Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vitamin A Capsules On Skin

The Congress Members MOVES. 23F 2011. Several news. Study Shows

drag, step to hit the

initiatives in place , around: .- .- Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome .- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. - and the hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (electromagnetism). Soon we will , ANOTHER PART OF WAR! Congress and / or Senate!

(and I hope to be definitive.) Hopefully next May 12, 2011 CELEBRATE ALL DAY FOR OUR HIGH !!!!. Go thinking as you celebrate. (Already played).

Are we a "Pride Day" FM, CFS, MCS, HCE?. Some already know that the answer was pending Government to the question raised by the Deputy Popular Party (PP), Ignacio Gil Lazaro (Deputy for VALENCIA) on 19 November 2010: .- Results obtained by

HUMAN RIGHTS PLAN to develop a strategy for prevention of fibromyalgia. (184/094217)

Filed 19/11/2010 classified the 30/11/2010 Current status: Government Response

Period: To: 09/02/2011
Government Response to question Processing followed by the initiative: Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 30/11/2010 to 14/12/2010 Government Response from


Newsletters: BOCG. Congress of Deputies No. D-489, 12/14/2010 p. 137
Initiative Full text (PDF) This question was published in the BOE
December 14, 2010
. P. 137. And
states (HIGH AND CLEAR) 184/094217

The Bureau of the Congress of Deputies Don Ignacio

Gil Lázaro, Member of Valencia, part of the Popular Parliamentary Group

in Congress, under the provisions of Article 185 and following the existing rules of the House,

has the honor to ask the question of you want to get written answers.

"Could the Government

what concrete results

obtained in almost two years since

of Human Rights Plan

in developing a prevention strategy
target is set at The text of that


Palace of Congress of Deputies, November 5, 2010.-Ignacio Gil Lázaro, MP.
seems that this question written answer, which had until February 9 to answered, was answered on February 14, 2011 (the day of love! !, how we want) by Government (ARE SHOE AND ITS MINISTERS, if anyone goes Desperation with that).

tell you shortly to answer.


on February 19, 2011, entry 3 have

BY QUESTIONS OF GER (GROUP Esquerra Republicana), IU (United Left), ICV (LEFT CATALAN GREENS), through the Deputy Gaspar Llamazares Trigo :
say so (LOUD AND CLEAR): Framework
relationship, coordination and consensus forecast between

Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality and Ministry of Labour and Immigration
, regarding Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS) or hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. (184/098923) Filed 17/02/2011 classified the 22/02/2011 Author:
Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
Current status:
Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication Processing followed by the initiative: Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 22/02/2011

Design of a clinical practice guideline or strategy
about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome Multiple (MCS) or hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields. (184/098922)
Presentado el 17/02/2011 , calificado el 22/02/2011
Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
Situación actual: Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales Publicación Tramitación seguida por la iniciativa:
Boletín Oficial de las Cortes Generales Publicación desde 22/02/2011

Puesta en marcha de una comisión técnica en relación a los aspectos etiológicos, clínicos y de atención sanitaria
de la Fibromialgia, Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica y Síndrome de Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SSQM) o la Hipersensibilidad a los Campos Electromagnetic. (184/098921)

Filed 17/02/2011 classified the 22/02/2011 Author: Llamazares Trigo, Gaspar (GER-IU-ICV)
Current status:
Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication Processing
followed by the initiative:
Official Gazette of the Parliament Publication from 22/02/2011 As fronts by the government! are many , you see that the opposition
(PP, GER, IU, CVD ),....... !!!!!. ALL ARE touching ¡¡¡¡¡
sign that the Open Letter to Leaders , some of them if they "came" (a The Government is clear that NO), and has been trying to pass it to THE GOVERNMENT and enforce OUR

constitutional and international law (as indeed is their obligation as PUBLIC OFFICIALS they are. (This to the Government, it seems that they "forgot" or are in the Worlds Yuppi. Soon I will upload an entry with an example of why I say it).

Both Mr. IGNACIO GIL LAZARO, as Sr. GASPAR LLAMAZARES TRIGO , llevan presentando Preguntas Escritas sobre "lo nuestro", en representación de sus respectivos partidos, desde hace MUCHO tiempo(incluso el tema de Juan sé que llegó al Congreso). Así que, no podemos decir que sea "un acto electoral más ",no señor, al menos éstos cuatro partidos llevan haciendo propuestas durante toda ésta legislatura (primero unos, y después otros)

. Y lo matizo y recalco porque, luego puede llegar
Gobierno del PSOE y tratar de "colgarse la medalla" como ya pasó en anteriores ocasiones,

pero NO , the steps that have been made to date were due to the Government, if not motivated by opposition pressure (PP, ERG, IU, ICV). This is easily checked eyeing different BOE's. different thing is what happens after individual cases (such as (in chronological order) Asturian mine .- tripartite PSOE-IU-LV-the Maite (tripartite Catalan) or Valencian Eva-PP-)

in each Autonomous Community (AC) with leaders of these parties.
NATIONAL LEVEL IN CONGRESS AND SENATE, WE ARE WORKING FOR U.S. !!!!( Y). elections are there, just around the corner (May 22, 2011), so badly treated the fellow-sufferers (and their families suffered), all PATIENTS AND
sufferer of this government, both
of "rights" such as "left" have to choose where to cast their ballots

(other than this today, thankfully, WE DO NOT remove it.
So walk or crawl, I think it is a right and a duty that we must exercise, if possible suiguiente this year and even more so).

(still going to be one / one with everything and that ....¡ at last!).
Where choose THERE!.
Today we commemorate the anniversary of
coup d'etat of 23-F

, can not think of anything better to comment than this:

is taking place "

A peaceful coup" and

peacemaker, by many people DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDLY WITH PEOPLE HUMAN RIGHTS. And without missing out on the street and in Egypt. can say is A "Coup" unintentional and pro-democracy "in the opposite direction to the 23 - F 1981, whose purpose is to restore and rebuild the democratic state in the nation that seems to be lost at some point no one knows when it was. As much has been talk here about all these issues .....¡¡¡ and I'm not going to get all labels!, You can check the following (surely there are more): Spain, Government, President, ZP, IU, PP, Congress, Senate, democracy, equality, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, SQM, Legislation, Human Rights, Disability, Dependence, disability, chronic illness, tsunami, premieres, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Economic Development, Public Management, history, people, strike, Eva, Juan, Marisol, Servando, Mariajo, Josefa Ombudsman, retrovirus, XMRV, toxic chemicals, environment, mercury, Releases, transparency, Europe, WHO, JUSTICE, SUPREME, Associations, Solidarity, Miguel Jara, JoseLuis Camara, Carlos de Prada, Viktor Claudin (pte Tag , but you can find it on the form), Clara Valverde, the Witch night life with sensitivity, politics, AVERAGE, unions
... ALL good.

Etiquetaré which can in this entry, from the rest, who has an interest, can be served by the one you like!, Are in fact almost the entire blog. if not the entire blog.)

Today, February 23, 2011, 30 years later COUP is a good day, the best, to say

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !!!!!!!!!!! VIVA DEMOCRACY

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ VIVA SPAIN !!!!!!!!!

And Puxa ASTURIES !!
An image for the RECALL: 335,304
pakovarios1 May 16, 2007 Positive feedback: 176 negative votes: 16
Coup February 23, 1981 in Spain visit
Some say

comments for this Youtube channel: only genuine policy remains in place , the others are all freeloaders rats. "Where he hid Felipe Gonzalez, have not seen him on any side? 3 weeks ago UltimoPatriota 9 Bravo for the courage of who resisted
standing as Gutierrez Mellado and the unstoppable march of democracy! VIVA LA LIBERTAD! Padin619 4 weeks 5
We are in 2011 and not 1981 but if we change the names of the characters 30 years later we have the same story!.
To celebrate, I will present my previous claim Nth!.
While Congress and President of His Majesty the King will make lunch with key political leaders
1981, and Ex-Minister of Education JoseLuis Riopedre Iglesias, the former Director of Planning and Infrastructure Department Mariajesus Otero and Marta Renedo expect to do so out of prison soon (tomorrow is just the hearing, expected in camera at the request of either party, despite having announced that it would be open). The writer Javier Cercas,
published a book titled "Anatomy of a Moment" 5772rep -versed on what happened in the 23-F 1981. And hopefully someone can write, and in the past, one about what happened to us and to us in full democracy.
Interview with Javier Cercas, who started writing just on 80: 662 Plays

anpablancoamor April 22, 2010 Positive Feedback: 0 Negative Feedback: 0
Video obtido "Page 2" (program rtve)

When 23F Strike of 1981 I was in college, how could we explain to our children this now?. Here's an attempt:

published a study showing that the recently discovered human retrovirus XMRV leads to chronic infection in multiple organs. Previous peer-reviewed papers (peer-reviewed ") demonstrated a link between XMRV and patients with aggressive prostate cancer and ME / CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The study of Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Emory University shows that the virus associated with murine leukemia virus xenotropic (Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-related Virus = XMRV) can be found in the spleen, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, sex organs and lymph nodes after being injected into the body. addition,
monkeys in the study produced antibodies to fight infection . Chronic infection and immune response are also common in the other two infectious human retrovirus: HTLV-1 and HIV. "This brings hope that the answers to this disease are within reach," says Tina Tidmore, spokesman for the ME / CFS Patient Alliance Worldwide (MCWPA), patient advocacy group. "For the good of those who have been left with their suffering and with the aim of
protect blood supplies , heads of government must immediately take this opportunity to sponsor more research in this retrovirus and disease ME / CFS. " In 2010, a review of FDA / National Institutes of Health
study showed the presence of related retrovirus XMRV in 6.8% of blood donors studied, indicating that as many as 20 million Americans may be infected.
EM / CFS is debilitating and chronic
ME / CFS is a disease that affects disabling NeuroEndocrinoInmune more than l7 million people worldwide. patients are often confined to a wheelchair or even bed
. Common symptoms include profound exhaustion after doing simple tasks, sudden drop in blood pressure, cognitive dysfunction, headaches and flu-like symptoms daily. The disease affects men and women, young and not so young and is incurable. ME / CFS first came to world attention during the AIDS epidemic early 1980, when there was an outbreak of the disease clustered in Incline Village, Nev.y Lyndonville, New York.
study 1991 by the Wistar Institute also showed a link with a retrovirus, but the U.S. government ceased retroviral research.
In 2009, the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) of University of Nevada, Reno, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute of USA and the Cleveland Clinic, published a revealing study that found a retrovirus HIV style , XMRV in the blood of 67% of patients with ME / CFS and 3.7% of healthy controls.

Meanwhile, despite

more than 4,000 peer-reviewed articles in journals Medical have shown that there are systemic immune abnormalities, neurological, endocrine, gastrointestinal and heart in patients

, the general public is scarcely aware of the seriousness and prevalence of ME / CFS. In addition, governments spend very little money for research. In the budget NIH

(National Ministry of Health, USA), for example,

only spend $ 6 million study of ME / CFS, compared with $ 135 million for multiple sclerosis and $ 114 million for lupus . However, suffer from ME / CFS people twice as multiple sclerosis. Source Xornal of Galicia.


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