Questions What are the extreme left and extreme-right? By Diego Urioste
political spectrum commonly accepted classical orders the left and right ideologies, in a horizontal plane where it would place the various flows according to their extremism, being the center the "zero point" or point turning, and the end points, sequentially, the alleged radicalization of the positions and shapes of each variable, left and right. This way of classifying the different ideologies is
simplistic and often misguided. But the question to be addressed not precise etymological analysis of the political spectrum, but really serve to explain the so-called extreme left and extreme-right. I consider this type of classification is historically exceeded, but the goal of this brief review is to focus on social and political role played by these two labels-often assumed by their own members, in most cases without ideologies, in preserving the current regime and political-economic system.
Postmodernism, the end of ideologies or the beginning of tribalism.
Possibly Ian Curtis, founder of the group Joy Division-pop representative of this new generation of the last quarter of the twentieth century applied so strongly-and commercial-the postmodern idea, the partial dismantling of the traditional thinking on mass art and, therefore, inherent to the current nihilism of the twentieth century. Postmodernism art that sought to break the relationship between symbol and meaning, using a mechanical visual syncretism that later would collect other trends of urban culture as the current punk bands like Rammstein. The idea of \u200b\u200bdistorting the symbols in art has not been well understood in the sub-politics of extremes. Even today there is much controversy in this regard, and it is significant that a simple exercise alleged violation of visual (another pillar of postmodern art mass) as the singer Sid Vicious T-shirt with a Nazi swastika on the new generation believes so much trouble and hysteria.
are these new generations of postmodern passive and unconscious which mainly feed the ranks of the extreme left and extreme-right. There is a primitive attraction on the symbol, which leads many teens to join the exhibit moves constantly as a classic ideological claim. However, that is why I speak of postmodern passive and unconscious-that symbol (as the swastika, the hammer and sickle, red star, etc.) Appears to be empty and not have no burden of meaning, beyond the most inaccurate and often intentionally wrong interpretations after the Second World War. An image imported from Hollywood and supported by the mass media, which has been widely and easily accepted by the self-styled heirs of those ideologies. These new generations exhibit phobias symbols and ideologies present falsified, distorted, creating movement and allegedly continued banners proclaiming himself the only legitimate against the current system. Proof of this is the existence of the antifascist movement over half a century after the end of fascism, or the militant anti decades later the end of communism. These two currents are well represented on the scarce-but-noisy rows in the extreme left and extreme-right.
is a de facto elimination of ideologies of society, or what has been called "The end of ideology" thesis wrongly awarded to Fukuyama [1], which has already been made above and in detail by Daniel Bell in the 60 [ 2]. The imposition and omnipresence of a demo-system in the West-seemed-or pretended to indicate that we had reached a new paradigm sociological, political and cultural, impossible to turn or reverse. Thus, the responses "logical" and opposing mechanisms this system, in a postmodern society, would come precisely from the distortion of ideologies previously beaten, but assumed, by new generations. The self-proclaimed heirs of such systems represent and reproduce the distorted picture that the victors spread of such ideologies, that is an image built by the propaganda machine of its natural enemy. So, generalizing, the extreme left and extreme-right have become the image edge, distorted, bizarre and angry both of these ideologies "overdue" as their counterparts more "moderate."
The ranks of these two "political ends" are generally have nurtured what was and is in Western society [3]: petty desire to live alienated experiences extreme or visually apparent and young people with good intentions but misplaced (by the monopolization by these groups of anti-political materialization) . There are always exceptions, but I'm talking about the general to better understand the dynamics of these groups, despite being numerically small, they act as a mass [4]. These nuclei
youth, children of their time and participate fully postmodern, nihilistic, assumed pre-ideological aesthetics and distorted picture of these urban movements, accepting relationship urban tribal ideology. Apparently the more radical and extreme political position is more radical and extreme, in urban tribal logic, is the way they dress, how to behave, the way of life. This means that, once broken the traditional link between figure and meaning, all that remains is facile and frivolous image by image, where everything makes sense in the visual plane. Thus, the logical extreme wide erroneously to all fields, burying any truly radical in pursuit of aesthetic reality. Which in practice means that a significant portion of the extreme left and extreme-right is represented by the lumpen, by hordes dressed as skinheads, punks and other aesthetic associated with antisocial behavior, which is not much point in the political arena. Because in the postmodern aesthetic relationship, and be dressed the same, so a skinhead or a punk is not only a person following certain fashion (which is beyond good or bad taste, would not be a social problem), but is also a person who behaves in a certain way, matching their aesthetic message to public attitudes. In that logic, thinks so extreme, so extreme wear and, therefore, your approach is extreme. Nihilist In a society devoid of values, that form of violence is marginally ineffective, cowardly and miserly.
Unlike the violence of the original ideological movements, controversial or not-the petty-product of the extreme left and extreme-right present is not seeking the overthrow of his honest and courageous main enemy (the capitalist system under the policy form demoliberal), but is a way out but own individual or group of marginalized groups and exclude yourself from the authentic revolutionary society towards a higher ideal.
strong positive correlation, symbiosis and causality
There is a direct relationship between these two extremes, which are fed, are supported and affirmed on the opponent. Although apparently the fight is against the ruling system, the dialectic derives this fight to the end. So instead of fighting directly to capitalism, the far-left point to Fascism as the principal enemy. According to his false and Manichean argument, fascism would not be anything but violent arm Capitalism [5], and so to end capitalism must first overthrow the neo-fascism [6]. Likewise, the extreme right has also inherited the now barren dilemma of World War II, seeing in the far-left representation of the evils of the dominant system and, therefore, the enemy to beat. Both sectors exceeded perpetuate a scheme of grudges and hatreds, based on constant attack from the opponent to justify its modus operandi (and vivendi). Ironically
as the struggle of the ends is based and is nourished by a historicist dichotomy is not real, inheriting fighting a war could last longer: in the West and in a historical context where there are only demo-states, not fascist states or communist, is the less surprising. The performances of these points are correlated, since their existence and their activities vary depending on your opponent end, always in the same sense, a defense-attack dialectic street bordering on schizophrenia and is in any case, sterile and counterproductive . In this reality
systematic hysteria, the forces of both sides act on the basis of outbursts, a frenzy youthful passions and never able to overcome. Organizations "adult" far-left and extreme right are just as invariably anti-fascist and anti-Communist. This disorder irrational, inconsistent and apocalyptic takes the less ridiculous situations. The mere fact that one faction supports X cause, automatically mean that the faction is opposed to that cause. That relationship causalistica is clear evidence of inconsistency and insubstantiality of these movements.
In the recent anti-Islamic protests in the UK, both in Birmingham and in Harrow or Luton, the extreme-right demonstrators organization Stop the Islamification of Europe or the Defense League Inglés met by counter-fascist movement, organized by Unite Against Fascism, full of Muslim immigrants. In the presence of Muslims, some anti-Islamic demonstrators displayed banners they carried and the state of Israel, a "logical" response (according to dialectic) anti-Islamic.
Also, in late May of this year's list French Anti-Zionist demonstrations in Paris. The extreme-left held a counter-violent, trying to attack the marchers anti-Zionist under the pretext of being "Nazi-fascist" far-right [7]. Remember that the components of the Anti-Zionist list are French, Muslim, Orthodox Jews, etc. Therefore, far from the Manichean vision of the anti-fascists, who are able to demonstrate against far-right pro-Zionist in England and France after violently attacking an anti-Zionist party.
In Spain, delirium bipolar end leads to situations seem unlikely by the extreme left and extreme-right. The situation is so bizarre that the fights are no longer located in the plane equidistant from the ends, but among the members of each end.
The date of 20 November is emblematic of Spain, specifically Madrid, being a classic circus Subpolitics of which we speak. 20N But this has exceeded all expectations and limits of the ridiculous. On the one hand the extreme-left railed against fascism on the streets of Madrid, which ended in a fragmented and faced expression, a consequence of previous violent clashes between members of the extreme-left [8]. In his own chronic [9], the anti-fascist demonstration was divided into three groups: the antifascist block, the block of the anarchist union CNT, and the autonomous block, the latter facing the antifascist because attacks on the CSO the leak, to the point of splitting the event and undo any progress unitary. On the other hand the extreme-right, divided by questions of tactics and leadership. According to various media, a small group of former militants of the MPS [10] (Socialist Patriotic Movement, formerly Combat Spain, now integrated into the Social Moving Republican) tried to attack and boycott a conference organized by the National Democracy, which had a special guest the right-wing Nick Griffin [11]. Likewise, in the traditional celebration Sunday at the Plaza de Oriente, the next day, several National Democracy activists were expelled by the members Call up the "unit" of the "heirs of July 18, the Nationalist side of the Civil War, organized by the National Confederation of Combatants.
All this fighting and all this violence between groups of extreme left and extreme-right, and within them also, has no explanation other than the paranoia and madness of irrational struggle without clear objectives, no enemies determined based on the current reality.
The extreme left and extreme-right as involuntary guarantors of the regime and system
Reality shows that, although both the extreme left and extreme-right to call the struggle against the system, there are no substantial facts showing that fighting it. The mechanics seem to work only in the throes of political, own waste in the fields of urban subcultures rather than strictly political field. The facts attested to.
However, both the extreme left and extreme right are given the anti-monopoly control, which the system itself does not hesitate to spread through means of "communication." The company perceives that the only way to confront the existing system (a system that has proven not to work both economically and politically, whether by the cyclical and permanent capitalist crisis and the lack of democracy of "liberal democracy" corrupt and kleptocrats) is belonging to these extremist political dung, so that any criticism of the system is discredited and de facto de-legitimized.
This reductionist fallacy works perfectly and is socially accepted and agreed. Any alternative that comes to pass the filter "political inquisition tribunal" to the need to put to one side or another of the false dichotomy. And if you do not do on its own initiative, using the reductio ad stalinum Hitlerum or reductio ad that is nothing to say that if the new alternative defends X thing and that thing defended X person / ideology in the past also , then this new ideological platform is heir to one end, and must bear all the sins and crimes committed, owe all their historical guilt. And so, engage and subject to the new category and labeling, its potential is undermined and encased in a false political scheme. The new option is automatically disabled, the system may strengthen it.
The members of the extreme, far from trying to counter the propaganda image that the awards system will confirm with the worst attitudes of their reality, which is infinitely worse than the grossest of lies spread by the mass media. In these extremes, any good idea that there is, is overshadowed any fair idea-that many-is poisoned, any person validly not insignificant-is unauthorized forever.
What they have achieved the extreme cases over the years is inadvertently constrain the system by both the "Left" and the "right", parapets the system and close the parliamentary spectrum. That is, have been "inadvertently" useful idiots, who have done so antiheroic the dirty work, sometimes as a guard of the bat, others as absurd representation of the political opposition.
The old political schemes are worthless in a world where emerging forces and the new spaces of resistance do not follow any of the provisions the extreme left and extreme-right. New problems require new forms of struggle, new forms of organization. If Europeans really want to confront the perpetrators of the current cultural, political, economic and social, should discard old patterns of old hatreds, old hobbies, and engage effectively for their future. If the error persists, will prove no better than the current system and, in many cases, are only one of its consumer products. A byproduct crappy, stupid, ridiculous and childish of a decadent society.
[1] Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man, 1992
[2] Bell, Daniel, The End of Ideology, Harvard University Press, 1960
[3] do not speak for free, fortunately or unfortunately I have met from within both "movements."
[4] In "Diagnosis of our time," the sociologist Karl Mannheim expanded the definition of mass Ortega, release them from reducing the number and quality of its own mechanics supraindividual but fragmented.
[5] In the VII Comintern in 1935, based on the report Dimitrov, warned that fascism where it gets imposed, will not solve any problem, but exacerbates the most of the contradictions and therefore must "fight through broad anti-fascist front formed by the workers, peasants and petty bourgeoisie, on the basis of a front of the proletariat and a strong Communist Party. "
[6] expression to qualify the extreme-rightist and fascist
call themselves [7] attempted assault Video: [8] "The leak that high
the glass "chronic attack on the CSO The Leak by self-styled" fascist. "
The truth is revolutionary detailed chronicle of the demonstration in Madrid 20N of Kaosenlared
[10] There is another version that says that the boycotters did not represent any party in particular, as can be read here: held-in-the-surrounding-the-hotel-velazquez-the-21-n.php [11] -de-madrid