Friday, May 6, 2011

Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Fatigue?

Prostitution is not synonymous with violence

No, prostitution is not synonymous with violence per se, prostitution is strictly speaking "the provision of voluntary and negotiated paid sexual services" (Maqueda, 2009). Meanwhile, the State Council in its opinion on whether or not to prohibit prostitution ads says: "Prostitution is, according to the Dictionary of Language (22. nd edition), the" activity to which he is sexually engaged with others, in exchange for money. " The term prostitution means, "for legal purposes, all persons of either sex to be remunerated either in kind or nature, is delivered consistently and in a way that is, during all or part of their time, sexual contacts, normal or abnormal, with different people of the same sex or opposite sex "(Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Meeting Tokyo, 1958). "
Finally, prostitution is an economic activity and has been recognized as such by the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Specifically, in the Judgement of November 20, 2001 (Jany and others) "prostitution is a paid service, which is included in the concept of economic activities (...). It is an activity for which the provider satisfies a consideration, a claim the beneficiary, without producing or giving material goods (...). The activity of prostitution pursued independently be considered a service in return for remuneration and, therefore, is included in the concept of economic activities or self-employed. " Moreover, the Court rejected the grounds for denying such a character: namely, that the activity was immoral and behaved always a limitation of personal freedoms and labor.
What if there are conditions in which prostitutes are criminalized in the Penal Code and is important to separate the activities the concept of criminal prostitution itself recognizing different realities.
The biggest problem I've had to deal with and face my guys, is not serving customers, there is the stigma. When internalized stigma tends to provoke feelings of frustration, low self esteem and guilt. These feelings can influence, hinder or block the processes of resource recovery and valuation of their own capabilities initiated by women and even, and if necessary, can also cause the abandonment or waiver of a possible job relocation process (for not feel strong and safe, for fear of being recognized or discriminated by his past etc.).
From my point of view and my own experience much like that of my colleagues, stigma is the real violence that we must support those who are immersed in this world. There are many situations that we have to deal with users as women we meet them and literally send them "to hell" when needed. Clarify which of course I'm talking about women who are not forced by criminals to exercise, but a certain day, to particular circumstances, we decided to choose prostitution as an alternative.
Along with stigma, that prostitution remains on vacuum legal brothels and allow them to exist without any kind of control is what makes committed more situations of abuse, exploitation, and vulnerability to people who exercise, ie the conditions under which they must exercise experiences that lead to prostitution not be sanctioned. In this regard, a clear example are the initiatives being undertaken by different municipal ordinances as prohibiting women from being on the street, fined them and their clients, that if that is violence and a breach of their fundamental rights as people, since prostitution is not a crime and be in the street talking to a person not, the consequences are they can not negotiate with confidence, they take away their livelihood and if they are in this situation it endangers their physical and mental, as well as being under threat of offenders suffer police chase that should be protected.
If all the above, adding that the alternatives being offered to leave prostitution are scarce and often precarious and poorly paid jobs and no formal training and those who are in this situation, no one protects as victims, we close the cycle of inconsistency and perverse public policies that exist. Furthermore
abolitionist ideology gives a homogenized image of prostitution and to believe that most women are in this situation and we are victims of violence, when the reality is much more heterogeneous. This creates a macrovictimación; the creation, but instead do not apply the fundamental rights of the victims and the money received from the public subsidies spent on silly campaign instead of attending to the victims. This attitude is also violence against women (and men and transgender people) who engage in prostitution and also hides the real causes (social injustice) of prostitution and minimized.
For its part, the media social communication are also involved in that violence against women and persons who engage in prostitution, it does when used headlines such as "x prostitutes arrested, when in fact detained for alleged crimes that violate the Immigration Act and contributing to the perpetuation of the stigma of prostitution, comments and pictures showing sordid.
Finally some people linked to organizations, public and NGOs engaged the attention of people in prostitution, also engage in violence by giving discriminatory treatment and without any empathy and making disrespectful comments and value judgments. In first person I have had cases like this when ever I went to get help and I had to hear what he had to do "is leaving prostitution and get to scrubbing" or that he needed psychiatric treatment because prostitutes are sick people.
Prostitution is not an issue of votes and not on the priority projects of political parties, rather I have concluded that this issue to continue in a war of ideologies abolitionism-regulation, legalization and scuffles, some / as technocrats, lawyers, criminologists / as, social workers, sociologists etc. but without any real desire provide solutions. I had to hear in a professional answer to why we are not listening to prostitutes "do not listen to a prostitute to know what is prostitution." If we listen they would know that most women (men) are prostitutes like work, neither better nor worse than others, no more pleasant or less, some days are harder and not so . Is an alternative that allows some people use to earn more money than other jobs that are considered "worthy" by society "Neira
Article published in:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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review article on the implications of the National Plan on Trafficking. Bibliography.

http : / / ~ pwlac/G27_08Estefania_Acien-Francisco_Checa.html

Estefanía González Acién

Researcher, Centre for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations, University of Almería, Spain.

Czech Francisco Olmos Area
Professor of Anthropology Social, Universidad de Almería, Spain.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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"legalize prostitution?

This question asked in the context of local and regional elections have no reason to be as legalize prostitution it means recognizing it as a job or not , the exclusive competence of Parliament, the Cortes (legislature). Another thing is that you ask my personal opinion.
The responses also are those that seem to say a lot but actually say nothing, "violates the dignity of women? In my first explain to me how specific this dignity. What's holding and conditions under which they are exercised that are not acceptable? totally agree, the first person I met, both prostitutes and socially accepted in other works, "but then apply the laws that already exist and do not go acquitted pimps and members of public institutions involved, ie who care and to ensure that crimes have consequences and that the care of victims is real and not just a statement of intent, addition to working for the lack of social injustice, to all people .
FEATURE: municipal and regional elections THE PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS


Clear answers to specific problems. This provides the section with a view to the elections of 22 May. Today the candidates for mayor of the city of Madrid respond to the question of what measures will be taken on prostitution, a practice more visible in certain areas of downtown. Do you have any further questions to the candidates? Send it to

ANGEL PEREZ (IU): "The forced should be abolished, and voluntary controlled"
We are concerned about forced prostitution, that which is exercised to survive. In this world where exploitation takes more inhumane and violent. This prostitution should be abolished through the rule of law. The volunteer must be regulated. We must remember however that in Spain, in various forms of prostitution is not illegal now, and in fact, a well recognized, distribution and compensation in large areas of some media.

JAIME LISSAVETZKY (PSM): "We must adopt rules that give support to victims"
I am against prostitution. First, because it undermines the dignity of individuals. Second, because it creates a criminal network, which converts the sex trade in a dramatic form of exploitation. Third, because exercised in public places creates problems of coexistence. It is necessary to eradicate prostitution coordinated action of all authorities to dismantle networks trafficking in women. The councils must adopt rules that give support to victims, not incriminate, and regulate the use of public space.

ALBERTO RUIZ-GALLARDÓN (PP): "It involves a holding that society can not accept"
In any case legalize prostitution, because this is an issue that must be approached from the greatest respect to women, and prostitution involving a holding that no society can accept. At the same time, I know that its exercise in public cause inconvenience to neighbors. The way to prevent such situations happening in social work, combating organized crime and the social exclusion demand. Always seeking to preserve the dignity of women.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Birthday Poems Asking For Money As A Gift

Thesis on prostitution in Spain

leave the relationship of doctoral theses have been published in Spain that have dealt with prostitution:

- Ignasi Pons: University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1992
- Regina de Paula Medeiros: University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 1996
- Sara Carmona: University Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2004
- Norma Mejia: UNED, 2006
- Gemma Nicholas: University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2007
- Pepe Riopedre: UNED, 2010
- Javier Tapia, University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010

Missed Period And Increased Cervical Mucus

Why? Review article. New Union

How does football with prostitution? How is English football to prostitution in Spain?
this morning to browse, as I do every day the press looking for news and articles with prostitution, I have encountered with this item. I entered the laughter, and then I got really serious and told me how much human stupidity is dispersed. The article in question is none other than the section on culture and explain himself and what comes to mention this post.
Following my comments on the considerations that were used to request an opinion from the State Council, and in many other debates, I had to face arguments calling for the abolition of prostitution. One of the most commonly given is that prostitution must disappear because:
"conveys gender roles and stereotypes perpetuating inequality and subordination."
I always say that everyday there are millions of actions that contribute exactly the same size and do not reflect on them, we for obvious, do not go unnoticed as prostitution that has become the great scapegoat of gender inequalities.
behold, in the pages of a newspaper also read general-children-and helps to transmit these gender roles in perpetuating stereotypes of inequality and subordination.
1 - Football, clearly male sport: you know what will happen when they leave the homosexual footballers aramario?. Contributes to and facilitates social contact between men.
2 - Women's football also exists and the English national women's football has enjoyed wins and just made public.
3 - In the media only, not to say anything, we talk about sports that women do and have been traditionally masculine and SOCCER PLAYERS, basketball, cycling, hockey, motorcycling.
5 - Female athletes do not earn anywhere near the money that men earn. Even those in the elite.
6 - The women's game just have sponsors and grants
7 - scholars consulted were all men when in the same universities that are already mentioned there are many women who are fully capable of giving their views and have been overlooked.

Who wants to think they think, prostitution per se is not the greatest evil, and the only society of the disorders that reproduce social inequalities, cultural, economic. These are everyday attitudes, arising inertial quasi which reproduce. Philosopher
or s, s psychologist or anthropologist or s Mourinho analyzed using the most universal of questions of philosophy to the helplessness and the unknown
. Why. Why. Thus, a dozen, countless times, Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho, looking for the answer to a defeat that well as to predict a possible elimination of a tournament, the Champions League, carries a personal defeat. A disgrace. Because, beyond hinting institutional favors arbitration, the issue is that the human being brought before the infinite, bad fate, unexpected loss, when someone goes "with the majority," saying the Romans. question facing the Western philosophy for twenty-five centuries. Therefore, and in full-Permanent-debate on the usefulness of certain disciplines of Humanities, La Vanguardia has called for a reflection on the issue, far from hooliganism, philosophers, psychologists and anthropologists.

WHY 'why'. "That is the question most radically human" opens Guillem Feixas, professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona (UB), "is our response to what we do not understand, our search for explanations for the unexpected and adversity , death ... The human being needs to ask why, certify that there is an explanation. But we are not gods, and rarely have a final answer, compelling, rarely have 100% security that that is the answer. And when we get it, we doubt. " "We could compare this issue with admiration Aristotle and perplexity, in the classical philosophical perplexity at the incredible things he started thinking. So we could say that Mourinho feels this admiration and bewilderment and concludes that football is not winning because it is not yours, "Guardiola football surely you need a supplement to have reached where it is today. Mourinho is asking what the charge "reflects Jaume Casals, Professor of Philosophy at UB.
Chute de Descartes. "The 'why'," continues Josep Maria Terricabras, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Girona, is part in this case an argument disimulatorio. Capacity attributed to the justificatory question, and that comes from Descartes: knowledge must be based, and here we are justifying or attending to their concerns. We will have to answer conceding that Mourinho will be right. But even the questions must be answered and scientifically justified, not every question is valid. " "Mourinho is the question and ask us to death because, barring a miracle in the form of 0-3, is now dead footballing" abounds Ignacio Morgado, Professor of Psychobiology at the UAB and author of Emotions and social intelligence (editorial critical.) "I have a feeling He adds that the reasons of Mourinho are more respondents who operant. He already has the answers. It is an emotional reaction to the defeat, which is not only recreational but also personal. He has played much and has not got anything positive. Reaction is a loser, a way to cover up their responsibility, "Casals continues.
THE MOU hunter-gatherers. Jordi Serrallonga, archaeologist and anthropologist of the Human Origins Group at the UB-hominid and renowned analyst of human evolution, goes way back when he argues that "hunter-gatherer societies in Africa, the highest was for six million years 'Survives'. Y 'survives' was not afraid and think that you are about to palmar. Now we know that in the past was not so well, but the man was one in the ecosystem. Then, in the agriculture evolution, prehistory, Greece, urbanization ... to not settling the big questions we ask. So the hunter-gatherer Mourinho would have said: 'We went out to play against Barcelona and we were not going well', was very simple and society would have preyed. The sedentary Mourinho would take a more metaphysical discourse, as he did, and his response avoids being eaten, he makes them all go to the archive or video files to see if he's right. " Feixas, by contrast, believes that "the doubts thrown by Mourinho suggest a conspiracy against, and this stance is not adaptive. What is that which guarantees the survival, survives has the greatest potential to adapt to changes, and in this case not only is not, but that can incorporate new elements: if you come to lose or is sanctioned, will be added to content, which. The mental health do not have much to do with how we respond to the unexpected. Is a key issue in psychiatry. " Morgado added yet another factor: "The competitive human behavior is positive, because it requires improvement. Natural selection has prioritized competitive behavior. "
FOOTBALL AND MORAL. "Mourinho is interesting because it quoted Einstein. It goes beyond that of 'that's football. " Enter your moral and ethical concepts and that is enriching. He says he is not accusing, just asking questions: with it is telling us that we exist, "says Serrallonga. "Guardiola is also metaphysical, because when he suggests that 'we lose' advances to the reality." To Terricabras, "why start with is cheating, because it simulates looking for a cause, without questioning the fact: it assumes that the fact we agree. And you can not rush begin an analysis without the phenomenon of origin. There is a second catch: no scientific sense. If such arbitrator had found that absolutely always hurts, or discovers a plot against him ... But he does not arise otherwise. Can not be itself the cause? Do your players? Distorts the causal and simulates the causes are the effects. " Casals affects this argument: "When the guy asks questions repeatedly about their misfortunes, the most plausible is that bad luck has not settled, but possibly his own attitude is the cause. We must confront the pure logic of facts. "
WAIT OR TRADING. "Football interests me greatly, both suchas philosophy," explains Prof. Casals. In my opinion, both Mourinho and Guardiola are exemplary because they try to take their own concept of football to its fullest, and both do excellently: Mourinho believes good football play little ball, and is very respectable. As respectable as the de Guardiola, who is the opposite and it certainly is much more speculative: touch it much until you see the opportunity. " "The player would Cruyff Mourinho, because it was so very little. Messi is absolutely Guardiola needs to have the ball in the foot. And there is another very philosophical difference between both: Guardiola was a player, can play, and therefore its knowledge comes from experience. Mourinho can not play, and thus his knowledge comes from science. No need to know to have played football, and that is pure philosophy. " "Needless to say," apostille "that Mourinho's FC Barcelona is" false science. "

BALLS OUT. "Nobody talks about his work as a coach, but he leads us to the historiography of other equipment; shifts its responsibility to a metaphysical world. As an adaptive strategy is good, "says Serrallonga. "I do Morgado-opposed-to be continually drawing attention as a strategy, but character. So. Aggressive, conceited, arrogant ... What is lacking here: a little self-criticism. But it is hard to get into the skin of someone with so much responsibility. On the other hand, is already well to talk about Mourinho and not stop. " "Mourinho is the lightning rod of the Madrid players," adds Henry Lynch, a professor of aesthetics at the UB and writer. He concentrated on any criticism that might fall on team performance and in this sense, plays an accessory role very well (media) of coach in order to ease the pressure on the players. "
ADVERSITY. "The reaction to adversity leads to a cognitive error is the typical and selective abstraction. Is fixed at some facts, only a few, to achieve an explanation as to save the budgets for it are fundamental. When any of these assumptions, for example, "My team is the best" - is hit against a challenge that puts you at risk, the mechanism is to focus the causes of facts that allow saving the mother's idea, perseveres Feixas. "One of the things I like about Mourinho is the ease with which we get exasperate sports journalists: Vidal-Quadras is the current English football, "Lynch compares.

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sex workers. SINTRASEX

Presentation of the first union of sex workers:

http://sintrasex . / # c1680829197675564297

UNION sex workers struggle for legality (policy) FIGHT FOR THE REGULAR (Social Security) FIGHT FOR THE NORMAL (society) FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT TO LIVE WITHOUT FEAR OR SHAME.


Sex work in our legislation does not appear as such. The prostituicion not stated in the penal code. Allowing us to demand a labor law, as stated in the Law of the Statute of Workers (BOE of March 29, updated to January 2011) by Article 4.1.a) we have the right to work in the profession we choose .
For this purpose born SINTRASEX - Union @ s sex worker, which is nothing more than the English Union of Sex Workers @ s to demand our right to sex work and our right to be recognized as workers @ s s activ @ s in society and politics.

Such action would enable the de-stigmatization of sex work.

Facilitate the involvement in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation

lead to a visibility of several groups

would favor the state deficit with the contribution of taxes for us @ s generated.

Cons to legalization are mere moral points that violate human rights not only legal but also l @ s @ s sex worker, so that may be assessed as a positive for legalization and regulation of sex work.

Can Debt Follow Me To Australia

"Prostitution Submerged." Eugenio Suarez.

divers is not exercising mercenary love, but the peculiar situation that comes into this ancient activity, a matter that attempt to deal with the dispassion of an entomologist who sticks butterflies. In other words, it is not personal. I speak of prostitution as a social phenomenon and advancement, in all my life, dealing with this world was superficial, almost platonic and friendly. In the old days of cabarets, nightclubs night, I used to hit the string with any of the usual filtered by the maitre d 'who saw come closing time without obtaining the client. We talked with them, interested in the vicissitudes professionals who trust us with pleasure and relief. Then it became popular to fairly certain triad of "Three Ps": prostitutes, policemen and journalists. We have always been the scapegoats vile. I found that among that caste had splendid human beings
fairly certain was popularized triad of the "three Ps": prostitutes, policemen and journalists
has always been a model of economy, until recently which, it seems, business is air suspicious, exploitative, and ultranationalist mafia. I believe that choosing this profession is a voluntary fee and convenient for specifying vocational predisposition or tendency, as I do not go. Nor would prosecute if an agricultural expert notary or officer was frustrated Olympic swimming champion, chocolate, even fucking great restorer. There everyone.
You do not need knowledge or experience to conclude that prostitution has changed. We checked each morning with whatever the newspapers consulted startlingly explicit offers qualities and services offered. Except Whorehouses road, including lists of the Treasury, the office is exercised freely and, it seems that, at least officially, is excluded from the benefits of Social Security.
Like everything else, structures have changed, or is a whore misfit who has to yield the sidewalk, or a dissatisfied customer of the thalamus. Judging from the profusion of advertising claims, the claim must be high and I feel incapable, by age and other circumstances, put myself in the shoes of the user. Perhaps there is still the class division between the more low birth and high-flying, the client's urgent and petty and entertaining mixed geisha refinements to the understanding of the "beloved", endearing name that was given to wife bis. Today is all socialized, popular, and popularized in this area still remember when, in the bar he frequented long ago, I pointed to the last great cocottes - what cursimente afrancesado idiom for it - that 's mother in the vicinity of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. They princely entrance, wearing one of them the spoiled Pekingese in her arms, something that had not consented to another woman. Asked two separate cocktail and smoked in long nozzles, as if in her boudoir. The older waiters greeted with respect and old customers were coming to kiss the hand that tended to a certain languor. They were known by their nicknames and I think we saw two notable: The Mahogany and The Shining. The first was the lover of the dictator of Jerez de la Frontera and both were mature women of extraordinary distinction and beauty. Of course they had lining the kidney and no longer dependent men.
After they have been socialized the matter and, except in restricted circles, no notoriety, anonymity has fallen like a pall over a weak Democrat of lust. Those shining stars of fornication practiced and preached the most important of his virtues discretion. No reports, which would jugosísimas, even away from the confines sex-because they were witnesses, accomplices, collaborators, often necessary, political or economic events in the shaft. I do not know if they paid taxes, something that I do not know if you fill the hundreds of beings, men and women now engaged in a task-public practice, burladero of some underground activity of considerable proportions. A phenomenon has occurred: there is hardly any English prostitutes, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Asia have taken fruitful from the streets to our compatriots. Poor girls!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Restart Windowblinds 7

REDTRASEX message on International Workers Day

May 1, 2011 - Women who formed the Network of Sex Workers in Latin America and the Caribbean ( REDTRASEX) we want to greet all the people in this international day of struggle for the demands of the working class.
On May 1 was established as the "Labor Day (and employee)" in homage to the Martyrs of Chicago, anarchist trade unionists who were murdered for their involvement in the struggle for the eight-hour workday, which originated in the strike which began on 1 May 1886 and its peak three days later, on May 4 at the Haymarket Riot in Chicago. So today is a holiday, but to claim, because the struggle remains:
For work for everyone,
for better working conditions,
for wages,
by the disappearance of the wage gap gender,
against all types of labor exploitation.
Without work and without labor rights will not be social justice.
https: / / /