Friday, June 12, 2009

Wet Cm When Period Due

Brief note on the economic advantage of communism versus capitalism

Imagine a company with 100 employees who are paid 1000 euros a month. This company should generate a profit of 100,000 euros to pay the salaries of employees, if not, it is not profitable. But it must also generate profits to pay the interest the bank has transferred the loan to the entrepreneur. You should also generate benefits to the employer. Thus, although the element producing the workers, the company also powers businessman and bankers. The employer can play a productive work as a director or manager of the company is also required. But in any case, the banks, who control the money, and therefore the economy, achieved a profit for doing nothing, which is paid by the sweat of workers and the employer, especially in SMEs. What work met banks in the capitalist economic system? They are simply a flight of capital that is not reciprocated for any type of production. That is, just steal the entire working class (proletariat, freelancers and small businesses).

imagine the same company in a communist system. In this system there is no entrepreneur, but there may be a foreman or manager who meets the necessary part of their work. But most importantly, no bank. Thus the surplus of product that was literally stolen by the bank, may impact on the workers themselves in several ways: (1) cheaper product, with consequent benefits for consumers, (2) reduction of working hours necessary with consequent benefits for the workers, (3) goodwill consumed before the bank can be used in an increase in staff (both have less working hours, keeping the same productivity), which would benefit society by reducing unemployment.

In the capitalist system, the real owners of the productive elements are banks, the "yield" to entrepreneurs in exchange for a hearty economic incentive. In a communist system would society as a whole, the yield to the union workers to perform their work productively, without asking anything in return, except for depreciation of productive elements. Why communist systems have failed supposedly rooted in a number of elements: (1) Replace capitalism with state capitalism, not a true communist. (2) could not cope with the harassment by the capitalist bloc. (3) Instead of replacing unhealthy competition of capitalism by a healthy competition, eliminated completely. It is important to maintain a level of competence for products and improve the means of production in technological terms. (4) The loss of individual freedoms (especially freedom of expression) four maneuverability of society to find a better model.

Currently, the failure of capitalism could not be more obvious, but unfortunately, the capitalist propaganda has done very well their work, and barely heard voices that suggest a shift towards the socialist model toward a model without banks being robbed.


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