This is the ratio of the first places in the examination for admission to the Universidad Nacional del Callao 2010-II, deanle a click on the image to enlarge.

The computation is taken by the cachimbo REGALADO JOSE MONTOYA OLIVER to join the Electronics Engineering career with a historic score 93.75, the highest score in the examinations for admission to this university, could break IL record that kept the student Orellana Susana Elvira Palomino (now UNI student) than in the entrance exam UNAC 2009-II received a score of 88.25, which can be verified in this blog all about the test Callao 2009-II , so that those who were not admitted to this examination and wish to reapply to the University determine this to overcome these records and not content just by entering, should aspire to more, yes we can!, everything depends on you ...
All entrants, first place and maximum and minimum scores on the entrance exam UNAC 2010-II can see it by clicking here .
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