Friday, February 12, 2010

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Hernán Cortés on education in Spain

Article of the sublime Arturo Perez-Reverte, published in the XL-Weekly: Let
tutear, asshole
Beagle Boys Gang, one another. Traditionalism proverbs illiterate right. Illiterate demagogues on the left. Chairmanof this Government. Former president of another. Head of the pathetic opposition. General secretaries of national parties or party autonomy. Ministers and former ministers here matizaré ministers and ministers-of Education and Culture. Several advisers. Etcetera. I do not want to end the month with no commentator, the familiarity is deliberate, to the mother. And I mean the mother of all those you had in your hands infamous public education in the last twenty or thirty years. Of those who make possible this complacent fucking country is a country of more shit yet. You, stupid irresponsible to be removed from classrooms Latin, Greek, History, Literature, Geography, intelligent analysis, the ability to read and therefore understand the world, including science. Of those who, through incompetence and shame, are guilty of Spain are among the most uneducated of Europe, our young people may lack reading comprehension, private schools are increasingly disaffected public of quality teaching, and students are below average in all subjects tested.
But the worst is not that. What makes me blood boil is your arrogant impunity, your lack of self and your leg absentia. Here, as usual, nobody takes the blame for anything. Less than a month ago, the publication of the devastating PISA 2006 data, the Pepe meapilas lacked the time to blame all the Logs Maravall and Solana, which, indeed, should be hanged after the Nuremberg trial culturally, ignoring the fact that for two terms, or eight years later the government, the Ansar friend and his cronies were literally touching the flower in Education, destroying public education in favor of allowing the private and, in exchange for electoral pasteleo that each village chief made his business in seventeen different educational systems, outside each other, with devastating effects on the Basque Country and Catalonia.
And as the weight that now leads to the Arcadia happy, there are the official reactions, with a Minister of Education of the Government of Andalusia, for example, that after twenty years of uninterrupted rule in his fiefdom, where culture slash underdevelopment, has the nerve to charge the dead "historical backwardness." Or a Minister of Education, Ms. Cabrera, able to say that the data is fearless out of context, that the English students work great, that "the English educational system not only does well, but does so very well" and it has not failed because it "is capable of responding to the challenges facing society," including that "young people have their own language: the chat and sms." With two balls.
But the best is yours, chairman and discuss what you remind me the next time you go to take a picture to Royal English Academy. Stunning, I swear, that that "what most determines the education of each generation is the education of their parents", although it was not bad for "we have had many generations in Spain with low educational achievement, the fruit of the country we '.
other words, port: that after two thousand years of Greco-Roman Hispania, Miguel Delibes Quintilian through Cervantes, Quevedo, Galdós, Clarín and Machado, good people, the educated, the prepared, which finally going to get Spain out of the hole, in the years to come, at last, thanks to prospective parents happily made up your ministers and ministers, your Loes, your education for citizenship, your gender and gender, your teachers CANTAMAÑANAS, your lack of authority in the classroom, your school egalitarianism in mediocrity and lack of incentive for effort, your university and your students apathetic four p'alante suspense and throws. For the fault that now things chunga walk, the cause of such nonsense, incoordination, confusion, and agraphia, not the politicians you have culturally planes. Niet. The educational performance is low by Ortega y Gasset, Unamuno, Cajal, Menéndez Pidal, Manuel Seco, Julian Marias or Gregorio Salvador, or people who studied under Franco, Juan Marse, Muñoz Molina, Carmen Iglesias, José Manuel Sánchez Ron, Ignacio Bosque, Margarita Salas, Luis Mateo Díez, Álvaro Pombo, Francisco Rico and some other illiterate, parents or not, among which I include myself generationally.
What fear you give me some, damn. Seriously. Much more dangerous is an idiot, an evil.


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