Friday, December 18, 2009
How Can You Regain Kidney Function
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Current Gdp, Crr, Repo
As I said earlier, that PSOE and PP are the champions of corruption can only be a reflection of who are the parties most representation. That is, a simple statistical artifact. To correct for the degree of representation, I created an index consisting of the number of politicians accused divided by the number of votes received in the last general election. In the case of GIL used the 2000 elections, and ANV Unió Mallorquina and municipal 2007. The index was multiplied by a million to make it mathematically tractable , as did many decimal figures. The result was quite surprising, and is shown below:
corrupt parties
There are four par excellence, with an index above 200, and these are, in order of corruption: the Andalusian Party, Canary Coalition, the late Gil, and Unió Mallorquina all regionalist parties ( localist in the case of GIL). The remaining parties have corruption indices well below below 50. In this case include the lack of difference between PSOE and PP with the other parties, which, frankly, surprised me, because they were expected to head. Even, it is noteworthy that IU beats PP in corruption.
In conclusion, this analysis shows that PSOE and PP are not as corrupt as expected, which I do not know if it is a relief or an element of concern, because ultimately, they are all the same does honest or crooks?
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Interview Suit Juniors
Monday, July 6, 2009
Baby Small Capillaries Cheeks
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monica Roccaforte Info
is something like what happens to many fascists who yearn for the old Francoist slogan: "A great and free." "Great and free? Franco Spain ever fought for a great and free. For starters allowed the Yankees set up military bases in our country. Can there be a bigger shame? I would have preferred to shoot myself in the bunker, as did Hitler, rather than see my country subject to U.S. imperialism. How big? Franco not only began the colonization of Spain by the Americans, but also missed the last colonies of Guinea and the Sahara. Divided Franco Spain, submitted to U.S. imperialism, and finalized the remains of the empire. English nationalists who still admire Franco, or are not true patriots, or completely unaware of what Franco meant for our nation. I am a English patriot and for that I'm anti-Franco.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Vintage Stereo Receivers For Sale
Vicente Ferrer has died today. Today a great man has died. Vicente
Ferrer was born in Barcelona in 1920. Militant POUM (Workers' Party of Marxist Unification), fought in the English Civil War and was only 16 years. Time lived in exile in France after the defeat of the Popular Front, and met briefly Francoist concentration camps. After he joined the Jesuits, which would begin its humanitarian work in India. They fought selflessly for the rights of Indian farmers, earning the suspicion of the chiefs of the place. For over 50 years has dedicated his life to others, the liberation of the oppressed classes, and to mitigate the possible social inequalities that plague our world. A sensitive man to the pain of others, slaughtered and brave. Today
died Vicente Ferrer, and with him died a piece of my heart. If there is a god, surely must be sitting at his side.
sit tibi terra levis

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Century Bob Vs Punchbag
Capitalist propaganda has always served the creation of enemies imagery to justify their attacks against humanity. Now they claim that Iran seeks nuclear weapons and suggested that the Iranians have nothing better to do in this life to destroy the West. It's the same argument used to justify invading Iraq. First, Iran, like every nation, has every right in the world to develop nuclear energy to ensure its energy supply. What is more, the Iranian government has the OBLIGATION to make nuclear weapons to ensure the safety of its citizens. I mean,
examine history. Throughout history, only one country has used the atomic bomb to kill innocent civilians: United States of America. In the Iraq war there were people who asked for the army again employ the atomic bomb against Saddam, and even suspected that they could use neutron bombs. Throughout the twentieth century, no country has started more wars and more nations have invaded the United States of America. So yes there is a global threat, a nation that has nothing better to do than invade the rest of the world and impose their political system and culture: the United States of America. Any nation that does not accept their deposits is considered an enemy and attacked. Of course, Iran is not a threat, and this is proved by the fact that, since the Islamic revolution, has not attacked any other country. How many countries have attacked the United States in the last 30 years?
Therefore, to maintain its national integrity, Iran has only one option: to develop the atomic bomb. This, contrary to what one might think, would ensure peace. Then the U.S. would not attack Iran, and no war. Obviously, neither Iran nor the U.S. would threaten to destroy itself by using the free pump. The Iranians, an industrious people are too busy to develop their nation to worry about conquering the world. If Iraq had had weapons of mass destruction, no one had dared to attack that country. Notice the absurd reasoning of the West: "You have a weapon that can destroy, therefore I will destroy me before." Imagine walking down the street suspect that a person has a gun in his pocket, and fear that used to kill them. Then they decide to implement the policy of Bush and attack that person. It may take two things: (1) If you really had a gun, used to kill, and his attack will be served as a trigger to use. (2) If you did not have, have attacked an innocent person. Iraq used weapons of mass destruction to defend themselves because they had them, and knew very well that the invaders would otherwise not have been exposed to attack a country dangerously armed.
So while the United States maintain its imperialist policies and have the atomic bomb, it is recommended that every country develop nuclear weapons to guard against being overrun. Only if all countries are disarmed at the same time, global disarmament would be useful. Otherwise, it would turn the country disarm the Yankees.
Besides these obvious reasons, based on game theory, there are also moral reasons: what moral authority the United States has to tell a country that can not develop nuclear weapons? They have them, have used many politicians calling for return to use, and maintain a policy of imperialism and violence. This completely discredits them to require nuclear disarm any nation.
Additional note: Israel, the country that destabilizes peace in the Middle East, also has the atomic bomb, and many of their politicians have repeatedly proposed use against Islamic countries, including Iran, which further justifies the need for Iran developing nuclear weapons.
Wording About Friends
The "liberals" defend to the death of migratory processes occurring in recent years. Provide arguments in its favor as to enrich our culture as recipients, you have to be in solidarity with disadvantaged people, and so on. Closer look at who the main beneficiaries of migration.
First we must analyze why migrations occur. Migration processes are the result of territorial imbalances. These imbalances are caused by a number of issues, such as the history of each region, the historical processes of colonization and the modern history of nations. A key factor today is the neo-colonization. Neocolonialism is to withdraw troops from the colony, the colony is to pretend that independent, but keep the multinationals that are stealing from their indigenous resources. Probably the influence of multinationals on developing countries is the main cause of this underdevelopment. Given the relative impoverishment of their nation, citizens have the need to migrate most promising places.
Let us see how the migration harms or benefits to the various parts:
(1) A simplistic mind would say that the immigrants themselves are benefiting from the migration process. Not long ago we had to emigrate. When our parents and grandparents went to France and Germany in search of a better life, leaving behind their homeland and their family, they did with great joy. They were forced to, and emigration was a dramatic situation in their lives. Some immigrants, no doubt, will get to make his fortune in Europe and they will be worth the sacrifice. But most do not. Bolivia has recently lost an arm while was exploited by unscrupulous people. Have you benefited from migration? What about the hundreds of immigrants who drowned in the Strait? And those who are exploited by employers without heart? And those who are bankrupt and have to resort to prostitution or crime? No, the migration is not a happy process for immigrants, and they are the first casualties of this situation, having to leave his family and his country, and because the situation are not exactly rosy.
(2) The host country's workers are obviously affected by immigration. In a country with unemployment rates in Spain are with an increase in labor demand, in addition to the situation where immigrants are willing to work for less money. Thousand Euros for slashing poverty English, but a fortune for a sub-Saharan. Many demagogues say immigrants do the work that the English will not do. This, in general, not true. Immigrants do the work for wages that the English are not willing to admit. I put two examples. When he started the boom of the greenhouses in the Campo de Dalias, the first day workers who benefited were the inhabitants of the Alpujarras. But then farmers discovered Almeria cheap labor in Morocco. Now they are replacing the Moroccans and Romanians to be working cheaper. When the season comes the apple or grapes in France, thousands of English laborers traveling to past. Do not say that the English liberals do not want to work for day laborers? Of course, the salary they receive in France is a decent wage, while in Spain farmers operators have to resort to immigrants, which almost always have in subhuman conditions. In addition, more and more immigrants are taking jobs in all career fields, including high-paying fields or recognized. I know Colombians who have come to Spain to work for dentists! So this fallacy of "Progressive" breaks down completely.
(3) The desperation of immigrants often leads them to resort to crime. English brothels are full of foreign prostitutes, drug trafficking is controlled by foreign mafias, the vast majority of the robberies the foreign comment, including a murder rate worrying (including by male violence) are caused by foreigners. Obviously, this leads to insecurity and disgust the public. No wonder the far right has risen in the last election and I predict it will continue to rise.
(4) Among the great benefits of migration are local entrepreneurs, as the madman who recently threw away the severed arm of a migrant worker who was in a state of semi-slavery. In Spain there are many more individuals of this type that people think. There are only looking to Almeria, a desert with double per capita income than the rest of Andalusia, the sweat of the Moroccans. I invite you to walk around the places where immigrants live in deplorable conditions, while the municipality of El Ejido spent a fortune in bringing the Rolling Stone. Just as the wealth of Catalonia has been built by the sweat of Andalusia and Extremadura, which then accused of stealing the money. This is what they refer to the PSOE cynical politicians when they say that immigration brings wealth, wealth for the exploiters of unsuspecting immigrants.
(5) But surely the main beneficiaries of migration lie in the country of origin. The dictators in power and the multinationals, the first responsible for the poverty that drives migrants to leave their country. Migration works as a safety valve for social pressure generated by the poverty in these places. Just as the emigration of thousands of English helped solidify Franco on his throne, the immigration of citizens from around the world helps many other dictators like Mohamed VI, held in Morocco French and English multinationals. It also helps the multinationals who are in these countries, exploiting cheap labor and primary resources. The business is round for capitalism: send a multinational country, exploit its people and steal their resources with the support of the dictator, and thereby generate poverty forcing people to come to Europe, where they face other entrepreneurs to exploit and justify reductions in wages for local workers.
The height of impudence comes, as always, by the Social Democrats. On the one hand, the lords of the PSOE defend stealing English multinationals abroad, and other open doors to immigrants for their operation in situ, meanwhile, displayed his hypocrisy, speaking of solidarity and alliance of civilizations. C'mon, it's as if I go into neighbor's house, stole everything he has, then I invite you into my home to work as a servant in exchange for part of what he stole. The international game of capitalism, in which "liberals", willingly or unwillingly, play a key role in the propaganda "solidarity." True solidarity is to help these people to overthrow dictators and boycott the multinationals that exploit them.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Wet Cm When Period Due
Imagine a company with 100 employees who are paid 1000 euros a month. This company should generate a profit of 100,000 euros to pay the salaries of employees, if not, it is not profitable. But it must also generate profits to pay the interest the bank has transferred the loan to the entrepreneur. You should also generate benefits to the employer. Thus, although the element producing the workers, the company also powers businessman and bankers. The employer can play a productive work as a director or manager of the company is also required. But in any case, the banks, who control the money, and therefore the economy, achieved a profit for doing nothing, which is paid by the sweat of workers and the employer, especially in SMEs. What work met banks in the capitalist economic system? They are simply a flight of capital that is not reciprocated for any type of production. That is, just steal the entire working class (proletariat, freelancers and small businesses).
imagine the same company in a communist system. In this system there is no entrepreneur, but there may be a foreman or manager who meets the necessary part of their work. But most importantly, no bank. Thus the surplus of product that was literally stolen by the bank, may impact on the workers themselves in several ways: (1) cheaper product, with consequent benefits for consumers, (2) reduction of working hours necessary with consequent benefits for the workers, (3) goodwill consumed before the bank can be used in an increase in staff (both have less working hours, keeping the same productivity), which would benefit society by reducing unemployment.
In the capitalist system, the real owners of the productive elements are banks, the "yield" to entrepreneurs in exchange for a hearty economic incentive. In a communist system would society as a whole, the yield to the union workers to perform their work productively, without asking anything in return, except for depreciation of productive elements. Why communist systems have failed supposedly rooted in a number of elements: (1) Replace capitalism with state capitalism, not a true communist. (2) could not cope with the harassment by the capitalist bloc. (3) Instead of replacing unhealthy competition of capitalism by a healthy competition, eliminated completely. It is important to maintain a level of competence for products and improve the means of production in technological terms. (4) The loss of individual freedoms (especially freedom of expression) four maneuverability of society to find a better model.
Currently, the failure of capitalism could not be more obvious, but unfortunately, the capitalist propaganda has done very well their work, and barely heard voices that suggest a shift towards the socialist model toward a model without banks being robbed.
Revealing Black Pencil Skirt
500 years ago Columbus landed in America. The name of Columbus comes in handy, as it has become the first European to set foot on this continent, ignoring the fact that contrasted Leif Eriksson came to America 500 years before him. Immediately , the Crown of Castile (not Spain, which did not exist as such) began the conquest of this new world. There were many brave men, or rather desperate , they pressed for hunger. And thanks to advances technology of the time, managed to take over the continent. The Spaniards were mixed with the natives to a greater or lesser degree, and were born Creoles and mestizos. The Creoles completed taking over the land of the Indians, who became second class citizens, and still remain in many American countries.
Then came the nineteenth century . The local bourgeoisie realized that they would be better if they stopped paying their taxes to the Crown. And the French invasion took to cut the umbilical cord with the metropolis . Today, the descendants of the English who were there are still the masters of the land snatched the Indians, who see how they steal their livelihood, as is happening right now in Peru. The bourgeois revolution Latin America, like all bourgeois revolutions, is involved in a series of lies that the American people swallow as truth, even many Indians and mestizos.
First, the current citizens of America, mestizos and creoles mostly considering their genuine owners deliberately ignore the Indians.
Second, in Latin America , take the role of indigenous people and talk about who were conquered by the English, when Actually they are the conquerors . Probably , many English people on the peninsula we are descended from those who did NOT make Americas, but the creole whites control the economy and politics of the American continent, they are descended from the ancient conquerors . At the height of the outrage, accusing us of what their ancestors did.
Third, define the English as demonic and evil beings who committed serious crimes against humanity. Leaving aside that their ancestors did, the prosecution lost completely historical perspective. First, it was Castile and not Spain, the nation that conquered America. Secondly, what did the conquerors at that time was not a crime against humanity, a concept that did not exist. (It is as absurd as accusing the Romans of wild because people threw to the lions.) Assume that if they were the Aztecs or the Incas who had come to Europe, rather than invade have given us flowers, belongs to a quite childish mentality. The conquerors were neither heroes nor villains, just people fighting for their livelihood under the command of Castilian nobles greedy, and they won a war because they had technological advantage. The Cofan , for example, are a Native American village that was submitted by the Incas, and when the Spaniards invaded the Incas, the "liberated" from their oppressors inadvertently. Yet there are tribes where anyone who comes no more killed him, before asking if he came in peace. So the Indians were not about santitos , and if we analyzed from the perspective of those who act more current human rights, may lose out.
Fourth: We are accused of having destroyed their culture. In all cases, indigenous culture, not of the Creoles and mestizos, whose culture is born directly clash of civilizations . The liberals claiming this here in Spain, however, different from the Arabs believe that we invaded, claiming that enriched us with their culture. Let's see if we self-flagellate. It is true that there was a lamentable acculturation of the American people, but also a cultural enrichment, just as Arabs we have enriched us, as Romans, Carthaginians , Germans and other peoples who have gone through here. Why we are proud of our heritage and believe "bad" cultural enrichment happened in America? The Romans also acculturated to Iberians and Celts, and by no means consider the demons.
Fifth: We talk to enslaved the Indians. First, this is false, at least in the literal sense. The Indians were being exploited by big landowners (the ancestors of Creoles hypocrites who now claim that), like the English they were in Spain. And there were a genocide like by the British North America, and they mingled with the English, the result of which the large number of mestizos there today.
funny thing about these and other lies propagated by the white Creoles of European descent is when you hear from the mouths of Indians and mestizos. He once tried unsuccessfully to make them see their error, the fallacy of many statements, but it was like talking to a wall, having the mind completely washed. But the strangest thing was when they did, there never had been deprived of "the English yoke, and that their countries were still ruling whites, descendants of Iberian conquerors, who were the actual owners of land seized from their Indian ancestors. Then the discussion turned violent, I guess because I gave very near the target (pun said).
Fortunately, there are likely to change in America. Evo Morales, a genuine Indian Bolivia rules, opposed by the local bourgeoisie. Hugo Chávez , a mestizo, governs Venezuela, also opposed Creole. And there will be even more the Indians and mestizos who have a voice on the continent. Do not think they should expel the natives (let alone kill them, as happened in Mozambique ), as already part of their country. But it must end its position of power. It is time that Indians really regain control of their own country and ends with the domain "English." But for this, the Indians have to get rid of bourgeois lies, awakening from their slumber and realize that their enemies are not English conquerors, who have long raised purple, but their descendants, who still control the country and the neo-colonizers , mainly Americans, but also English, such as Telefónica, Banco Santander, Repsol or .
for the release of the American people, and nationalization and socialization of resources! Outside multinational !
Sunday, May 31, 2009
How To Watch Usb Device On Sony Tv
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Windows 7 Creative Nx Pro
Today, a terrible economic crisis affecting our country and the world ... well, the whole world, the entire capitalist world, to be exact. It seems clear that this crisis is the result of unbridled capitalism promoted from yesteryear by Mrs. Thatcher and Mr. Reagan, and especially in Europe advocated by conservatives, led by Mr. Aznar, and the Social Democrats, led by Mr Blair. Now, when misfortune, heralded by many, has fallen on us, all fingers point inquisitors against capitalism, banking, and speculators. But I want to go further, and report each and every one of the culprits, not just those that are seen on top of the iceberg.
First: It is clear that the fault of capitalism, a staunch conservatives and Social Democrats. Mr. Aznar liberalized the housing market so that speculators could do all that they have been doing and fill their pockets. And then, Mr Zapatero continued the same policy speculative. It is clear that both popular and "socialist" (I hate to be called so, staining the name of socialism) have benefited from jobs created by this economy with feet of clay. This allowed them to fill his mouth with lower unemployment figures, surpluses, and call votes. Of course, now that the house of cards has collapsed, Mr. Zapatero, continuity of economic policy Aznar, check balls out. But they also have benefited, many of them, the economic benefits. It is now coming to light the corruption of PP, which unfortunately does not take you to court all they are.
Second: It is obvious that also benefited the speculators all brick, large speculators, as the small speculator interim, posing as ready, is mortgaged to buy a small apartment and sell it. (Many of these have been left with debts to the eyes, greedy.)
Third: In a world economy controlled by the bank, which like the casino always wins, is also obvious that the banks had to put his paws in the matter. Not only that, but they are the main beneficiaries because many employers will be speculators in panties, but if the bank stays in panties, do not worry, that the government will and will maintain its share of profits at the expense of taxes paid by all workers in this country.
Fourth: Many employers, whether or not speculators have benefited from the economic boom in the desert mirage economy in Spain. If you move more money, more consumption, and that has benefited many people. Now, with less money in motion (blocked by banks fearful about going into bankruptcy), what do these entrepreneurs to expand investment in their businesses.
Fifth: Not only the great politicians of our country have benefited both politically and (often, I think that not always) financially. We also have small chiefs of the towns (and villages, would Bibiana Aido) of Spain. The most flagrant case of Marbella, which is just the tip of the iceberg that extends throughout the skin of a bull. Yes they have been filling their pockets with both hands.
And sixth, what about the poor and humble workers? "They are not to blame and will pay the piper!" Claman said those who defend them (for example, the PSOE, while looting them to pay their friends the bankers). But no, no, no, no, no. There are (are not) so the poor innocent workers. No, sir! Every four years, more than 20 million voted españolitos the lords of the PP and the PSOE to maintain the same economic system, instead of betting by some kind of change. And what is more ludicrous: in the towns and villages throughout Spain, the corrupt and corrupting large have been consistently applauded by the common people at the polls. Today, the ruling would GIL Marbella if Justice had not intervened. How many people are re-elected mayors charged in urban crime? Over there is the figure, but I'm too lazy to look. Instead, talk about a town I know well: Atarfe.
In Atarfe, Víctor Sánchez out systematically re-elected majority in each election, more absolute. This individual, who is now a 6 or 7 complaints in the courts, not only is separated from his party (PSOE), but is endorsed at the polls by people of legs of which I am ashamed as long ago, when asked, say that I was born in, and I'm from, Granada. This individual, in a display of delusions of grandeur, tried five times the population of the town, making virtually all urbanized municipality. Most absurd projects of this man are now in the process of bankruptcy. And while all the town was, in practice, for building, when it tried to build a new school, at the height of impudence, and that does not give money, took public lands Village of the institute. Yesterday, without going any further, I read that has a pending lawsuit by selling off council land to a developer that three weeks later resold it for triple the amount paid. Or the mayor and his team are stupid, which I doubt, or well-filled pockets at the expense of the municipality. But the people are happy. Build a lot, megalithic art in roundabouts (like a fall day and kill someone ...), arenas emerging tele-PSOE (also called South Channel), etc. ... And the people of this town is so stupid to believe that these buildings came out of nowhere, or even the mayor is charged pocket (as I listened, stunned, on one occasion). Therefore they are not able to relate the exaggerated rise in council tax so absurd work.
But among the most happy are the builders, because so much work has been employment for all industry professionals, and potential for the first time in his life they took a trowel. I met many masons Almuñecar (another town where the mayor, Mr. Benavides, sought to do the same as in Atarfe) that made proselytism of the mayor, not hiding it because of the policy to develop it all, did not lack work .
Now, all workers who have advocated extreme politicians who promoted paper an economic model, are queuing at the INEM. Many even have the gall to point the finger at the same politicians who have defended both, bankers or speculators who have given work. And what is more outrageous, they probably will vote again in the next election. More than 20 million English Social Democrats and Conservatives voting! They fucking 30 years our country and I still swallow their bullshit! So stupid are you? Or do ye are cynics and hypocrites?
So let me point out to others, and begin to make self-criticism. Conservatives have promoted the system that has led to the crisis. The Social Democrats (both mounted, mounted both) follow the same system and not going to change. The unions remain silent, because their leaders are paid by the system. A system controlled by the bank, which lives off the sweat of the workers. And they all backed by more than 20 million votes. So if you have to point to a culprit in your situation, workers (and this term includes employees, self employed, and small and medium businesses), if you vote them to PP or PSOE, do not be hypocrites, and point the finger at you themselves.
As Kropotkin said: freedom not given, is taken.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Write To Congratulate On New Post
noise wakes me up and watch the clock on the nightstand. Has been heard on the ground floor. So I grab my flashlight and the K-Bar knife-American marine memories of Disneyland-and down stairs trying to be calm and take accountability. Many are high or low, domestic or import, armed or not. If I were in a normal country, this burden would be on. Would fall with a shotgun and once down would pumba, pumba, without saying good night. Kosovo Albanians to heaven. Or whatever they are. But I'm in the mountains of Madrid, Spain. I do not like hunting and I have no gun. Only a Kalashnikov-another reminder of Disneyland " that no longer fires. On the other hand, a shotgun would not serve anything. I'm in Spain, leader of the West, again. Here the procedure varies. While under the stairs of my house, I insist, with knife in hand, what I is doing calculations. Wondering if you mess up the bird, if I'm not looking to put Triana and esparramar lucky if I have some bad, as they'll tell you after the Civil Guard and the judge. Having eggs. First, to see how I find out how many. Because if I find a thief and I have just fortunate to snuggle up and throw a trip, before I set the parameters. Imagine discovering one stealing the films of John Wayne, I give him a wet dark, and it turns out the guy is alone and does not carry weapons, or carrying a screwdriver, while I was the Endino with a blade span and peak. Total ruin. Violence must be provided, eye. And it is, I make sure before bringing the turkey. And their intentions. It is not the same as a dark lump that sneaks into your house at dawn intends to steal the Rio Grande that raping your wife, your mother, your children and the maid. All that has to be established before the proper dialogue. What exactly is you, my good man? What are your intentions? Where is it? How do you spend your free time? ... And if the other does not fluent in English, using to an alternative. Do not add, by God, the xenophobia aggravated arrogance. But it does not end there. Even if I set openly and accurate mobile phones and weapons from the bad, a judge, it depends on the touch-me can be spotted at night to decide that at home, even armed as equals, not a sufficient reason for the fascist act to hit a knife. We also have to prove that you faced, that's another. And I will not say if instead of giving a flat tire in the heat of the fray you hit three or four. There you go. Cruelty and treachery, at least. In any case, unnecessary violence, as in the recent episode of the kidnapped with his wife, to escape from his captors, he took the knife and stabbed him six endin one of them. Cabreadillo would, I suppose, or the other will not let them. Nothing. Ten years in prison, reduced to five by the Supreme Court. Normal. By pimp. But imagine that instead of a knife, which tonight takes the trouble is a real gun. And in a display of foresight and incredible filly warn you in the dark, I lunged heroic about the evil, disarming, and struggled. And bam. I hit a shot. Utter ruin, hear. It's cheaper to let him hit me for me, because until they can sue the family of the deceased. Another thing would be that evil was company. In this case, our legislation is comprehensive. I have only vigorously pounce on him, snatch the fusco, calculate how many astute overview of evil in the house, what weapons are and what are the intentions of each, and shoot, not to take iron bar, knife spliced , baseball bat or gun-darling simulated the latter, need to come and check it before, but the one that loads of pistol or submachine gun up. All this, assuring good, despite the darkness and the predictable uproar, that at the time the guy is not taking place and on the run, because in such cases, fucked, Burlancaster. As to the baseball bat, the procedure is simple: leave the gun, I'm looking for another bat, stick or umbrella of similar size and I face him, while marred his conduct and asked if he only meant to take away the family jewels or your intentions also include break my asshole. Then do the same with the knife. And so on. The fact is that when I get to the bottom of the stairs, eating the jar and more aware of the explanations that I will tomorrow if I get off this, that what can be found below, I see that it has been two or three times the light , and that the noise was deuvedé and TV when turned on. And I think by this time I saved. In jail, I say. Has brought more let me steal.
Author: Arturo Perez-Reverte
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sample For 2nd Anniversary Letter To Someone
Hello dear readers, in the previous section I tried a few issues that need to be clear on the basic engineering design, particularly the engineering process, such as vapor pressure or saturation pressure . (to see article above) (to see first article)
This time, try to exemplify why it is important to understand these concepts, as is almost customary use some of the engineering design projects I've developed for oil and gas industry.
lubricating oil supply to turbo-machinery equipment plant was done through drums of 200 liters and 1000 liters isotanks, which were piled causing a problem and limited access areas. On the other hand, supplying the lubricating oil in these conditions required a series of movements important and involved serious risks of accidents for the operation and maintenance personnel, there is also the possibility of oil spills in the handling and manual decanting of lubricating oil.
system was implemented automated storage and distribution for turbomachinery lubricating oil of the plant and thereby reduce risks to staff, optimizing space for the management of oil drums, discarded in this way possibility of oil spills causing a negative environmental impact.
This storage system mainly consists of the following teams:
a) A storage tank was located on the first level of the plant.
b) Two pumps (one in operation and a relay).
c) A filtration system was located at the discharge of the pumps.
following shows schematically the installation of the storage and distribution system.
I. Synthesis process:
pumps lube oil distribution are double diaphragm. The pumping system with 2 pumps (One in service and one backup), BA-BA-101A and 101R, respectively, to distribute the oil to a depth of approximately 20 meters. The arrangement of pipes in the suction and discharge of the pumps allow the option of normal use for distribution or use oil for the transfer of lubricating oil to the storage tank from 200 liter drums. or 1000 liters.
lubricating oil supply that feeds the turbo-machinery will be done through the distribution head, before which the oil passed through a duplex strainer basket FL-1001 to remove impurities from your system.
II. General concepts
are known phenomenon of cavitation occurs when a point of a liquid stream, the pressure becomes less than the vapor pressure corresponding to the temperature which is the liquid the decrease in pressure causes the liquid to boil at a temperature well below 100 º c or begin to vaporize. In some cases depending on traffic conditions will form a steam piston, which sometimes come to completely block the flow: in others, small cavities are occupied by vapor bubbles, which carries the current and to reach places where there is greater pressure, collapse, accompanying this collapse with sudden compression stress intensity.
NPSH (Net Loading P osita of Suction)
By definition, the NPSH is the total height of cargo to the pump inlet, measured relative to the plane of references, plus the height corresponding to atmospheric pressure and the height decreased due to the tension of the liquid.
should bear in mind two concepts:
NPSH (Available)
total absolute pressure in the ear of the impeller and the suction end result specifies the conditions of the installation. Depending on the installation is independent of the type of pump.
NPSHd knowledge of the installer is essential for the proper choice of the pump and prevent possible failures.
minimum absolute pressure in the ear of the driver that ensures a healthy flow inside the pump. Is a central characteristic de cada tipo de bomba, variable según el modelo y tamaño y condiciones de servicio, por tanto es un dato que facilitan los fabricantes de los equipos de bombeo.
Para un funcionamiento correcto de una instalación se verificará siempre que:
En esta ocasión solamente mostraré la metodología utilizada para el cálculo la carga positiva neta de succión disponible (NPSHD), ya que el dimensionamiento total de equipos de bombeo será tratado en otro capitulo.
III. Propiedades del fluido:
Las principales propiedades de los aceites lubricantes (turbina 11) bombeados se muestran a continuación:

V. Design criteria.
The first step in our methodology is to establish the design criteria.
design criteria used for this system are based on national and international standards of design and installation of piping systems, which show the following:
The pressure drop per 100 ft of pipe (suction pumps supercooled liquid)
ΔP100 = 0.05 to 0.25 psi (lb/in2)
The recommended speed (suction of supercooled liquid pumps):
V = 1 to 5 ft / sec.
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the variables in a typical pumping system.
VI. Formulas
1 .- Diameter of suction: This will give an approximate diameter required but is not definitive because it must verify that it meets the criteria of the pressure drop
3 .- Friction factor: On this occasion we will use the following equation (Fanning), but this formula has limitations that will treated in the chapter on design of a phase line.
5 .- Equivalent length (LE)
The following table gives the equivalent lengths of pipe for various accessories:
Fig. 3. Table of equivalent length of valves and fittings in feet (API-RP-14E).
Click on this link to download fig.3
6 .- frictional pressure drop:
7 .- Load net suction available (NPSHd):
PS = Pres . abs e / suction cup (like our drum is open to the atmosphere will be equal to 14 . 7 PSIA = 33 . 93 ft of H2O) h = Height
liq. (With respect to the axis of the pump) = 1m + liquid height = 1.90 m = 6.23 ft
ΔPF = frictional pressure drop (ft)-is calculated
ΔP100 = pressure drop per 100 ft-(PSIG)
HV = Vapor pressure of liquid = 0.0155 Kg / cm ² = 0.22 PSIA = 0,508 ft of H2O
Re = Reynolds Number (dimensionless)
ρ = liquid density (lb/ft3)
Q = volumetric flow rate (GPM)
Di = Inner diameter (in)
μ = fluid viscosity (cp)
V = Velocity of fluid (ft / s)
For our particular case, the suction head as shown in Figure 1 The oil tank is above the pump shaft, so our hours will be positive (+).
VII. Calculations
1 .-
Dn = 2 in
Di = 1,939
How can we check our selected diameter (2 in), according the required flow (20 GPM), does not meet the criterion of pressure drop per 100 ft, although in speed if.
At this point one must consider the criteria of speed vs. pressure drop, usually suction pumps the most important criterion to meet is ΔP100, so proceed to select a larger diameter.
Dn = 3 in
Di = 3,068
recalculated are:
Re = 335,493 F = 0.1058 = 0,103 PSI
As you can see with a diameter of 3 in. in diameter, we have that if we comply with the pressure drop criteria set out in section IV. 5 .-
accessories including suction of these pumps is shown in the following table:

calculated according to NPSHd NPSHR should check provided by the manufacturer, if the NPSH available is greater than the latter should be increased, otherwise it will form the phenomenon of cavitation in the pump.
IX. Application of thermodynamic properties:
The application in this example is the vapor pressure or saturation pressure, because if was not given due importance, and not taken into account, we may fall into the error that suction pressure is less than the vapor pressure, and thus be formed cavitation.
second application (CONTROL VALVE)
control valves are exposed to all kinds of influences in process control. This requires the existence of a large variety of designs depending on series and of what the specific problem to be solved in each particular application. So if we add to this variation may experience both physical and chemical parameters of the fluid, or all those parameters that can affect the process itself requires us to use a special calculation technique when performing the choice of control valve.
The phenomenon of cavitation occurs when a liquid flowing through a pipeline will reduce the flow through a control valve, it speeds up considerably (the principle of conservation of mass). This increase in speed leads to pressure loss (principle of conservation of energy). If this low pressure drop below the saturation pressure of the fluid, it produces bubbles of steam seeking greater pressure zones which collapse abruptly. These areas are often the control valve itself and immediately afterwards, since the pressure is recovered by slowing the rate to its initial value.
Fig. 4. Graph of pressure and velocity relative to the saturation pressure.
In this process, vapor bubbles form a static cavitation zone which varies in length depending on differential pressure. The vapor bubble implosions produce what is known as micro-jets (small portions of fluid propelled at high speed and short life, maximum number of milliseconds), them when they hit a solid material, such as a valve body, damage and wear. They may even eventually get "to eat" the body of the valve, especially in control valves that redirect the fluid. However, although they develop a control valve ingenious design, it would be possible for procedural reasons, to ensure that cavitation would be free of all conditions (for example Xf> Z)
Xf If the value is greater than the Z value, the valve will cavitate, as much as 0.802> 0.6 in our case there CAVITATION, and the greater the difference between value and value Xf Z Most get
cavitation Once developed the example above, we see the importance of awareness of the value Z of a control valve for a process to determine if the control valve to cavitate and magnitude.
far we have come to the application of thermodynamic properties, I hope you have been to your liking and give them a broader approach to these properties within the oil and gas industry. As you can tell clearly having this knowledge allows us to design effective and safe.
I hope in my next post, where interesting topics try Bá Engineering and music of detail ( Process, Piping usage coming from designers as , Instrumentació n and Process Control, Industrial Safety ) with a approach to the industry with more boom in Mexico, "the oil industry .
Until next time.