Today Monday August 9, 2010 was held the first big test examination for admission to one of the best universities in Peru such as the University Nacional de Ingenieria.
The first major obstacle that had to atravezarlo applicants to achieve a desired opening of this prestigious university was the Scholastic Aptitude test and general culture, in which more than 5 000 applicants fighting to obtain one of the 661 positions (421 in regular, 70 in two positions and 170 others) that offers the UNI for its 26 specialties.
Applicants began arriving at the gate # 3 and N ยบ 5 (gateways to the UNI) from 5:45 am and were standing in line until 7:00 am which opened the door for applicants to pass their examination rooms where surrender. The door will close at 8:00 am but due to the large number of applicants was extended until 8:25 am in which I enter the last candidate, hence no one else came, ie this one came first review Later, congratulations! by responsibility.
The test began at 9:00 am and ended at 12:00 pm at his departure that some parents expect their children eager to learn how they had gone and expect a response from them.
As usual there were several publications of the academies outside of UNI, more publicity than the admission examinations of other universities, as well as advertising competitive entrance exam for the National University of San Marcos. Each academy volanteba the fixed, the superfix and recontrafijas for the math test, of which only 30% of it comes in the exam. Each academy encouraged and advertised their students to dean a good test, because he achieved so annelid Computing General advertising will be a great achievement for the academy.
At 10:00 am we made a press conference at the Hall of the University Council which counted with the highest authorities of the UNI and the rector Dr. Aurelio Padilla Rios in the announcing the number of registered applicants, the number of vacancies according to type, percentage of applicants by sex, age, type of school, running with higher demand in the academic competition, and other announcements as the new UNI Pedestrian Bridge at the door principal that has been building thanks to a cooperation agreement between UNI and Protransporte, the results of self-evaluation of 26 specialties, improvement plans, the next accreditation process and the construction of the new headquarters of the Central Library (which has no where to end) among others. They no longer
more bored and these are the results of the first examination for admission to National University of Engineering took the day August 9, 2010, which consists of Academic Aptitude (25 questions and 25 questions, RM, RV) and Culture General (50 questions).
The results can be seen from any of the following links: = 60
And to the key test for admission of the UNI can see from the following link:
http://www.ich / answer key / portada.html
On Wednesday August 11th will be held the 2nd test that consists of 40 math questions in which applicants have to secure in order to secure a vacancy.
During the day will bring you more information as the ratio of the first posts, etc ...
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