Monday, February 28, 2011

Interview Question For Equities

Disease Day "Rare." Explanation of many "chronic" diseases caused by food and / or medication.

Yesterday, thanks to Tonia Marchena (Marchena Fibrounión of ) I learned of other great Andalusian physicians have many years of research on fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, multiple chemical sensitivity, migraines ,.... .

Videos Inma's up to Zambrano facebook wall and I and I uploaded the mío.Y Chary (of Fibroamigos ) and has a total of 3 videos Youtube.En (van linked to each other but I hit all three), and knowing them apart from many medical
"invisible" , we explanation from the point of view of allergy than it produces food and / or drugs in our body .

It explains histaminosis and the damage we do . This is me a lot and well, when he took drugs to Puna and I spent a week in the Hospital de Jove (the uterine stem cells), which as I said on more than one occasion many people, I had a week diet or the Buchinguer !. Income

one thing seemed a renal colic that impressed the functional , but it was not. By doing a colonoscopy (which had outstanding days ago and that was precipitated by this, ... Had the colon like an accordion!. As pa hurting no matter). Table I coincided with the first judicial refusal (2005), after my Accident Labor unrecognized (and there still, stuck in time and waiting for ultrasound Security "Social").

I had a total of one week diet (first without and then eat a soft diet). I left with a desire to eat a steak you can not see!. And I ate (in the Torrontegui !). How I paid.

was "funny" what d
on my high because, although they had give it to me while waiting paperwork not still go and give me food "diet"!. Total, for one day, why change it if it was already scheduled well? (I quote verbatim). As pa

not eat then out! (Actually, instead of steak, I think I ate a good steak, but for that matter). That hunger teníaaaaaaaaa!.

the Burke and puna drugs, explains very well (without being a doctor) our companion Amparo Barcenas, promoter Project Helps Sick FM, CFS, MCS WITHOUT RESOURCES in video Maje made with more than a year ago. 15,071

Fibromyalgia is my BURKE:

note March 27, 2011 .- In the case of Amparo, the Burka is not only fibromyalgia if not the institutional abandonment to her in these 9-10 years (and to the rest), which leads to prostitution (when the disease permits) to EAT! as she has description youtube (And this is happening here in Spain it ours). =================================================

HISTAMINOSIS FOOD (non-allergic) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE fibromyalgia syndrome. By Dr. Felix LOPEX Deloza . of the Andalusian Society for the Study of Food Intolerance - Lebrija chat February 18, 2011 sponsored by theAssociation Fibrocampiña.

The videos also explains the big problem with the poor medical not have the time to explain to patients .

A flat rate (as Dr. Olea, Dr. Carlos Gonzalez or Dr. Francisco Vizoso) that explains things understandably, simply and without fuss , a guy who had one of the laboratories of Europe more pointers 35 years ago!, and this came by chance to the histaminosis (as I overheard me hilbanar many things about them all and then some).

Video 1:
1 plays. Hana Syndrome (Food Histaminosis not allergic). Food allergy. Fibromyalgia, migraines, constipation ,.... social networks.
Chary54 pressure, thins why, how it causes and AS Reverse!.
More than 190,000 patients seen in these 35 years
1988 and cures.

Video 3: Case Studies difficult. Research in 1988 and investigations in 2008: past and current knowledge about it. Origin of patients referred by other specialists. Histaminosis enteral lock DAO. speaks of milk! and the large existing problems with the sausages and everything else for people intolerant (which are almost all adults to a greater or lesser extent, 90% of the population no less and that have gotten us up in the soup! .) milk alternatives are needed (and is!).

do I have a cousin here that the poor are going through hell because her daughter is "allergic" to milk and that of products but especially
it is nothing short of raising embittering his daughter (as we are bitter life that we know that we are intolerant, that little more than is necessary to study the Espasa to eat without being made damage).
pilgrimage includes medical consultations (see the entry where I talk of " Boulevard of Broken Dreams " 939940
entry I'll have to upgrade someday, just because there are doctors who cure with that I comment. - and there is some evidence
.- so the employment problem of the treatment will be another!).

The histamine is something I used to go "altered" when I looked at her (the few times I watched it), although sometimes "had no allergy" what I .- looked clear .- (noted as early as 2010 or 2009). To sample, sad event that happened to me after ingesting a newly pregnant PINEAPPLE (an outbreak of generalized urticaria), which was 3 days sprouting (and in my state). According to some sources may have been motivated by the "bath" that put them (banned here in Spain but allowed in the countries of origin). Or what Mepas in Madrid when I albautizo of my godson, o. .....¡ to know!. The truth is that "a child" and had problems with constipation and explained things so that this MAN has children of baby boomers, the bottle, we can go either way (I now every time I hear a mother that your child is constipated and that he "prescribed" so and so, even remove the breast, is that ... I feel sick!. But ... what are ye!. Viewed "controls" we have on other consumer products and anything is possible!.

The problem I see with this is that they will pose a serious economic problem to the pharmaceutical and the inventors of disease (at least as the system is mounted) and pesticide companies as the great Montsant and that certain doctors will see big check while maintaining their income. Fortunately there are already other things up. take to upload a news EXTRAORDINARY Toni area. SALUD!.

Celegne is established in La Cartuja . Drug

stem cell

placenta. (Good thing since from the EXPO was underutilized / abandoned space).

The is much closer (the book that I have, but did not get finished reading!, But it is very educational . Thanks Miguel for writing.) The Ecological Food
is the solution, and fortunately more and more sites are opting for it (this week came in Castilla-León 1,500 young people were betting on Alcampo again!).
Today there is so much oil problem so expensive that leaves us (and food ) that make us go up to 110 "save", the solution would be to buy in local shops. That would save fuel, and trucking may be more time with his family and we would all much cheaper, at the same time we would have a better quality of life (and now, the way we helped EARTH and its people fighting Climate Change .) How do you see?. (This is nothing new, years ago known). I can not stop thinking about

"O Great Burato" and what was it that has not been heard (rare since December 2009 not known anything else.)

Some useful pages (and I'll post more): Sustainable Fisheries .
not shot.

Time Bank.

Dedicated to all patients and doctors "invisible." Y. ......

Made in SPAIN HERE!.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mario Salieri Strreaming


Here is the ratio of the top positions at the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, admission 2011-1, taken on Sunday, February 27, 2011 as well as the maximum and minimum grades in the regular mode of each of the 12 races professionals offering this university.

minimum and maximum scores IN REGULAR MODE

Deanle click on the images to enlarge.


Congratulations to cachimbo HUMBERT O REYES Huapaya with a score of 17.95 occupied the 1st place, General Computer , entering 's career Food Industries and the University will be awarded in a ceremony to welcome his pipe.

Dale clik here " ADMISSION 2010-2 UNALM " and may compare the minimum and maximum scores with the previous review that was taken on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

What Discharge 5 Days Before Period?


The ratio of students from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina made on Sunday February 27, 2011 you can see from the following link: index.jsp

In that this review of 487 vacancies were offered admission (226 in regular mode) in total for the 12 careers that offer this university.

To see the relationship of the top positions and maximum and minimum scores of this test for admission deanle a click here .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little Famale Niples Piersing


The entrance exam results 2011-I of the National University of Engineering and the ratio of admitted students can see them from any of the following links: $ $ Search? OpenForm

to the key of entrance exam is visible from any of the following links, according to the best known schools in Lima: Academia Cesar Vallejo

: Academy
Pamer :
Trilce Academy:
Pythagoras Academy:

The ratio of the first set by mode you can see from the following link: uni-2011-1-of-15-best-for-modalidad_26.html
In what can be seen that the mode with the lowest score was the mode of Higher Secondary School in which only 3 students passed the test:
-Hilario Sanchez Jorge Alfredo. Note: 13,768 Specialty: Civil Engineer-Medrano
Cochachi Brayan Anthony. Note: 13,765 Specialty: Mechatronics Engineer Yuri
-Pila Huancachoque Gabriel. Note: 12,928 Specialty: Civil Engineering and all other
disapproved with notes rather low, but just entered. that sounds so illogical!

Kasneb-cpa December 2010 Results

Shown is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome organically - the promise of Proteome - analysis of the study in PLoS ONE UMDNJ researchers

Shown Chronic Fatigue Syndrome de manera biológica - la promesa del Proteoma - Análisis del estudio en PLoS ONE Investigadores del UMDNJ han confirmado haber encontrado
más de 700 proteínas únicas
en el líquido cefalorraquídeo de las personas que sufren del Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica, descubrimiento que puede demostrar que la dolencia de la que se burlan muchos, es real, según el informe de la Universidad de Medicina y Dentistería de Nueva Jersey. Es evidencia de la implicación de productos biológicos… que no está en la imaginación
” dice Steven Schutzer, el investigador jefe.
Acceso al estudio original y comentarios en la
Publishing PloSONE. (in English).

Received: November 29, 2010; Accepted:
January 26, 2011; Posted: February 23, 2011

In the study, published on 23 February in Plosone has shown that patients neurological Lyme post-treatment (nPTLS) have almost 700 other proteins different from the "normal" population.
The study also suggests: • that both diseases involving the central nervous system

• and protein anomalies in the central nervous system causes and / or effects of both diseases. The
Dr. Schutzer said "
spinal fluid is a liquid window
brain." found that each group had more than 2,500 proteins
detectable. They found that:

1. only 738 proteins were identified in CFS, but not in the other 2 groups, and
2. 692 proteins were only found in patients with nPTLS.
Now "only" missing in whether they are close relatives, who have the " Syndrome Gulf War " have some biological difference and especially
THAT is what produces this change or difference in proteins. Thalia and her friend Sabine Mousie surely be thrilled when they learn.

We will make the cake!.
Lazy Town - I love the cake 36815 reproductions.
Town when they made a cake for the feast of Sportacus.

Lazy Town - Cooking by the Book (title)

gather the goodies that are nice to see
The cake makes sweet, more gut I am disobedient, but saving

To cook a good cake (Cake) (must be air) Find the recipe and ended
(Do not be alarmed nobody)
Easy recipe should be
(Or you will get a disaster)
Follow the recipe and ended

You already have the cake and the role
I love the cake rich
Well know a good

cake Cooking is a science (Oh yes!)
Mix, stir, sprinkle (Oh yes!)

is done with patience and tools must be used (Hey!)

To cook a good cake
(must be air)
You search the recipe and ended
(Do not be alarmed nobody)
Easy recipe should be
(Or you will get a disaster)
Follow the recipe and have already finished

cake Looking

paper and I love the cake
Well, you know a good cake rich
and I love the role

Much cake with cream, cream y. ..
Follow the recipe and over!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Women Xxl In Girdles Vids


These are the results of the second review of the UNI admissions made on Wednesday February 23, 2011 (Review of Mathematics - 40preguntas - 600puntos) deanle one click to any the following links:
http:// / resultado_adm.php

solucionario The second entrance exam UNI 2011-I, under different lime most prestigious academies, they can be seen from any of the following links:

Academia Cesar Vallejo:
Pamer Academy: . php? module = news & idpagina = 157 Academy
Trilce: Academy

With this test the Most start to ensure their admission to UNI, but do not rely on high note if they took math and missing the last race of Physics and Chemistry will be this Friday 25, which will decide whether or not you become a HOOKAH! !

Groping Women On Trains

23-F 2011: The counter-strike. By self-love!.

On February 14
, I proposed a couple of fellow-sufferers do

a sitting (in principle but we are not pa cacerolada noise, so just sit and silently) against Delegation of the Government "by self-love" and based on several very powerful reasons (expandable):

Casserole against the Government Delegation
to protest the silence of the Administration: .- at the Retrovirus XMRV .- to widespread corruption. .- by the abandonment of sick people. .- per the systematic denial of benefits.

.- by the harassment that we submit. .- sign of judicial bias complaint.
.- for undue delay in state aid (social wage, prostheses ,....).

.- researchers in support of Asturias.

The pan can be such or do a sit in front of the delegation given our health problems. I do not give any of both options (more in line would sit in silence).

the end could not be for our health problems!, Having shuffled it even before the courts TODAY but that remains for another day (just opening the event, in case anyone else wants to join). It would be a flashmob

of those, a spontaneous act. Or a gathering of friends!.;)
out in several news media fueling this idea, if anything stronger than before:

"The prosecutor maintains that Riopedre" was part of a criminal network "

rejects release of exconsejero because
health "did not prevent their jobs until the time he resigned. When you lift the confidentiality of judicial investigations, as
know why "
Prosecutor Maria Luisa García
rejected all the arguments of counsel and the Principality
to request release of José Luis Iglesias Riopedre and it was his 'number two' in Education María Jesús Otero. And he has put forward as opposed harsh accusations. Maintain
former adviser was part of a "criminal network"
whose purpose was to eliminate free competition in public tenders. According to the prosecution, with the intention that it has been awarded only certain companies.
This complaint, he said, is already in the car exconsejero sent to prison.

The indictment particular on behalf of the Government of the Principality has called for freedom for the exconsejero of Education, and for that was his number two , general director María Jesús Otero, to understand that there is no evidence of crime and consider the prison as a measure "onerous and excessive."

Riopedre: "I'm not going anywhere handcuffed and escorted by the Guardia Civil" has serious heart problems and refused to take an EKG!.
And that health is worse in prison. Thank goodness!.

José Luis Iglesias Riopedre.
The "Case Renedo" step by step (includes profiles

His lawyer calls his liberty for reasons of health and justice "Riopedre I tried to defend him blindly and asked

four tests: checking accounts open and movements of the past two years, the economic crime squad conduct an investigation into evidence of enrichment, which recorded the movements of the account operating normally and a forensic medical examination. Everything could be done in 72 hours, "he submitted."
So-said-ask the nullity of the arrest. " * The Director of RTVE has 82 YEARS! ! why not retire (but then another, and in the midst of a major investigation, only the retirement age of 65). Advocate *** Mr. Riopedre is the Dean of Law School of Gijón these days and just complaint to a judge for alleged irregularities. The "official" Renedo he "touched by lot" to appear before Donapetry.

One reads these things and he comes to the mind of the Niña De Rajoy (above) and Conas and jokes that were spent from the Government with esto.O of
Alborch the girl, both also discussed. MY GIRL

What?. What about her?.

SOMEONE can explain to me as a private prosecution , on behalf of the Government of Monaco ( bone
ALL of us) on one side show up at trial and on the other CALLS FOR FREEDOM OF TWO OF THE THREE JAILED (of the two foremost in all this plot)?.

WHOM represents these people?.

Who is this attorney?. Not only that, but it ALSO and says they are innocent and that the prison is "onerous and excessive." "Too much of what, " COMMITTED CRIMES COMMITTED OR NOT?. If you are so sure that are innocent, in this case would be untimely, inappropriate, "unfair ",... but not burdensome.

At the same time that this happens, says ELENA Carantoña, FINANCE EXCONSEJERA aptly (and not without reason): 'waste is a matter of method' In England, where civil society is much more active than in Spain, it is hard not to ... [+] The other day, in another related story, he said a comment (loaded with reason tb): Response to "wings": And to where it's going to work again as a teacher?

sucking leads since 1983 the boat. Well, not much different from the rest of the suckers that we have in Asturias. There goes

Asturian political relationship and the year who stopped working to pursue the art of living of the taxpayer : Areces (1987), Ovid (1983), Gabino (1987 ), Javier Fdez (1991), Felgueroso (1987).

Admittedly the Felipe Asturias left a good crop of parasites (one or other sign, of course), while Asturias sinking more and more. And then talk about that people are sick of politicians, what surprises me is that there is a riot as in Islamic countries, because
this is a dictatorship, two bands, but dictatorship.

would lack to add others, like himself Delegate of the Government Mr. Trevín Lombán (do not know if who is referred to in the first place, but possible), because before entering the political arena was the TEACHER!. But the profession has long since not exercise (do not know the exact year but I estimate that roughly as many as Areces, Gabino Felgueroso or do not exercise theirs, if not more!). This, students won though. Within the education sector, there are many professional politicians for life!. What happened to skip the police operation TIDE
just out there, by the Ministry of Education. As it happens, too, that to me very much surprised by the sudden resignation for "health reasons" for Riopedre last summer. At that time, was the very thing revolt in various departments, and since late 2009 (and I did echo some news about it), but for anything at that time was nothing that would make me suspect it specifically Executive. Moreover, I was so well thought out I figured I had a bit of decency and had retired because he could not stand scams and BOTH had wielded "health reasons" for not giving explanations. But it is seen that with this gentleman I was wrong!. However, before jumping the tide, and without knowing they were investigating these people, and saw more than a scam in Education last summer (in fact I created a folder and I called like this: Pelotazo
Education. seemed prescient.) I have other other possible balls (supposedly clear but that is sure to have an explanation!).
Well, and to loop the loop of today, just visit the local police (who often I scare because "that issue could have owed to them?) to send me some documents about my claim for my disagreement to put another garage under my house to put it as (among others) want to move a crosswalk. To see if one day I can read it in stride and find out where is the "left" where they want to (if left view from the "future" garage or wherever). If so, there is a problem (charging two public parking spaces, also ideal for disabled people in the area .- that a municipality can do to encourage an employer to put a parking business?). And if the Furthermore there are several. I am not against an employer to put a business but that I am against it bothers me that me and the rest of the neighbors. For me this issue is not fancy (although the few people with whom I talked do not understand), the future garage would fall just below my house, with consequent problems for my health it would entail. For example, Where will they put the vent?. Will I have to have everything on the closed windows of my house?. Enough is that when I go to the terrace intoxicated me with that chemical cocktail that is called "softening" that made the neighbors to add this. As soon as the employer, before commenting in the Community Neighbors, already had permits
. Along with the notification of the Municipality of Carreño, there comes a
document signed by the Ministry of Environment (and the request was made in 2008 just when by chance I found out I of this). To us, until we notified the City to the neighbors (this past summer, 2010!) He intended to do this, we heard nothing from you. And just this past year were for a long time in the room with noise and shock. In September there community meeting to explain the issue (after process), I could not go, but or n neighbor expressed his disagreement THREATENED and was rebuked

(I'm told)

. According to the Horizontal Property Act, or much changed, you should notify us, and if not unanimous, can not put it (and the less something that is not community property, the garage already have). At that meeting


already knew that the City would change the crosswalk site! . Well, in December, the City Council write me and tell me that meeting in December decided to consider my complaint and transferred step. Take it now. Last summer, we learned that the thought of my daughter Cole REMOVE SCHOOL RECREATION PARK (a chunk) to put a roundabout! and a point "clean"! (taken away from the park and also an access door and around the green). Who's the Boss? . You can see the image of Cole's blog AMPA San Felix. definitely going to have to emigrate!. Zapatero said few days ago that " per capita income was € 4,300 higher in 2003 " (or something). It will be for him!. (This question Rajoy be made to root a report that pointed to the impoverishment of the English). On this, if I have time and opinaré a day.
We know who should be our per capita income for those numbers will go.

Teleformación This really is not about the Open Classroom of Adolfo Posada who heads .- .- women or directed by the President of the Principality (an agency of Public Administration and Government Spokesperson). Now I do not know why, it seems that is accessible to anyone with a key SAC (
Public official or not). For my part, I am glad that the Attorney State General will investigate the disappearance of babies in public hospitals, many of them made in DEMOCRACY!. And in different provinces (

according Asturias developed by World last summer).

When I was a child, teenager, had a friend who told me about a town that was adopted (the mother told him one day that got away talking to her, they were friends, but then I never wanted to explain more.and wanted to touch the subject's mother .- .-). Is it one of the girls are looking for?. Namely. For now it looks more like the girl in the photo that their parents (but this does not say anything because make more than one year left a skull of a supposed ancestor of ours that it seemed to me a lot Fernando Alonso).

against what is in hospital with the babies and mothers anything is possible! (Since the news broke this past summer, I took spinning the repeated insistence of the nurse to stay with my daughter "for my own good", that I "rest", even while another had me amused me, would you want to steal it or why (and that after three hours that "nobody" knew where he was .- and was in next room as I learned later .- and after 3 hours the chick it said that "now I teach it." What is a doll?). He was a veteran, who had more than 20 years there and I even changed the medication prescribed by doctors because it bulged much what I had been scheduled). Vale God I know my daughter is mine and that is very similar to me but ... what if you change them
?. Why do not comply with WHO recommendations on pregnancy, childbirth

and puerperium?. Why not respect the RIGHTS OF CHILDREN HOSPITALIZED in force since 1959


The theme of gentle birth is another of the recurring issues in the Ombudsman in recent years (I think because, fortunately, is solved, but why wait so long?). If they had done things well, and on time! I had never gone through such torment that I spent (and many moms and babies). In my case I had SO LITTLE HUMANITY that NOBODY caesarean section even gave me his hand (despite having asked) and while in resuscitation calling once again to my daughter, did not know anything (I was in next room) and now, when I shrugged and hugged the air hit me yet the touch that I was doing!. And I said, go so!. " Since I have my daughter, I'm getting the idea that are here." So since then (and in the light of subsequent events) I think if they would steal it. This day I read an article about

Pregnancy and SFC

that made my skin crawl. Would they think that I was not an unfit mother for such a precious baby?. There was a lady yes I "heard" but could not attend (we matrix but there are still human beings around the world, there were some tb). But who did that I could have shaken hands not only did not even answer me (I'm invisible so I should not exist), and when he saw me make that resuscitation "madness" still laughed in my face!. Before that, I had played poorly the epidural and (as always) ***

fault was mine that was badly done (no better than a year earlier when I had an operation for something else and they do well and put me of the mismatch did not influence anything).

Let at least one news Alegre (here you can delve into this terrible and unfortunate event of the deepest Spain):

STOLEN CHILD. MAP OF THE TRAGEDY Una madre encuentra a su hija dada por muerta al nacer, tras una prueba de ADN.
Nació en Cataluña en 1971. (dá miedo solo de pensarlo ¿cuántos nacidos en esa época no serán hijos de quienes creen?, ¿cuántos casos habrá HOY EN DÍA?).

¿ De quien fiarse estando el Sistema como está ?(no hace mucho hablaban de que La Camorra

tenía contactos aquí en Asturias y tiempo atrás ya se habló de que había

jueces, abogados, médicos y funcionarios que tramitaban incapacidades y contratos de forma irregular . Y sobre ésto, sin saber lo de LA CAMORRA, también me hice eco en el blog more than a year ago, denouncing some cases).

In the Land of Utopia , this had not occurred, and less at birth. This is not the world I want for my child, or children of others. NO WAY.

note .- February 26, 2011 this entry to me is special significance, not only for the talk if not for dates! . A February 14 muuuuuuuuuuchísimos years ago (1894), my grandfather was born the "villager" (villager worship course), and

February 23 died 22 years ago my grandmother (the wife of the villager that was so cultured (he knew English and French and defended the likely and when the brand new El Musel, gained access to a boat to see it just to know French), and that would not be influenced by the markets and the same with 80 years lost and came walking ALSA not wait for the next, that said "there attracted no work" when walking through the praus to "cut" the same who had syncope, the same as that gave stroke and doctors did not believe it! because "they saw no symptoms" (it was so cool I had paralysis in the leg and nobody saw, rolled up out of bed and stand up. It was not until years later, almost to the point of moririse a doctor to know what he thought of the leg).

THEM!. For my grandparents , which were Chulis the two (my grandfather did not visit a hospital in his life, just shortly before his death for some bleeding I had, and wanted to do an endoscopy .-¡¡¡¡ an old man over 90 !!!.- years and had everything planned and called them to order! telling them "I know you're young and you have to investigate but I am old and do you have to do with me?" (something). The truth is that my grandfather was very cool as well. A LOVE. Of course you did not have endoscopy . For them and for all Junquera, Prendergast, Rodriguez and "Álvarez-Acevedo
the world (some as

harassed at these times and still

bullies! ). And, many of them

, coincidentally also, 7 years have harassed one way or another (like me!). There are already too casually.

Note2 .- February 26, 2011

: a few months ago (in summer) I had a special attachment for olive , a gig that wood products made (somewhat strange to me.) A few days later to happen, I find that the High Aboño trees were removed (and were olives! ) to the imminent destruction and had sold for little money to someone here (but do not know where they are). Recently, I had many problems of sacred and chemotherapy side effects and they gave me, incidentally, was creeen the taxotere (made, among other things, to

yew!) And it happens , that

in the area there is a yew ZALIA ( mythological centennial tree, "protected" by the authorities ) in serious danger of disappearing by these works. I knew nothing of the yew, or history of it, or medication, or my other ancestors on a war footing to be respected, or anything !!!!... It is too much coincidence . No doubt it sounds interesting. How so?. "have something to see religion, history and culture with this ?." And medicine?. already commented on the day on Asturian mythology, and the passage from the mother of mitochondrial problems. Another coincidence!. ....¡ And as such there's more!. I of all this, just be aware, because as you know in those years I was with more important things that nobody could do for me as it is raising my daughter (who incidentally was born in 2006 while all this was not I know.) Note 3 February 26, 2011 .- The first President of the Principality
was a Álvarez-Acevedo, Rafael

, Purification

married Thomas a good man and loved by all and died
" according to history "(at least in theory) on the battlefield accompanied by General Riego

(and coincidentally also
un Riego

es el actual Alcalde de Carreño, ese municipio del norte de España,con TANTA historia que contar y que están matando de forma premeditada a pasos de gigante).Un alcalde del PSOE(el mismo partido en el que militaba Purificación).

No se puede negar que ¡ INTERESANTE es !. Algunas noticias más relacionadas( desde el año 2006 en adelante , y que acabo de encontrar). Haber hay MUCHÍSIMAS más(otro día si eso lo amplío,pero con lo vertido aquí HAY MÁS QUE SUFICIENTE):

Un parque empresarial se instalará en los terrenos La Camocha Monday, August 14, 2006

dumps will be located in the mine as it closes its business in 2007. Already been in contact with the mine management

Urbanism Gijón (1982-2006): Memories, realities and hopes Sunday, August 20, 2006 JUAN GONZALEZ Moriyón / ARCHITECT Friday June 30, 2006

Alejandro Zaera defends urban concentration and energy saving factor
Architect track finalist rejects plan "suburban development" Augura a "conversion" in the form of constructing and maintaining buildings

In it leaves the Deputy Minister of Environment, Belén Fernández
, a girl of my people that in view of events looking for him but little when you contaminate more with the incinerator that is not at all necessary ( not a problem now that 11 years ago already knew some day be exhausted, that I know this very good ink!. And because of that should have been taken.)
Policy Monday, May 21, 2007
suture the wound Gijón

PGOU developments and special plan routes in the coming years will shape the new city planning image
Genaro and Gelina.
30/07/1910 - 3:21
The civil guard increases alertness in San Andrés but calls for "calm" .
received twelve complaints

since January 2008, four of them from the ZALIA 09/15/2009 -

received twelve complaints
09/15/2009 - O. SUAREZ

Narbonne claims San Andrés and Xivares.
A delegation of neighbors and members of
Astur in Madrid met yesterday with Representative Rosa Bonas
November 9, 2006.

03/14/1908 -

La Camorra bought cocaine in Asturias.

Pse Bow X-force Ss User Manual

first study to show pain processing in MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity).

Clin J Pain. 2011 Feb; 27 (2) :156-62.

Increased capsaicin-induced secondary hyperalgesia occurs in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity.
  • Holst H, Arendt-Nielsen L, H Mosbech, Elberling J.

    Danish Research Centre for Chemical Sensitivities, Gentofte University Hospital of Copenhagen. Summary

    OBJECTIVE: The underlying cause of the pathophysiological mechanisms

    shooting multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) remains controversial. Recently, alterations in the central nervous system , such as central sensitization, similar to various chronic pain disorders have been suggested.

  • Capsaicin is used in experimental pain models to induce peripheral and central sensitization. Patients

    with symptoms caused by odorous chemicals

    capsaicin induced secondary hyperalgesia and temporal summation were assessed as markers for abnormal central nociceptive processing with neurogenic inflammation (flare). METHODS: Sixteen patients who met the criteria Cullen's MCS and 15 eczema patients with respiratory symptoms induced by odorous chemicals (EC) were compared with 29 healthy controls for age comparable.Participantes underwent two intradermal injection of capsaicin (3.3 mM and 33 mM). Measurements included pain intensity, flashes, prick hyperalgesia, temporal summation, and the McGill pain score questionnaire. RESULTS: There were no differences in the outbreak area between groups. The intensity of capsaicin-evoked pain was greater in MCS patients compared with controls (P

    this is the first study showing pain processing facilitated MCS (MCS) and patients of the EC abnormal in most of the responses of MCS.

    PMID: 21268302 [PubMed - in process] access the original publication (in English).

    International Consensus Criteria SQM

    (from the web
    Affected .- Valencian Association of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity):
    1. "Symptoms are reproducible with exposure [repeated chemical]
    2. "The condition is chronic"
    3. "Low levels of exposure cause the syndrome [these levels are lower than usual or previously tolerated]
    4." The Symptoms improve or resolve when the inciting are eliminated "
    5." The answers are not related to multiple chemical substances "
    6. [Added in 1999]: Symptoms involve multiple organ systems

    BARTH, L. et al.


    ; A 1999 Consensus Arch Environ. Health 54: 147-149 complete and comprehensive information in this web.
    Information and photos in this blog entries .- SOME (and I will put direct links):

    Naked Truth about MCS MCS
    Missing in Biocultura
    cleaner Jail worldfor Elvira Roda Consuelo Canada: Only we can breathe , is our right.

    While science continues to advance and demonstrate the SQM
    (more than it already is), I have to fight me because in my community AGAIN NOT DONE "freshener" when cleaning (who have done it again.)

    I do not know or brand or composition, but the view is very healthy that is NOT (and I
    above gets halfway house

    A healthy (at least to some), is a scent that they dislike. RIGHT THERE IN THAT THEY YOUR HOUSE, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT , SOMETHING THAT YOU DO NOT WANT AND ILL?. When I go to my parents, I have to suffer the same "environment" (made it) and adapted for the "fight" against him, but in my home, why?. Why do not you retire and market the hell AGAIN?. half of Spain is revolt by Snuff ANTI LAW
    , if how is it that in your house you can not smoke if workplace of someone else. And THIS, WHAT ABOUT THIS?. In public places, and people begin to point to "stink" since
    nonsmoking is it starting to feel the glow chemical environment?.
    "WHY Itziar
    <0,01,> girl, a normal child with a disability that has occurred because of other, HAVE to go to school with mask for CHEMICAL BARRIERS IN YOUR SCHOOL ?. "Why schools ignore the report CHILDREN AND HEALTH ?. Why the school exemplary my daughter, who went for it the very Princess Letizia, do not take action even though they did get this document?.
    "Why me I can not go to school for my daughter as other mothers
    without burkas and without having to pay the consequences of an act as" natural "?. It is so difficult, much less expensive

    , which can go to school Itziar WITHOUT her burka, or the safeguarding the health of our children in schools, on par with them family-friendly with makeshift sensitivity to chemicals.

    The benefit you get is much, for many people and the ridiculous cost!.

    , is there need to pollute more in their schools and entertainment centers?.

    WHY BIOLOGICAL power is not used is schools, hospitals, geriatric, and other public facilities?. As you know there is an open campaign asking for organic food in schools. Why not extend to the rest if it is a public health issue?. Several environmental groups have already joined the petition and have shown their solidarity with the environmental group of patients and growing!. Have we now reached the point in the U.S. took a year and a half in which "strange bedfellows"

    met at the White House CURB?. While not materialize, people who want to prevent can use the GREENPEACE GUIDE: GUIDE

    RO JA & GREEN GM food.

    WHY Knowing that the perfumes are


    health, no action is taken as U.S.

    Why I can not even enjoy the outdoor life "
    " going to listen Pipe Bands without the need to isolate and separate from my family (not for them if not for them if

    by the other attendees

    ) and yet, pay for it !!!?.
    Is not I a human being like everyone else?.

    Luckily, lately, more and more people are not made many of them, and it shows when you go!.

    A ordinary people who do not know do not blame her!, but DOES THE GOVERNMENT, DO NOT who knowingly ANYTHING to avoid the pandemic.

    photo taken note .- "borrowed" the facebook wall of our colleague Vicente Loli.

    Some interesting entries (October 2009):
    Fibromyalgia, CFS and brain prone to anxiety. Dr. Arturo For Goicoechea Uriarte.-Neurologist. Interview a family physician on SQM.

    The Song
    Lunnies. Go Fiesta:
    This party, yeah! Let's celebrate
    We are both ideal A team Invincible and see more
    Who mess I think Do not think you
    And try to jump a flight from the sofa Incredible the party here going to start flying cushions around the room laugh As we start from not want to know when you order tap Ououo Much rhythm, yeah! Let's enjoy A move well all here to dance Invincibles, the party will begin Here
    cushions flying around the room laugh As we start from not want to know when you order
    touch Extracted from Ououo
    As I am as pa

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Vitamin A Capsules On Skin

    The Congress Members MOVES. 23F 2011. Several news. Study Shows

    drag, step to hit the

    initiatives in place , around: .- .- Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome .- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. - and the hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetism). Soon we will , ANOTHER PART OF WAR! Congress and / or Senate!

    (and I hope to be definitive.) Hopefully next May 12, 2011 CELEBRATE ALL DAY FOR OUR HIGH !!!!. Go thinking as you celebrate. (Already played).

    Are we a "Pride Day" FM, CFS, MCS, HCE?. Some already know that the answer was pending Government to the question raised by the Deputy Popular Party (PP), Ignacio Gil Lazaro (Deputy for VALENCIA) on 19 November 2010: .- Results obtained by

    HUMAN RIGHTS PLAN to develop a strategy for prevention of fibromyalgia. (184/094217)

    Filed 19/11/2010 classified the 30/11/2010 Current status: Government Response

    Period: To: 09/02/2011
    Government Response to question Processing followed by the initiative: Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 30/11/2010 to 14/12/2010 Government Response from


    Newsletters: BOCG. Congress of Deputies No. D-489, 12/14/2010 p. 137
    Initiative Full text (PDF) This question was published in the BOE
    December 14, 2010
    . P. 137. And
    states (HIGH AND CLEAR) 184/094217

    The Bureau of the Congress of Deputies Don Ignacio

    Gil Lázaro, Member of Valencia, part of the Popular Parliamentary Group

    in Congress, under the provisions of Article 185 and following the existing rules of the House,

    has the honor to ask the question of you want to get written answers.

    "Could the Government

    what concrete results

    obtained in almost two years since

    of Human Rights Plan

    in developing a prevention strategy
    target is set at The text of that


    Palace of Congress of Deputies, November 5, 2010.-Ignacio Gil Lázaro, MP.
    seems that this question written answer, which had until February 9 to answered, was answered on February 14, 2011 (the day of love! !, how we want) by Government (ARE SHOE AND ITS MINISTERS, if anyone goes Desperation with that).

    tell you shortly to answer.


    on February 19, 2011, entry 3 have

    BY QUESTIONS OF GER (GROUP Esquerra Republicana), IU (United Left), ICV (LEFT CATALAN GREENS), through the Deputy Gaspar Llamazares Trigo :
    say so (LOUD AND CLEAR): Framework
    relationship, coordination and consensus forecast between

    Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality and Ministry of Labour and Immigration
    , regarding Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS) or hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. (184/098923) Filed 17/02/2011 classified the 22/02/2011 Author:
    Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
    Current status:
    Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication Processing followed by the initiative: Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 22/02/2011

    Design of a clinical practice guideline or strategy
    about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome Multiple (MCS) or hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. (184/098922)
    Presentado el 17/02/2011 , calificado el 22/02/2011
    Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
    Situación actual: Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales Publicación Tramitación seguida por la iniciativa:
    Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales Publicación desde 22/02/2011

    Puesta en marcha de una comisión técnica en relación a los aspectos etiológicos, clínicos y de atención sanitaria
    de la Fibromialgia, Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica y Síndrome de Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SSQM) o la Hipersensibilidad a los Campos Electromagnetic. (184/098921)

    Filed 17/02/2011 classified the 22/02/2011 Author: Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
    Current status:
    Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication Processing
    followed by the initiative:
    Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 22/02/2011 As fronts by the government! are many , you see that the opposition
    (PP, GER, IU, CVD ),....... !!!!!. ALL ARE touching ¡¡¡¡¡
    sign that the Open Letter to Leaders , some of them if they "came" (a The Government is clear that NO), and has been trying to pass it to THE GOVERNMENT and enforce OUR

    constitutional and international law (as indeed is their obligation as PUBLIC OFFICIALS they are. (This to the Government, it seems that they "forgot" or are in the Worlds Yuppi. Soon I will upload an entry with an example of why I say it).

    Both Mr. IGNACIO GIL LAZARO, as Sr. GASPAR LLAMAZARES TRIGO , llevan presentando Preguntas Escritas sobre "lo nuestro", en representación de sus respectivos partidos, desde hace MUCHO tiempo(incluso el tema de Juan sé que llegó al Congreso). Así que, no podemos decir que sea "un acto electoral más ",no señor, al menos éstos cuatro partidos llevan haciendo propuestas durante toda ésta legislatura (primero unos, y después otros)

    . Y lo matizo y recalco porque, luego puede llegar
    Gobierno del PSOE y tratar de "colgarse la medalla" como ya pasó en anteriores ocasiones,

    pero NO , the steps that have been made to date were due to the Government, if not motivated by opposition pressure (PP, ERG, IU, ICV). This is easily checked eyeing different BOE's. different thing is what happens after individual cases (such as (in chronological order) Asturian mine .- tripartite PSOE-IU-LV-the Maite (tripartite Catalan) or Valencian Eva-PP-)

    in each Autonomous Community (AC) with leaders of these parties.
    NATIONAL LEVEL IN CONGRESS AND SENATE, WE ARE WORKING FOR U.S. !!!!( Y). elections are there, just around the corner (May 22, 2011), so badly treated the fellow-sufferers (and their families suffered), all PATIENTS AND
    sufferer of this government, both
    of "rights" such as "left" have to choose where to cast their ballots

    (other than this today, thankfully, WE DO NOT remove it.
    So walk or crawl, I think it is a right and a duty that we must exercise, if possible suiguiente this year and even more so).

    (still going to be one / one with everything and that ....¡ at last!).
    Where choose THERE!.
    Today we commemorate the anniversary of
    coup d'etat of 23-F

    , can not think of anything better to comment than this:

    is taking place "

    A peaceful coup" and

    peacemaker, by many people DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDLY WITH PEOPLE HUMAN RIGHTS. And without missing out on the street and in Egypt. can say is A "Coup" unintentional and pro-democracy "in the opposite direction to the 23 - F 1981, whose purpose is to restore and rebuild the democratic state in the nation that seems to be lost at some point no one knows when it was. As much has been talk here about all these issues .....¡¡¡ and I'm not going to get all labels!, You can check the following (surely there are more): Spain, Government, President, ZP, IU, PP, Congress, Senate, democracy, equality, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, SQM, Legislation, Human Rights, Disability, Dependence, disability, chronic illness, tsunami, premieres, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Economic Development, Public Management, history, people, strike, Eva, Juan, Marisol, Servando, Mariajo, Josefa Ombudsman, retrovirus, XMRV, toxic chemicals, environment, mercury, Releases, transparency, Europe, WHO, JUSTICE, SUPREME, Associations, Solidarity, Miguel Jara, JoseLuis Camara, Carlos de Prada, Viktor Claudin (pte Tag , but you can find it on the form), Clara Valverde, the Witch night life with sensitivity, politics, AVERAGE, unions
    ... ALL good.

    Etiquetaré which can in this entry, from the rest, who has an interest, can be served by the one you like!, Are in fact almost the entire blog. if not the entire blog.)

    Today, February 23, 2011, 30 years later COUP is a good day, the best, to say

    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !!!!!!!!!!! VIVA DEMOCRACY

    ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ VIVA SPAIN !!!!!!!!!

    And Puxa ASTURIES !!
    An image for the RECALL: 335,304
    pakovarios1 May 16, 2007 Positive feedback: 176 negative votes: 16
    Coup February 23, 1981 in Spain visit
    Some say

    comments for this Youtube channel: only genuine policy remains in place , the others are all freeloaders rats. "Where he hid Felipe Gonzalez, have not seen him on any side? 3 weeks ago UltimoPatriota 9 Bravo for the courage of who resisted
    standing as Gutierrez Mellado and the unstoppable march of democracy! VIVA LA LIBERTAD! Padin619 4 weeks 5
    We are in 2011 and not 1981 but if we change the names of the characters 30 years later we have the same story!.
    To celebrate, I will present my previous claim Nth!.
    While Congress and President of His Majesty the King will make lunch with key political leaders
    1981, and Ex-Minister of Education JoseLuis Riopedre Iglesias, the former Director of Planning and Infrastructure Department Mariajesus Otero and Marta Renedo expect to do so out of prison soon (tomorrow is just the hearing, expected in camera at the request of either party, despite having announced that it would be open). The writer Javier Cercas,
    published a book titled "Anatomy of a Moment" 5772rep -versed on what happened in the 23-F 1981. And hopefully someone can write, and in the past, one about what happened to us and to us in full democracy.
    Interview with Javier Cercas, who started writing just on 80: 662 Plays

    anpablancoamor April 22, 2010 Positive Feedback: 0 Negative Feedback: 0
    Video obtido "Page 2" (program rtve)

    When 23F Strike of 1981 I was in college, how could we explain to our children this now?. Here's an attempt:

    published a study showing that the recently discovered human retrovirus XMRV leads to chronic infection in multiple organs. Previous peer-reviewed papers (peer-reviewed ") demonstrated a link between XMRV and patients with aggressive prostate cancer and ME / CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    The study of Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Emory University shows that the virus associated with murine leukemia virus xenotropic (Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-related Virus = XMRV) can be found in the spleen, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, sex organs and lymph nodes after being injected into the body. addition,
    monkeys in the study produced antibodies to fight infection . Chronic infection and immune response are also common in the other two infectious human retrovirus: HTLV-1 and HIV. "This brings hope that the answers to this disease are within reach," says Tina Tidmore, spokesman for the ME / CFS Patient Alliance Worldwide (MCWPA), patient advocacy group. "For the good of those who have been left with their suffering and with the aim of
    protect blood supplies , heads of government must immediately take this opportunity to sponsor more research in this retrovirus and disease ME / CFS. " In 2010, a review of FDA / National Institutes of Health
    study showed the presence of related retrovirus XMRV in 6.8% of blood donors studied, indicating that as many as 20 million Americans may be infected.
    EM / CFS is debilitating and chronic
    ME / CFS is a disease that affects disabling NeuroEndocrinoInmune more than l7 million people worldwide. patients are often confined to a wheelchair or even bed
    . Common symptoms include profound exhaustion after doing simple tasks, sudden drop in blood pressure, cognitive dysfunction, headaches and flu-like symptoms daily. The disease affects men and women, young and not so young and is incurable. ME / CFS first came to world attention during the AIDS epidemic early 1980, when there was an outbreak of the disease clustered in Incline Village, Nev.y Lyndonville, New York.
    study 1991 by the Wistar Institute also showed a link with a retrovirus, but the U.S. government ceased retroviral research.
    In 2009, the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) of University of Nevada, Reno, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute of USA and the Cleveland Clinic, published a revealing study that found a retrovirus HIV style , XMRV in the blood of 67% of patients with ME / CFS and 3.7% of healthy controls.

    Meanwhile, despite

    more than 4,000 peer-reviewed articles in journals Medical have shown that there are systemic immune abnormalities, neurological, endocrine, gastrointestinal and heart in patients

    , the general public is scarcely aware of the seriousness and prevalence of ME / CFS. In addition, governments spend very little money for research. In the budget NIH

    (National Ministry of Health, USA), for example,

    only spend $ 6 million study of ME / CFS, compared with $ 135 million for multiple sclerosis and $ 114 million for lupus . However, suffer from ME / CFS people twice as multiple sclerosis. Source Xornal of Galicia.