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first study to show pain processing in MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity).
Clin J Pain. 2011 Feb; 27 (2) :156-62.
Increased capsaicin-induced secondary hyperalgesia occurs in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity.
Holst H, Arendt-Nielsen L, H Mosbech, Elberling J. Danish Research Centre for Chemical Sensitivities, Gentofte University Hospital of Copenhagen. Summary
OBJECTIVE: The underlying cause of the pathophysiological mechanisms shooting multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) remains controversial. Recently, alterations in the central nervous system , such as central sensitization, similar to various chronic pain disorders have been suggested.
Capsaicin is used in experimental pain models to induce peripheral and central sensitization. Patients
with symptoms caused by odorous chemicals
capsaicin induced secondary hyperalgesia and temporal summation were assessed as markers for abnormal central nociceptive processing with neurogenic inflammation (flare).
METHODS: Sixteen patients who met the criteria
Cullen's MCS and 15 eczema patients with respiratory symptoms induced by odorous chemicals (EC) were compared with 29 healthy controls for age comparable.Participantes underwent two intradermal injection of capsaicin (3.3 mM and 33 mM). Measurements included pain intensity, flashes, prick hyperalgesia, temporal summation, and the McGill pain score questionnaire. RESULTS: There were no differences in the outbreak area between groups. The intensity of capsaicin-evoked pain was greater in MCS patients compared with controls (P
this is the first study showing pain processing facilitated MCS (MCS) and patients of the EC abnormal in most of the responses of MCS. PMID: 21268302 [PubMed - in process]
access the original publication (in English).
International Consensus Criteria SQM
(from the web
Affected .- Valencian Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity):
1. "Symptoms are reproducible with exposure [repeated chemical]
2. "The condition is chronic"
3. "Low levels of exposure cause the syndrome [these levels are lower than usual or previously tolerated]
4." The Symptoms improve or resolve when the inciting are eliminated "
5." The answers are not related to multiple chemical substances "
6. [Added in 1999]: Symptoms involve multiple organ systems
BARTH, L. et al.
; A 1999 Consensus
Arch Environ. Health 54: 147-149
complete and comprehensive information in this web.
Information and photos in this blog entries .- SOME (and I will put direct links):
Naked Truth about MCS MCS
Missing in Biocultura
cleaner Jail worldfor
Elvira Roda Consuelo Canada: Only we can breathe , is our right.
While science continues to advance and demonstrate the SQM
(more than it already is), I have to fight me because in my community AGAIN NOT DONE "freshener" when cleaning (who have done it again.) I do not know or brand or composition, but the view is very healthy that is NOT (and I
above gets halfway house
A healthy (at least to some), is a scent that they dislike. RIGHT THERE IN THAT THEY YOUR HOUSE, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT , SOMETHING THAT YOU DO NOT WANT AND ILL?. When I go to my parents, I have to suffer the same "environment" (made it) and adapted for the "fight" against him, but in my home, why?. Why do not you retire and market the hell AGAIN?. half of Spain is revolt by Snuff ANTI LAW , if how is it that in your house you can not smoke if workplace of someone else. And THIS, WHAT ABOUT THIS?. In public places, and people begin to point to "stink" since
nonsmoking is it starting to feel the glow chemical environment?.
"WHY Itziar
<0,01,> girl, a normal child with a disability that has occurred because of other,
HAVE to go to school with mask for CHEMICAL BARRIERS IN YOUR SCHOOL ?. "Why
schools ignore the report CHILDREN AND HEALTH ?. Why the school exemplary my daughter, who went for it the very Princess Letizia, do not take action even though they did get this document?.
"Why me I can not go to school for my daughter as other mothers
without burkas and without having to pay the consequences of an act as" natural "?. It is so difficult, much less expensive
, which can go to school Itziar WITHOUT her burka, or the safeguarding the health of our children in schools, on par with them family-friendly with makeshift sensitivity to chemicals.
The benefit you get is much, for many people and the ridiculous cost!.
, is there need to pollute more in their schools and entertainment centers?.
WHY BIOLOGICAL power is not used is schools, hospitals, geriatric, and other public facilities?. As you know there is an open campaign asking for organic food in schools. Why not extend to the rest if it is a public health issue?. Several environmental groups have already joined the petition and have shown their solidarity with the environmental group of patients and growing!. Have we now reached the point in the U.S. took a year and a half in which "strange bedfellows"
met at the White House CURB?. While not materialize, people who want to prevent can use the GREENPEACE GUIDE: GUIDE
RO JA & GREEN GM food.
WHY Knowing that the perfumes are
health, no action is taken as U.S.
Why I can not even enjoy the outdoor life "
" going to listen Pipe Bands without the need to isolate and separate from my family (not for them if not for them if
by the other attendees
) and yet, pay for it !!!?.
Is not I a human being like everyone else?.
Luckily, lately, more and more people are not made many of them, and it shows when you go!.
A ordinary people who do not know do not blame her!, but DOES THE GOVERNMENT, DO NOT who knowingly ANYTHING to avoid the pandemic.
photo taken note .- "borrowed" the facebook wall of our colleague Vicente Loli.
Some interesting entries (October 2009):
Fibromyalgia, CFS and brain prone to anxiety. Dr. Arturo For Goicoechea Uriarte.-Neurologist. Interview a family physician on SQM.
The Song
Lunnies. Go Fiesta:
This party, yeah! Let's celebrate
We are both ideal A team Invincible and see more
Who mess I think Do not think you
And try to jump a flight from the sofa Incredible
the party here going to start flying cushions around the room
laugh As we start from not want to know when you order tap Ououo Much rhythm, yeah! Let's enjoy A move well all here to dance
Invincibles, the party will begin Here cushions flying around the room laugh As we start from not want to know when you order
touch Extracted from Ououo As I am as pa
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