of Renaissance art that exists in Candas. At that time the distance from the corner of the temple of the cliff was 170 centimeters. the end the City Council decided to move the wooden railing behind something else and came to the conclusion that the chapel was in no danger because they say "is grounded in its entirety on a substrate of rock, unlike the ground that around them. " it is better to be right because in these 2 weeks the soil around it has been reduced, now the gap between the building corner of the cliff is 110 centimeters. Can not forget government team that is very black experiences regarding landslides and buildings in ruins. We have to trust that citizens in the word of the Councillor for Planning and Environment and, if you are religious, putting a candle, but not in the chapel, just in case better, in the Church of Candida
asturiasverde November 21, 2008 Positive feedback: four negative votes: 0563 views The Chapel of San Antonio dating from the XVI century and is classified as Popular Renaissance. Located on a cliff at the highest point of Cape San Antonio or San Antonio. The chapel is rectangular of square nave and slightly narrower. Access is by door framed by arch with radial cutting segments. This facade is topped by a small belfry of a single hole. The ship is covered with wooden structure with trusses supported on the side walls, forming a gable roof. The head is separated from the nave by an arch of triumph half-point, resting on capital, which rests on pillars in front recess. Header is used for the vault. Inside the walls of the nave were plastered and painted white, except the area of \u200b\u200bthe front door, lintels and window frame of the single existing. At the head is left exposed stone, except the interstitial areas of the vault, which are plastered and painted white. Outside, there is plastered with paint finish, except in areas of corner buttresses of the head and frame of openings, where you leave the ashlar seen. is listed as a Cultural Heritage of the Principality of Asturias. Music: Fragment of the 9 th Symphony by Antonin Dvorak, sound file
Note: do not say anything because I am VERY angry. Just remember that the expansion work and "improvement" of the port suffered a significant change on the original project, so we'll have to ask why Tini Areces this change (now since the arrest last month of his friend, former Education Minister Jose Luis Iglesias Riopedre is "missing in action" but would be good if someone to ask the President of the Principality when I saw). The Minister of 'Culture' I know you are busy putting "
second or third

stones" in other atrocities
is amazing that emphasis is given to some land "extra" on the pier and a railing and is not given to the Historical and Cultural Heritage (the case of the hermitage of San Antonio, unfortunately, is not except if not the norm, here and in the rest of Asturias! . There is more to see what they are doing and want to do with the Technical College and so many atrocities both in terms of culture, such as Environment, Employment, Education ,.....- disappearance of thousands of parts the archaeological site of the Campa de Torres, yew danger of "protected" San Andrés of .
heels because of the deeds of the ZALIA, collapse of the residence of the Holiday Village of Perlora for alleged "aluminosis" close City Break Perlora to pass into private hands (being publicly owned and being designed for the enjoyment of all) based on a alleged lack of demand that was not true (an employee assured me that they had orders to say she was having filled squares. Then came the director's statements, saying they had no people and it was defective and the subsequent pitch that recently got stuck), phase villages and beaches "for the common good," ......... the list is endless).
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