migration processes on Iran and nuclear bomb
Capitalist propaganda has always served the creation of enemies imagery to justify their attacks against humanity. Now they claim that Iran seeks nuclear weapons and suggested that the Iranians have nothing better to do in this life to destroy the West. It's the same argument used to justify invading Iraq. First, Iran, like every nation, has every right in the world to develop nuclear energy to ensure its energy supply. What is more, the Iranian government has the OBLIGATION to make nuclear weapons to ensure the safety of its citizens. I mean,
examine history. Throughout history, only one country has used the atomic bomb to kill innocent civilians: United States of America. In the Iraq war there were people who asked for the army again employ the atomic bomb against Saddam, and even suspected that they could use neutron bombs. Throughout the twentieth century, no country has started more wars and more nations have invaded the United States of America. So yes there is a global threat, a nation that has nothing better to do than invade the rest of the world and impose their political system and culture: the United States of America. Any nation that does not accept their deposits is considered an enemy and attacked. Of course, Iran is not a threat, and this is proved by the fact that, since the Islamic revolution, has not attacked any other country. How many countries have attacked the United States in the last 30 years?
Therefore, to maintain its national integrity, Iran has only one option: to develop the atomic bomb. This, contrary to what one might think, would ensure peace. Then the U.S. would not attack Iran, and no war. Obviously, neither Iran nor the U.S. would threaten to destroy itself by using the free pump. The Iranians, an industrious people are too busy to develop their nation to worry about conquering the world. If Iraq had had weapons of mass destruction, no one had dared to attack that country. Notice the absurd reasoning of the West: "You have a weapon that can destroy, therefore I will destroy me before." Imagine walking down the street suspect that a person has a gun in his pocket, and fear that used to kill them. Then they decide to implement the policy of Bush and attack that person. It may take two things: (1) If you really had a gun, used to kill, and his attack will be served as a trigger to use. (2) If you did not have, have attacked an innocent person. Iraq used weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves because they had them, and knew very well that the invaders would otherwise not have been exposed to attack a country dangerously armed.
So while the United States maintain its imperialist policies and have the atomic bomb, it is recommended that every country develop nuclear weapons to guard against being overrun. Only if all countries are disarmed at the same time, global disarmament would be useful. Otherwise, it would turn the country disarm the Yankees.
Besides these obvious reasons, based on game theory, there are also moral reasons: what moral authority the United States has to tell a country that can not develop nuclear weapons? They have them, have used many politicians calling for return to use, and maintain a policy of imperialism and violence. This completely discredits them to require nuclear disarm any nation.
Additional note: Israel, the country that destabilizes peace in the Middle East, also has the atomic bomb, and many of their politicians have repeatedly proposed use against Islamic countries, including Iran, which further justifies the need for Iran developing nuclear weapons.
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