A Asturian sits in the dock to Nestlé for making a toy that "releases large doses of female hormones" 30/03/1911 - 3:26 - OLAYA SUAREZ GIJÓN.
A fight of David against Goliath. Zita Ll. S. think your dog, Pavel, will die before the trial arising from the complaint he filed against Nestle and a large area by placing a plastic bone that it regards as 'is killing the animal. " The hearing is scheduled for next July. They are accused of selling a toxic product. Yesterday, the Court of First Instance No. 5 hosted the preview.
The German Shepherd has been sick for two years. Despite being male, has estrogen levels (female hormones) very above normal. "This hormone as if they were 40 bitches in heat", summarizes Coral Mateo, veterinary clinic Beach has tried to Pavel.
The dog is four . "Until two was completely healthy. One day her hair started to fall out and took him to the vet, he did analytical and saw that they had very high estrogen, "explains the owner. solution by the experts was caparlo. It did not work. The animal continued to skyrocketing rates. "After much consultation and study, a group of researchers from Barcelona told me that might have traces of an ovary.
What we operate, we open it in the channel and saw no absolutely no rest. Only one other plastic . When we found out it was a plastic bone, a toy " Matthew Coral account. "To leave it on paper we found that the plastic oozing a black substance " he added. The results were inconclusive, in his view. "The plastic was thick with estrogen and as he had swallowed poisoned him inside," says the vet. The health of the dog "is in very poor condition, inside and out." "One example is that when you urinate, the grass is totally black " he said.
With laboratory analysis in hand, Zita Ll. S. went to court to file a complaint. denounced Nestlé to manufacture plastic bone (marketed under the brand Friskies) and the large area to sell it. The court proceedings came to fruition and the hearing will be held expected in July.
The defendant ensures that the toy is not to blame for the deterioration of animal . The judge will be responsible for resolving the issue. " do not want money, only this go forward, it is shown that the product is toxic and withdrawn from the market," says the owner of the animal, resident of Nava. The vet believes Matthew Coral that this case "is a global pioneer in the scope of the effects of plastic on the animals, but there are many studies showing that releases hormones."
Source and Photo Journal Trade March 30, 2011.
To further on what the cause toxic in animals and people!, not fail to see the videos of Dr. Nicolás Olea . are some videos that everyone should hear or know. For our health and the environment!. Curious
that is great behind Nestlé (parachute all the icing cakes.) They are the cause and solution. Business round!. Some news on the blog dentreo:
Taking up an old news. Rapeseed oil . November 28, 2009 -
Take action today on the safety of baby food. Message from Ken Cook, president of EWG . September 14, 2010. (Many baby foods, including those of Nestlé are made TRANSGENIC!. -
Chat with Ken Cook, president of EWG (Environmental Working Group). 25 January 2010. -
Medicinal Plants. The Green Pharmacy. The story of a peasant "converted". Josep Pamies . May 16, 2010. (includes videos interesting). -
June 11, 2010