Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monica Roccaforte Info

Does anyone past was better? Vicente Ferrer

Me llama la atención la obsesión que tienen muchos comunistas por la IIª República Española. Hablan más de la Segunda República que de la construcción de la Tercera. La añoranza de tiempos que consideran mejores, de manera muy torpe, les puede ante la fe en la construcción de un nuevo orden. Yo soy socialista, comunista para ser más exacto, y por eso NO comparto los valores que fundamentaban la Segunda República, una república que, no lo olvidemos, era de carácter liberal y capitalista. Por eso no entiendo que Communist nostalgia, except for the fact that they are communists or not, or do not understand what that meant in fact the Second Republic. If I have the tricolor on my blog is because I like the rojigualda (see History of the flag ), not because they share the liberal values \u200b\u200bof the Second Republic.

is something like what happens to many fascists who yearn for the old Francoist slogan: "A great and free." "Great and free? Franco Spain ever fought for a great and free. For starters allowed the Yankees set up military bases in our country. Can there be a bigger shame? I would have preferred to shoot myself in the bunker, as did Hitler, rather than see my country subject to U.S. imperialism. How big? Franco not only began the colonization of Spain by the Americans, but also missed the last colonies of Guinea and the Sahara. Divided Franco Spain, submitted to U.S. imperialism, and finalized the remains of the empire. English nationalists who still admire Franco, or are not true patriots, or completely unaware of what Franco meant for our nation. I am a English patriot and for that I'm anti-Franco.


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