On February 14
, I proposed a couple of fellow-sufferers do
a sitting (in principle but we are not pa cacerolada noise, so just sit and silently) against Delegation of the Government "by self-love" and based on several very powerful reasons (expandable):
Casserole against the Government Delegation
to protest the silence of the Administration: .- at the Retrovirus XMRV .- to widespread corruption. .- by the abandonment of sick people. .- per the systematic denial of benefits.
.- by the harassment that we submit. .- sign of judicial bias complaint.
.- for undue delay in state aid (social wage, prostheses ,....).
.- researchers in support of Asturias.
The pan can be such or do a sit in front of the delegation given our health problems. I do not give any of both options (more in line would sit in silence).
the end could not be for our health problems!, Having shuffled it even before the courts TODAY but that remains for another day (just opening the event, in case anyone else wants to join). It would be a flashmob
of those, a spontaneous act. Or a gathering of friends!.;)
out in several news media fueling this idea, if anything stronger than before:
"The prosecutor maintains that Riopedre" was part of a criminal network "
rejects release of exconsejero because
health "did not prevent their jobs until the time he resigned. When you lift the confidentiality of judicial investigations, as
know why "
Prosecutor Maria Luisa García
rejected all the arguments of counsel and the Principality
to request release of José Luis Iglesias Riopedre and it was his 'number two' in Education María Jesús Otero. And he has put forward as opposed harsh accusations. Maintain
former adviser was part of a "criminal network"
whose purpose was to eliminate free competition in public tenders. According to the prosecution, with the intention that it has been awarded only certain companies.
This complaint, he said, is already in the car exconsejero sent to prison.
The indictment particular on behalf of the Government of the Principality has called for freedom for the exconsejero of Education, and for that was his number two , general director María Jesús Otero, to understand that there is no evidence of crime and consider the prison as a measure "onerous and excessive."
Riopedre: "I'm not going anywhere handcuffed and escorted by the Guardia Civil" has serious heart problems and refused to take an EKG!.
And that health is worse in prison. Thank goodness!.
José Luis Iglesias Riopedre.
The "Case Renedo" step by step (includes profiles
His lawyer calls his liberty for reasons of health and justice "Riopedre
four tests: checking accounts open and movements of the past two years, the economic crime squad conduct an investigation into evidence of enrichment, which recorded the movements of the account operating normally and a forensic medical examination. Everything could be done in 72 hours, "he submitted."
So-said-ask the nullity of the arrest. " * The Director of RTVE has 82 YEARS! ! why not retire (but then another, and in the midst of a major investigation, only the retirement age of 65). Advocate *** Mr. Riopedre is the Dean of Law School of Gijón these days and just complaint to a judge for alleged irregularities. The "official" Renedo he "touched by lot" to appear before Donapetry.
One reads these things and he comes to the mind of the Niña De Rajoy (above) and Conas and jokes that were spent from the Government with esto.O of
Alborch the girl, both also discussed. MY GIRL
SOMEONE can explain to me as a private prosecution , on behalf of the Government of Monaco ( bone
ALL of us) on one side show up at trial and on the other CALLS FOR FREEDOM OF TWO OF THE THREE JAILED (of the two foremost in all this plot)?.
Who is this attorney?. Not only that, but it ALSO and says they are innocent and that the prison is "onerous and excessive." "Too much of what, " COMMITTED CRIMES COMMITTED OR NOT?. If you are so sure that are innocent, in this case would be untimely, inappropriate, "unfair ",... but not burdensome.
At the same time that this happens, says ELENA Carantoña, FINANCE EXCONSEJERA aptly (and not without reason): 'waste is a matter of method' In England, where civil society is much more active than in Spain, it is hard not to ... [+] The other day, in another related story, he said a comment (loaded with reason tb): Response to "wings": And to where it's going to work again as a teacher?
sucking leads since 1983 the boat. Well, not much different from the rest of the suckers that we have in Asturias. There goes
Asturian political relationship and the year who stopped working to pursue the art of living of the taxpayer : Areces (1987), Ovid (1983), Gabino (1987 ), Javier Fdez (1991), Felgueroso (1987).
Admittedly the Felipe Asturias left a good crop of parasites (one or other sign, of course), while Asturias sinking more and more. And then talk about that people are sick of politicians, what surprises me is that there is a riot as in Islamic countries, because
this is a dictatorship, two bands, but dictatorship.
would lack to add others, like himself Delegate of the Government Mr. Trevín Lombán (do not know if who is referred to in the first place, but possible), because before entering the political arena was the TEACHER!. But the profession has long since not exercise (do not know the exact year but I estimate that roughly as many as Areces, Gabino Felgueroso or do not exercise theirs, if not more!). This, students won though. Within the education sector, there are many professional politicians for life!. What happened to skip the police operation TIDE just out there, by the Ministry of Education. As it happens, too, that to me very much surprised by the sudden resignation for "health reasons" for Riopedre last summer. At that time, was the very thing revolt in various departments, and since late 2009 (and I did echo some news about it), but for anything at that time was nothing that would make me suspect it specifically Executive. Moreover, I was so well thought out I figured I had a bit of decency and had retired because he could not stand scams and BOTH had wielded "health reasons" for not giving explanations. But it is seen that with this gentleman I was wrong!. However, before jumping the tide, and without knowing they were investigating these people, and saw more than a scam in Education last summer (in fact I created a folder and I called like this: Pelotazo
Education. seemed prescient.) I have other other possible balls (supposedly clear but that is sure to have an explanation!).
Well, and to loop the loop of today, just visit the local police (who often I scare because "that issue could have owed to them?) to send me some documents about my claim for my disagreement to put another garage under my house to put it as (among others) want to move a crosswalk. To see if one day I can read it in stride and find out where is the "left" where they want to (if left view from the "future" garage or wherever). If so, there is a problem (charging two public parking spaces, also ideal for disabled people in the area .- that a municipality can do to encourage an employer to put a parking business?). And if the Furthermore there are several. I am not against an employer to put a business but that I am against it bothers me that me and the rest of the neighbors. For me this issue is not fancy (although the few people with whom I talked do not understand), the future garage would fall just below my house, with consequent problems for my health it would entail. For example, Where will they put the vent?. Will I have to have everything on the closed windows of my house?. Enough is that when I go to the terrace intoxicated me with that chemical cocktail that is called "softening" that made the neighbors to add this. As soon as the employer, before commenting in the Community Neighbors, already had permits
. Along with the notification of the Municipality of Carreño, there comes a
document signed by the Ministry of Environment (and the request was made in 2008 just when by chance I found out I of this). To us, until we notified the City to the neighbors (this past summer, 2010!) He intended to do this, we heard nothing from you. And just this past year were for a long time in the room with noise and shock. In September there community meeting to explain the issue (after process), I could not go, but or n neighbor expressed his disagreement THREATENED and was rebuked
. According to the Horizontal Property Act, or much changed, you should notify us, and if not unanimous, can not put it (and the less something that is not community property, the garage already have). At that meeting
already knew that the City would change the crosswalk site! . Well, in December, the City Council write me and tell me that meeting in December decided to consider my complaint and transferred step. Take it now. Last summer, we learned that the thought of my daughter Cole REMOVE SCHOOL RECREATION PARK (a chunk) to put a roundabout! and a point "clean"! (taken away from the park and also an access door and around the green). Who's the Boss? . You can see the image of Cole's blog AMPA San Felix. definitely going to have to emigrate!. Zapatero said few days ago that " per capita income was € 4,300 higher in 2003 " (or something). It will be for him!. (This question Rajoy be made to root a report that pointed to the impoverishment of the English). On this, if I have time and opinaré a day.
We know who should be our per capita income for those numbers will go.
Teleformación This really is not about the Open Classroom of Adolfo Posada who heads .- .- women or directed by the President of the Principality (an agency of Public Administration and Government Spokesperson). Now I do not know why, it seems that is accessible to anyone with a key SAC (
Public official or not). For my part, I am glad that the Attorney State General will investigate the disappearance of babies in public hospitals, many of them made in DEMOCRACY!. And in different provinces (
When I was a child, teenager, had a friend who told me about a town that was adopted (the mother told him one day that got away talking to her, they were friends, but then I never wanted to explain more.and wanted to touch the subject's mother .- .-). Is it one of the girls are looking for?. Namely. For now it looks more like the girl in the photo that their parents (but this does not say anything because make more than one year left a skull of a supposed ancestor of ours that it seemed to me a lot Fernando Alonso).
against what is in hospital with the babies and mothers anything is possible! (Since the news broke this past summer, I took spinning the repeated insistence of the nurse to stay with my daughter "for my own good", that I "rest", even while another had me amused me, would you want to steal it or why (and that after three hours that "nobody" knew where he was .- and was in next room as I learned later .- and after 3 hours the chick it said that "now I teach it." What is a doll?). He was a veteran, who had more than 20 years there and I even changed the medication prescribed by doctors because it bulged much what I had been scheduled). Vale God I know my daughter is mine and that is very similar to me but ... what if you change them
?. Why do not comply with WHO recommendations on pregnancy, childbirth
and puerperium?. Why not respect the RIGHTS OF CHILDREN HOSPITALIZED in force since 1959
The theme of gentle birth is another of the recurring issues in the Ombudsman in recent years (I think because, fortunately, is solved, but why wait so long?). If they had done things well, and on time! I had never gone through such torment that I spent (and many moms and babies). In my case I had SO LITTLE HUMANITY that NOBODY caesarean section even gave me his hand (despite having asked) and while in resuscitation calling once again to my daughter, did not know anything (I was in next room) and now, when I shrugged and hugged the air hit me yet the touch that I was doing!. And I said, go so!. " Since I have my daughter, I'm getting the idea that are here." So since then (and in the light of subsequent events) I think if they would steal it. This day I read an article about
Pregnancy and SFC that made my skin crawl. Would they think that I was not an unfit mother for such a precious baby?. There was a lady yes I "heard" but could not attend (we matrix but there are still human beings around the world, there were some tb). But who did that I could have shaken hands not only did not even answer me (I'm invisible so I should not exist), and when he saw me make that resuscitation "madness" still laughed in my face!. Before that, I had played poorly the epidural and (as always) ***
Let at least one news Alegre (here you can delve into this terrible and unfortunate event of the deepest Spain):
STOLEN CHILD. MAP OF THE TRAGEDY Una madre encuentra a su hija dada por muerta al nacer, tras una prueba de ADN.
Nació en Cataluña en 1971. (dá miedo solo de pensarlo ¿cuántos nacidos en esa época no serán hijos de quienes creen?, ¿cuántos casos habrá HOY EN DÍA?).
¿ De quien fiarse estando el Sistema como está ?(no hace mucho hablaban de que La Camorra
jueces, abogados, médicos y funcionarios que tramitaban incapacidades y contratos de forma irregular . Y sobre ésto, sin saber lo de LA CAMORRA, también me hice eco en el blog more than a year ago, denouncing some cases).
In the Land of Utopia , this had not occurred, and less at birth. This is not the world I want for my child, or children of others. NO WAY.
note .- February 26, 2011 this entry to me is special significance, not only for the talk if not for dates! . A February 14 muuuuuuuuuuchísimos years ago (1894), my grandfather was born the "villager" (villager worship course), and
February 23 died 22 years ago my grandmother (the wife of the villager that was so cultured (he knew English and French and defended the likely and when the brand new El Musel, gained access to a boat to see it just to know French), and that would not be influenced by the markets and the same with 80 years lost and came walking ALSA not wait for the next, that said "there attracted no work" when walking through the praus to "cut" the same who had syncope, the same as that gave stroke and doctors did not believe it! because "they saw no symptoms" (it was so cool I had paralysis in the leg and nobody saw, rolled up out of bed and stand up. It was not until years later, almost to the point of moririse a doctor to know what he thought of the leg).
THEM!. For my grandparents , which were Chulis the two (my grandfather did not visit a hospital in his life, just shortly before his death for some bleeding I had, and wanted to do an endoscopy .-¡¡¡¡ an old man over 90 !!!.- years and had everything planned and called them to order! telling them "I know you're young and you have to investigate but I am old and do you have to do with me?" (something). The truth is that my grandfather was very cool as well. A LOVE. Of course you did not have endoscopy . For them and for all Junquera, Prendergast, Rodriguez and "Álvarez-Acevedo
the world (some as
bullies! ). And, many of them
, coincidentally also, 7 years have harassed one way or another (like me!). There are already too casually.
: a few months ago (in summer) I had a special attachment for olive , a gig that wood products made (somewhat strange to me.) A few days later to happen, I find that the High Aboño trees were removed (and were olives! ) to the imminent destruction and had sold for little money to someone here (but do not know where they are). Recently, I had many problems of sacred and chemotherapy side effects and they gave me, incidentally, was creeen the taxotere (made, among other things, to
in the area there is a yew ZALIA ( mythological centennial tree, "protected" by the authorities ) in serious danger of disappearing by these works. I knew nothing of the yew, or history of it, or medication, or my other ancestors on a war footing to be respected, or anything !!!!... It is too much coincidence . No doubt it sounds interesting. How so?. "have something to see religion, history and culture with this ?." And medicine?. already commented on the day on Asturian mythology, and the passage from the mother of mitochondrial problems. Another coincidence!. ....¡ And as such there's more!. I of all this, just be aware, because as you know in those years I was with more important things that nobody could do for me as it is raising my daughter (who incidentally was born in 2006 while all this was not I know.) Note 3 February 26, 2011 .- The first President of the Principality
was a Álvarez-Acevedo, Rafael
married Thomas a good man and loved by all and died
" according to history "(at least in theory) on the battlefield accompanied by General Riego
(and coincidentally also
un Riego
No se puede negar que ¡ INTERESANTE es !. Algunas noticias más relacionadas( desde el año 2006 en adelante , y que acabo de encontrar). Haber hay MUCHÍSIMAS más(otro día si eso lo amplío,pero con lo vertido aquí HAY MÁS QUE SUFICIENTE):
Un parque empresarial se instalará en los terrenos La Camocha Monday, August 14, 2006
dumps will be located in the mine as it closes its business in 2007. Already been in contact with the mine management
Alejandro Zaera defends urban concentration and energy saving factor
PGOU developments and special plan routes in the coming years will shape the new city planning image
Narbonne claims San Andrés and Xivares.
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