Francisco Ramirez, the entrepreneur who freed the world from two lunatics, was acquitted. Good news from a judicial system that we have come just nonsense. But while this man was just acquitted, the fact is that ever should be judged. It's a shame the way to behave in the English courts. This guy committed the most serious gall to protect your family from some fanatics who tried to rob them, kill them and only they know what else, something that every day we are in the news (and often foreign, ahem). Francisco Ramirez did what they are not capable of judges: to protect your family from crime. And as punishment for leaving evidence of the futility of our judicial system, led him to trial. From here I congratulate this brave sir. Thanks to him, and there are two less criminals around making mischief. And, in this country, we a justice system designed by criminals, executed criminals, and, as expected, is responsible for protecting criminals of honest people.
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