Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Magda Kołodziej, Knurów

"A plastic bone as intoxicated. It is about forty dogs in heat "

The Before and After the dog (in just 2 years).

"When we saw him open the plastic piece of bone in the stomach "" He lost all his hair and urine where the grass is completely black "

A Asturian sits in the dock to Nestlé for making a toy that "releases large doses of female hormones" 30/03/1911 - 3:26 - OLAYA SUAREZ GIJÓN.

A fight of David against Goliath. Zita Ll. S. think your dog, Pavel, will die before the trial arising from the complaint he filed against Nestle and a large area by placing a plastic bone that it regards as 'is killing the animal. " The hearing is scheduled for next July. They are accused of selling a toxic product. Yesterday, the Court of First Instance No. 5 hosted the preview.

The German Shepherd has been sick for two years. Despite being male, has estrogen levels (female hormones) very above normal. "This hormone as if they were 40 bitches in heat", summarizes Coral Mateo, veterinary clinic Beach has tried to Pavel.

The dog is four . "Until two was completely healthy. One day her hair started to fall out and took him to the vet, he did analytical and saw that they had very high estrogen, "explains the owner. solution by the experts was caparlo. It did not work. The animal continued to skyrocketing rates. "After much consultation and study, a group of researchers from Barcelona told me that might have traces of an ovary.

What we operate, we open it in the channel and saw no absolutely no rest. Only one other plastic . When we found out it was a plastic bone, a toy " Matthew Coral account. "To leave it on paper we found that the plastic oozing a black substance " he added. The results were inconclusive, in his view. "The plastic was thick with estrogen and as he had swallowed poisoned him inside," says the vet. The health of the dog "is in very poor condition, inside and out." "One example is that when you urinate, the grass is totally black " he said.

With laboratory analysis in hand, Zita Ll. S. went to court to file a complaint. denounced Nestlé to manufacture plastic bone (marketed under the brand Friskies) and the large area to sell it. The court proceedings came to fruition and the hearing will be held expected in July.

The defendant ensures that the toy is not to blame for the deterioration of animal . The judge will be responsible for resolving the issue. " do not want money, only this go forward, it is shown that the product is toxic and withdrawn from the market," says the owner of the animal, resident of Nava. The vet believes Matthew Coral that this case "is a global pioneer in the scope of the effects of plastic on the animals, but there are many studies showing that releases hormones."

Source and Photo Journal Trade March 30, 2011.

To further on what the cause toxic in animals and people!, not fail to see the videos of Dr. Nicolás Olea . are some videos that everyone should hear or know. For our health and the environment!. Curious

that is great behind Nestlé (parachute all the icing cakes.) They are the cause and solution. Business round!. Some news on the blog dentreo:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why Does Vegeta Have Metal Gloves

ABITS Presentació of the seu of FAVB

Should the state have the authority to make decisions affecting the use of one's body even if that does not harm others? The announced ban on advertisements for prostitution in the press, with the support of the Joint Deputy also opens a debate that goes into the complex area individual freedom, so often undermined by a government aiming to be too overzealous, especially when the arguments are left in a compendium of inaccuracies and moral approaches folding easily.

The existence of networks that kidnap women for sexual exploitation is a frightening reality. Thousands of people suffer the crimes of such organizations, which operate with impunity bordering on caricature. Dozens of roadside bars offer their services with giant neon signs without having undergone even a routine inspection. Justice would tip at least a slap on the wrist extended the authorities for such negligence, but also making use of the popular patriotic, to confuse the bacon with the speed to get into the same pot offenders, victims and citizens free, honest and sane who choose to make life through sexual intercourse, who announced the possibility of avoiding them individually, precisely, the risk of falling into the hands of the mafias.
Moreover, the state is not one who managed to make it harder to trade on his body arguing ethical criteria, since behaviors are unacceptable to certain individuals at a time acceptable to others, the more practical case of a objectively less reprehensible than to snuff pollute the lungs of those who are around.
The much-touted concept of dignity, lied to exhaustion, differs significantly depending on who is interpreting. Is it worth clean up any droppings in a urinal to practice oral sex? Is it worth the work of a butcher than consent to sexual intercourse who paid? Not a few prostitutes and prostitutes would choose the second option, because if it is true that rent their body, is less certain that the operator of a factory his income to the employer for eight hours a day?

Pokemon Heart Gold Us Desmume

The honest prostitution. Santiago Diaz Bravo

If a person's body can be bought ... WE ARE ALL SOLD.
This is the campaign that launches APRAMP, with the aim of abolishing prostitution. Again, when talking about prostitution and prostituted women talk about victims, addresses only part of prostitution. Reaffirms once again that I am totally against prostitution that promote gangs that smuggle people. But I remember once again that in Spain women trafficked and forced by these gangs are only a part. You can not put all prostitution in the same bag and ask for it abolition. Unable to extrapolate the specific circumstances of some women (those assisted by these entities) all prostitutes in Spain. Mafia traffickers also made to provide, the capitalist world, of working people sa minimum cost and also for forced marriage (where there are actually more sexist violence.) And I have not heard anyone ask for the abolition of work or marriage, to eradicate these criminal practices that are totally against human rights. Therefore, the fight against trafficking in persons has to make a cross-cutting measures implemented, not just sector.
And now I'm focusing on the slogan of this campaign.
A thought:
And life ... how much is a life? Because it is undeniable that the life also give a monetary value. Know this much insurance companies, calls for very high compensation when any negligence kills a person, and naturally accept that the life of a retiree or disabled entirely without monetary value. If we grant actually an infinite value of life would live in a bunker ... However, in the workplace, always at risk of disease and death and certainly there are professions more risk than others and there are times that the salaries perceived by the risk taken is not worth it. A construction worker is more likely to die than an executive of a multinational, however, the salary of the latter is multiplied exponentially with respect to labor ... and accept working conditions which are continually at risk our lives. People working in the health sector, are constantly being assaulted by patients or their families, so much so that in Spain and Specifications are held one day for it, idem teachers ... is demagogy demagogy or not all this talk?
If life had an infinite value, we would avoid at all costs the wars, famine and lack of effective policies in eliminating hunger in the world ... (I remember the hunger would be eliminated only one tenth of what has been spent on bailing out the banks in Spain).
Another thought:
cast the first stone who do not sell any part of your body and your feelings and emotions throughout the day, any act cotidiano.Es I do not know anyone who does not sell anything ... what price is paid every day to simply feed ourselves? What price is paid every day to feel valued? What price is paid every day to hear "I love you"? What price is paid every day to not feel alone? ...
what happens to the prostitution?

is it really so different than any other economic activity and / or social, everyday?

It turns out that only we can express ourselves sexually in the context of marriage, as if the act of fornication, only free within the institution rate leads to the exclusion of violence and assurance of pleasure. And in reality we see everyday that marriage leads to violence and a lot.
Well, I'm afraid not ... I fear that the genitals are just a piece of meat that will end up feeding the worms and I fear that if you stake your life on a scaffold, or on the road, or in the field or in a mine, or even a football field ... to take home wage that allows us to feed our family and to meet the responsibilities acquired, you can also risk their lives by offering sexual services, except, of course, that sexual activity surround ourselves charging the moral, or that used as a weapon to combat sexism, claiming that prostitution using male submission ... it is precisely within the scope of prostitution, where women can exercise our "power" over men. Still, being in a position really needing the money whores that offer sexual practices we want to do with the price you want, we always have a margin of choice because we know that if you accept our conditions will make another ... is in the context of prostitution where men do believe what they want to believe, is in the context of prostitution, where many men prefer to submit and be dominated and pay much money for it, fed and to exercise his power in his work, is within the scope of prostitution where men dare to show itself and how are, highlighting the loneliness of the human being ... As I always say, we must be very cautious everything is more complex than we want to believe, that when scanned, or to position or opinion, it is usually always go with prejudice, moral loads manipulate reality.
to eradicate sexism, patriarchal model of male-female relationships, remember that it is education, education based on respect, and must be from very little children and women are precisely what we have more strength and power because we are the mothers of boys and educate men in one way and another female .. Finally we can say no
when attacked our dignity, we are not fools. Men and women are equally responsible for this evil, when we change fees in education, making love and making our children grow up with self-esteem, and giving them skills and resources necessary to face life knows no gender differences Only then will finish with the asymmetry in the relationship ...

Multiple Pimple Growing On The Scalp

how much is your mouth? What about your ass? And your sex? Memory . php

Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Wedding Telegrams

Today's news on Environmental Pollution in Spain and International (Google) with comments on the case of Asturias

(trim the news with a "nice" picture of a part of my environment, what remains to be who alarm the number of existing cancers?. I would not have it rare .) In this beautiful environment are burning tires (in addition to other companies already highly polluting). There's nothing like Carreño and Paradise "Natural" we have! (And they want to leave us, in that area have dropped from a mountain, is where you want to carry two beaches, etc, etc). Do not fail to see the photo illustrating the story of Peru on cancer and then you can make the comparison. In Argentina, we see that they take things more seriously also (a leather business, and I imagine they would do with a company of this type and burned tires near the dwellings.)
As for the rules and boundaries we allowed here WIDELY! But what impact does the one who causes?. Today NINGUNA.No have to see the "case" that made the presence of high concentrations of mercury in a dish (located a few miles away) and the "solution" made.

Amidst all this injustice, "encouraging news here?: Appeal against the municipality of Carreño that favors the installation of more polluting plants (do not fail to see the photo , which is all a poem .- and that catches not all there).

alert Pollution causes lung cancer specialist
The Regional
Noting that traffic congestion and pollution in the city are the main cause of lung cancer cases, the physician Dr. Henry Jaime Quispe, said the population is exposed to environmental pollution especially ...
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prosecute the owners of a tannery Mercedes ...

Trade On Line Managers at a tannery in the Buenos Aires district of Justice Mercedes received confirmation of their prosecutions for "pollution " toxic waste in that industry. Judicial sources said Monday that it is ...
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The studies found that tanning" poured chromium, sulfur and phenolic substances in quantities greater than those permitted by current regulations, both the drain and in the rain through the factory boundary, which then flows into the channel of 16, and consequently Luján River. "The maid left the judge's decision Echave pre-emptively shut down the tannery, as had been requested by the prosecutor general of the Chamber, Pablo Quiroga


District seeks to clear the air of Bogota in 10 years
Terra Colombia
This means that it is expected that future people have fewer respiratory illnesses at present, due to problems of environmental pollution . Every two years will be monitored to improve air quality to see if ...
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Terra Colombia
environmental precontingencia Lift in Mexico City
online La Jornada
The Metropolitan Environmental Commission raised environmental precontingencia decreed Wednesday after the Atmospheric Monitoring System of the Valley of Mexico reported a decrease in pollution levels air. ...
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Avenue Malaga Andalusia is the most ...
This document provides steps to reduce pollution air. According to the Board, Avenida de Andalucía of Malaga is the region with the worst air quality in the province. Avenida de Andalucia Malaga is the area of \u200b\u200bthe province ...
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Current legislation allows overcoming the limits of contamination, only 35 days a year ; the province exceeded this scale in 2008 and 2009, while the Last year the air quality improved.

The Andalusian is developing an Air Quality Plan to be implemented by eleven municipalities of the province, the urban agglomeration of Malaga and the Costa del Sol, this document provides for measures to reduce air pollution. According to the Board, Avenida de Andalucía of Malaga is the region with the worst air quality in the province.

Carmen Cerbán - 11/03/1928

Jesus Nieto
The general director of Prevention and Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment, Jesus Nieto. COPE.

Tons of poultry waste in illegal dump ...
La Jornada de Oriente
Severe pollution product suffers from this county waste tons of chicken and egg secretly deposited on ejido land, which threatens the health of residents. Just 10 minutes from the place "The ...
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Dying Brown Over Red Hair

2010. Sicart (ADORATRIUS CAT)

In the heart of Raval, "Bar Patience" is not permitted to enter the street sex workers from the district.
We call for tolerance and respect for women who daily pass in the Raval and cold days that can take a hot drink and chat as anyone. can appeal to his discretion, not to capture customers at the bar, but not to discriminate against its occupation.

Restringing Squash Rackets Newcastle

identify an enzyme that help diagnose colon cancer early

A research team from the U. Colorado is responsible for the finding, which could even help curb this type of cancer. 26/03/2011 - 14:10 Rate: 12345 Score: 0 Votes Compartir11 New research, led by doctor and professor of molecular toxicology at the U. Colorado, Vasilis Vasiliou , found a biomarker that could help doctors identify the most effective manner and prompt the colon cancer, which would deal with it in stages more favorable, reports the website of the Cancer Center of the University. The specialist team studied the expression of colon cancer in 40 patients, and found a way of ALDH1B1 enzyme present in every cancer cell in 39 of the 40 patients. The enzyme, which is usually only found in stem cells, was detected at extraordinarily high levels . "Other potential biomarkers of colon cancer have been identified in the past, but none so far in such a high percentage in cancer cells, and virtually none has been overexpressed as this," said the professor said publication David Orlicky, a member of the research team. "It seems that development aid ALDH1B1 or growth of these cancer cells as it would not be present in all cells at levels as high if it were simply a byproduct of cancer. With this finding, the enzyme may provide a way to treat disease, "says Ying Chen, lead author and assistant professor of molecular toxicology at the University of Colorado. Currently the team is studying how to regulate this enzyme in colon cancer cells and its exact role in the physiology of tumor cells . Researchers are also trying to understand the substrate, inhibitors and activators thus the ALDH1B1. News published in The , Trends .- .- Science and Technology on 26th March. (It's you I passed by facebook). would be remiss to know, for example, what type of stem cells is concerned (good and all other statements I made in the wall). Whatever The hopeful news is. Congratulations to Drs. In a few days to celebrate the Day of Prevention of Colon Cancer, a disease that can be cured in 90%, but what about the remaining 10%?. Go this news as an impetus and encouragement to keep fighting.

Kiddie Smoke Detector Goes Bad

Bar In Patience Raval, can not go to prostitutes ... 20of% 20contenido% 20sexual% 20of% 20the% 20prensa.pdf 20prostitucion%

Formal Invite For A Anniversary Death

official opinion of the State Council on the advertisements for prostitution in press. Diaris
The Council of State has recommended banning ads for prostitution. He says that transform women into "goods" that "devalued [of] the dignity of his person" and that everything is incompatible [with] the Constitution and laws. " Well. Yesterday, two heads of drafting the daily earning more money this publicity-five million in 2008 - were mobilized to put on their blogs ridicules the Council. Basically, they use three "reasons". A: prostitution is a job where ordinary working people like his daughter. Two: This advertising will not disappear; be diverted to other media, and the money-. Three: it is "very inappropriate" (sic) in the midst of this crisis that the editors have to get rid of this lucrative income. Man, it could have started here. We would have saved the contortionism sociological and moralist who spend to make us swallow that prostitution is in the hands of honest and Success stories of entrepreneurs and workers who draws freely and consciously decided to trade her body. In the southern U.S. cotton also seemed "very inappropriate" to abolish slavery, right? Then this. [Thanks for the title, Arsenio.]

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wedding Invitation Quotation In Hindi

In these turbulent days I do a lot of questions. I wonder, for example, where are the civilians who allegedly bombed Qaddafi ? Why in the era of communication are no images of the crimes allegedly is committing? If we can see images of the rebels, why not bombed civilians ? I also wonder why the NATO Libya is involved in creating a no-fly zone to protect civilians in air strikes, but does not intervene in Palestine, where civilians are bombed by the Zionists? What is the point of bombing a country to avoid being bombed? Is not it a paradox that NATO bomb Libya in pretext to avoid a bombing in Libya? Why, if, under Zapatero, Gaddafi is not the goal, the bombing was focused on the residential complex Gafadi ? Is not it a war crime to bomb a residential complex ? Why NATO supports Libyan rebels are attacked from the air, and does not endorse or Chechen Colombian rebels, who are also attacked from the air? Why is the international tribunal investigating Gaddafi, although no images of their crimes, and not investigating Mubarak (ally of the West), although we have seen on the news and his men killed unarmed civilians in cold blood? Why Zapatero quickly pulled English troops from Iraq send them to wars for oil and gas in Libya and Afghanistan ? Are not sociatas kings of hypocrisy ? I do not know seems suspiciously Zapatero when he says "we know that Gaddafi is committing crimes" to Aznar when he said "we know Saddam has weapons of mass destruction "? I have not seen crimes Gaddafi, just as I have not seen the weapons of mass destruction Saddam . Why English troops risk their lives in allegedly help the Libyan people and the Afghan people, and do not come to help the English people when attacked by Al Qaeda in Mauritania or pirates in Somalia ? France, at least, it does. Is not it strange that as quickly mobilize our army to attack Libya and who have not sent troops to rescue the kidnapped in Mauritania , and just have some patrols in Somalia?

I do not quite understand the military policy of Mr Zapatero.