Friday, May 6, 2011

Can Ovarian Cysts Cause Fatigue?

Prostitution is not synonymous with violence

No, prostitution is not synonymous with violence per se, prostitution is strictly speaking "the provision of voluntary and negotiated paid sexual services" (Maqueda, 2009). Meanwhile, the State Council in its opinion on whether or not to prohibit prostitution ads says: "Prostitution is, according to the Dictionary of Language (22. nd edition), the" activity to which he is sexually engaged with others, in exchange for money. " The term prostitution means, "for legal purposes, all persons of either sex to be remunerated either in kind or nature, is delivered consistently and in a way that is, during all or part of their time, sexual contacts, normal or abnormal, with different people of the same sex or opposite sex "(Economic and Social Council of the United Nations Meeting Tokyo, 1958). "
Finally, prostitution is an economic activity and has been recognized as such by the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Specifically, in the Judgement of November 20, 2001 (Jany and others) "prostitution is a paid service, which is included in the concept of economic activities (...). It is an activity for which the provider satisfies a consideration, a claim the beneficiary, without producing or giving material goods (...). The activity of prostitution pursued independently be considered a service in return for remuneration and, therefore, is included in the concept of economic activities or self-employed. " Moreover, the Court rejected the grounds for denying such a character: namely, that the activity was immoral and behaved always a limitation of personal freedoms and labor.
What if there are conditions in which prostitutes are criminalized in the Penal Code and is important to separate the activities the concept of criminal prostitution itself recognizing different realities.
The biggest problem I've had to deal with and face my guys, is not serving customers, there is the stigma. When internalized stigma tends to provoke feelings of frustration, low self esteem and guilt. These feelings can influence, hinder or block the processes of resource recovery and valuation of their own capabilities initiated by women and even, and if necessary, can also cause the abandonment or waiver of a possible job relocation process (for not feel strong and safe, for fear of being recognized or discriminated by his past etc.).
From my point of view and my own experience much like that of my colleagues, stigma is the real violence that we must support those who are immersed in this world. There are many situations that we have to deal with users as women we meet them and literally send them "to hell" when needed. Clarify which of course I'm talking about women who are not forced by criminals to exercise, but a certain day, to particular circumstances, we decided to choose prostitution as an alternative.
Along with stigma, that prostitution remains on vacuum legal brothels and allow them to exist without any kind of control is what makes committed more situations of abuse, exploitation, and vulnerability to people who exercise, ie the conditions under which they must exercise experiences that lead to prostitution not be sanctioned. In this regard, a clear example are the initiatives being undertaken by different municipal ordinances as prohibiting women from being on the street, fined them and their clients, that if that is violence and a breach of their fundamental rights as people, since prostitution is not a crime and be in the street talking to a person not, the consequences are they can not negotiate with confidence, they take away their livelihood and if they are in this situation it endangers their physical and mental, as well as being under threat of offenders suffer police chase that should be protected.
If all the above, adding that the alternatives being offered to leave prostitution are scarce and often precarious and poorly paid jobs and no formal training and those who are in this situation, no one protects as victims, we close the cycle of inconsistency and perverse public policies that exist. Furthermore
abolitionist ideology gives a homogenized image of prostitution and to believe that most women are in this situation and we are victims of violence, when the reality is much more heterogeneous. This creates a macrovictimación; the creation, but instead do not apply the fundamental rights of the victims and the money received from the public subsidies spent on silly campaign instead of attending to the victims. This attitude is also violence against women (and men and transgender people) who engage in prostitution and also hides the real causes (social injustice) of prostitution and minimized.
For its part, the media social communication are also involved in that violence against women and persons who engage in prostitution, it does when used headlines such as "x prostitutes arrested, when in fact detained for alleged crimes that violate the Immigration Act and contributing to the perpetuation of the stigma of prostitution, comments and pictures showing sordid.
Finally some people linked to organizations, public and NGOs engaged the attention of people in prostitution, also engage in violence by giving discriminatory treatment and without any empathy and making disrespectful comments and value judgments. In first person I have had cases like this when ever I went to get help and I had to hear what he had to do "is leaving prostitution and get to scrubbing" or that he needed psychiatric treatment because prostitutes are sick people.
Prostitution is not an issue of votes and not on the priority projects of political parties, rather I have concluded that this issue to continue in a war of ideologies abolitionism-regulation, legalization and scuffles, some / as technocrats, lawyers, criminologists / as, social workers, sociologists etc. but without any real desire provide solutions. I had to hear in a professional answer to why we are not listening to prostitutes "do not listen to a prostitute to know what is prostitution." If we listen they would know that most women (men) are prostitutes like work, neither better nor worse than others, no more pleasant or less, some days are harder and not so . Is an alternative that allows some people use to earn more money than other jobs that are considered "worthy" by society "Neira
Article published in:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

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review article on the implications of the National Plan on Trafficking. Bibliography.

http : / / ~ pwlac/G27_08Estefania_Acien-Francisco_Checa.html

Estefanía González Acién

Researcher, Centre for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations, University of Almería, Spain.

Czech Francisco Olmos Area
Professor of Anthropology Social, Universidad de Almería, Spain.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maxim Usb Dongle Ds9490b Emulator

"legalize prostitution?

This question asked in the context of local and regional elections have no reason to be as legalize prostitution it means recognizing it as a job or not , the exclusive competence of Parliament, the Cortes (legislature). Another thing is that you ask my personal opinion.
The responses also are those that seem to say a lot but actually say nothing, "violates the dignity of women? In my first explain to me how specific this dignity. What's holding and conditions under which they are exercised that are not acceptable? totally agree, the first person I met, both prostitutes and socially accepted in other works, "but then apply the laws that already exist and do not go acquitted pimps and members of public institutions involved, ie who care and to ensure that crimes have consequences and that the care of victims is real and not just a statement of intent, addition to working for the lack of social injustice, to all people .
FEATURE: municipal and regional elections THE PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS


Clear answers to specific problems. This provides the section with a view to the elections of 22 May. Today the candidates for mayor of the city of Madrid respond to the question of what measures will be taken on prostitution, a practice more visible in certain areas of downtown. Do you have any further questions to the candidates? Send it to

ANGEL PEREZ (IU): "The forced should be abolished, and voluntary controlled"
We are concerned about forced prostitution, that which is exercised to survive. In this world where exploitation takes more inhumane and violent. This prostitution should be abolished through the rule of law. The volunteer must be regulated. We must remember however that in Spain, in various forms of prostitution is not illegal now, and in fact, a well recognized, distribution and compensation in large areas of some media.

JAIME LISSAVETZKY (PSM): "We must adopt rules that give support to victims"
I am against prostitution. First, because it undermines the dignity of individuals. Second, because it creates a criminal network, which converts the sex trade in a dramatic form of exploitation. Third, because exercised in public places creates problems of coexistence. It is necessary to eradicate prostitution coordinated action of all authorities to dismantle networks trafficking in women. The councils must adopt rules that give support to victims, not incriminate, and regulate the use of public space.

ALBERTO RUIZ-GALLARDÓN (PP): "It involves a holding that society can not accept"
In any case legalize prostitution, because this is an issue that must be approached from the greatest respect to women, and prostitution involving a holding that no society can accept. At the same time, I know that its exercise in public cause inconvenience to neighbors. The way to prevent such situations happening in social work, combating organized crime and the social exclusion demand. Always seeking to preserve the dignity of women.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Birthday Poems Asking For Money As A Gift

Thesis on prostitution in Spain

leave the relationship of doctoral theses have been published in Spain that have dealt with prostitution:

- Ignasi Pons: University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1992
- Regina de Paula Medeiros: University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, 1996
- Sara Carmona: University Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2004
- Norma Mejia: UNED, 2006
- Gemma Nicholas: University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2007
- Pepe Riopedre: UNED, 2010
- Javier Tapia, University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200b2010

Missed Period And Increased Cervical Mucus

Why? Review article. New Union

How does football with prostitution? How is English football to prostitution in Spain?
this morning to browse, as I do every day the press looking for news and articles with prostitution, I have encountered with this item. I entered the laughter, and then I got really serious and told me how much human stupidity is dispersed. The article in question is none other than the section on culture and explain himself and what comes to mention this post.
Following my comments on the considerations that were used to request an opinion from the State Council, and in many other debates, I had to face arguments calling for the abolition of prostitution. One of the most commonly given is that prostitution must disappear because:
"conveys gender roles and stereotypes perpetuating inequality and subordination."
I always say that everyday there are millions of actions that contribute exactly the same size and do not reflect on them, we for obvious, do not go unnoticed as prostitution that has become the great scapegoat of gender inequalities.
behold, in the pages of a newspaper also read general-children-and helps to transmit these gender roles in perpetuating stereotypes of inequality and subordination.
1 - Football, clearly male sport: you know what will happen when they leave the homosexual footballers aramario?. Contributes to and facilitates social contact between men.
2 - Women's football also exists and the English national women's football has enjoyed wins and just made public.
3 - In the media only, not to say anything, we talk about sports that women do and have been traditionally masculine and SOCCER PLAYERS, basketball, cycling, hockey, motorcycling.
5 - Female athletes do not earn anywhere near the money that men earn. Even those in the elite.
6 - The women's game just have sponsors and grants
7 - scholars consulted were all men when in the same universities that are already mentioned there are many women who are fully capable of giving their views and have been overlooked.

Who wants to think they think, prostitution per se is not the greatest evil, and the only society of the disorders that reproduce social inequalities, cultural, economic. These are everyday attitudes, arising inertial quasi which reproduce. Philosopher
or s, s psychologist or anthropologist or s Mourinho analyzed using the most universal of questions of philosophy to the helplessness and the unknown
. Why. Why. Thus, a dozen, countless times, Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho, looking for the answer to a defeat that well as to predict a possible elimination of a tournament, the Champions League, carries a personal defeat. A disgrace. Because, beyond hinting institutional favors arbitration, the issue is that the human being brought before the infinite, bad fate, unexpected loss, when someone goes "with the majority," saying the Romans. question facing the Western philosophy for twenty-five centuries. Therefore, and in full-Permanent-debate on the usefulness of certain disciplines of Humanities, La Vanguardia has called for a reflection on the issue, far from hooliganism, philosophers, psychologists and anthropologists.

WHY 'why'. "That is the question most radically human" opens Guillem Feixas, professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona (UB), "is our response to what we do not understand, our search for explanations for the unexpected and adversity , death ... The human being needs to ask why, certify that there is an explanation. But we are not gods, and rarely have a final answer, compelling, rarely have 100% security that that is the answer. And when we get it, we doubt. " "We could compare this issue with admiration Aristotle and perplexity, in the classical philosophical perplexity at the incredible things he started thinking. So we could say that Mourinho feels this admiration and bewilderment and concludes that football is not winning because it is not yours, "Guardiola football surely you need a supplement to have reached where it is today. Mourinho is asking what the charge "reflects Jaume Casals, Professor of Philosophy at UB.
Chute de Descartes. "The 'why'," continues Josep Maria Terricabras, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Girona, is part in this case an argument disimulatorio. Capacity attributed to the justificatory question, and that comes from Descartes: knowledge must be based, and here we are justifying or attending to their concerns. We will have to answer conceding that Mourinho will be right. But even the questions must be answered and scientifically justified, not every question is valid. " "Mourinho is the question and ask us to death because, barring a miracle in the form of 0-3, is now dead footballing" abounds Ignacio Morgado, Professor of Psychobiology at the UAB and author of Emotions and social intelligence (editorial critical.) "I have a feeling He adds that the reasons of Mourinho are more respondents who operant. He already has the answers. It is an emotional reaction to the defeat, which is not only recreational but also personal. He has played much and has not got anything positive. Reaction is a loser, a way to cover up their responsibility, "Casals continues.
THE MOU hunter-gatherers. Jordi Serrallonga, archaeologist and anthropologist of the Human Origins Group at the UB-hominid and renowned analyst of human evolution, goes way back when he argues that "hunter-gatherer societies in Africa, the highest was for six million years 'Survives'. Y 'survives' was not afraid and think that you are about to palmar. Now we know that in the past was not so well, but the man was one in the ecosystem. Then, in the agriculture evolution, prehistory, Greece, urbanization ... to not settling the big questions we ask. So the hunter-gatherer Mourinho would have said: 'We went out to play against Barcelona and we were not going well', was very simple and society would have preyed. The sedentary Mourinho would take a more metaphysical discourse, as he did, and his response avoids being eaten, he makes them all go to the archive or video files to see if he's right. " Feixas, by contrast, believes that "the doubts thrown by Mourinho suggest a conspiracy against, and this stance is not adaptive. What is that which guarantees the survival, survives has the greatest potential to adapt to changes, and in this case not only is not, but that can incorporate new elements: if you come to lose or is sanctioned, will be added to content, which. The mental health do not have much to do with how we respond to the unexpected. Is a key issue in psychiatry. " Morgado added yet another factor: "The competitive human behavior is positive, because it requires improvement. Natural selection has prioritized competitive behavior. "
FOOTBALL AND MORAL. "Mourinho is interesting because it quoted Einstein. It goes beyond that of 'that's football. " Enter your moral and ethical concepts and that is enriching. He says he is not accusing, just asking questions: with it is telling us that we exist, "says Serrallonga. "Guardiola is also metaphysical, because when he suggests that 'we lose' advances to the reality." To Terricabras, "why start with is cheating, because it simulates looking for a cause, without questioning the fact: it assumes that the fact we agree. And you can not rush begin an analysis without the phenomenon of origin. There is a second catch: no scientific sense. If such arbitrator had found that absolutely always hurts, or discovers a plot against him ... But he does not arise otherwise. Can not be itself the cause? Do your players? Distorts the causal and simulates the causes are the effects. " Casals affects this argument: "When the guy asks questions repeatedly about their misfortunes, the most plausible is that bad luck has not settled, but possibly his own attitude is the cause. We must confront the pure logic of facts. "
WAIT OR TRADING. "Football interests me greatly, both suchas philosophy," explains Prof. Casals. In my opinion, both Mourinho and Guardiola are exemplary because they try to take their own concept of football to its fullest, and both do excellently: Mourinho believes good football play little ball, and is very respectable. As respectable as the de Guardiola, who is the opposite and it certainly is much more speculative: touch it much until you see the opportunity. " "The player would Cruyff Mourinho, because it was so very little. Messi is absolutely Guardiola needs to have the ball in the foot. And there is another very philosophical difference between both: Guardiola was a player, can play, and therefore its knowledge comes from experience. Mourinho can not play, and thus his knowledge comes from science. No need to know to have played football, and that is pure philosophy. " "Needless to say," apostille "that Mourinho's FC Barcelona is" false science. "

BALLS OUT. "Nobody talks about his work as a coach, but he leads us to the historiography of other equipment; shifts its responsibility to a metaphysical world. As an adaptive strategy is good, "says Serrallonga. "I do Morgado-opposed-to be continually drawing attention as a strategy, but character. So. Aggressive, conceited, arrogant ... What is lacking here: a little self-criticism. But it is hard to get into the skin of someone with so much responsibility. On the other hand, is already well to talk about Mourinho and not stop. " "Mourinho is the lightning rod of the Madrid players," adds Henry Lynch, a professor of aesthetics at the UB and writer. He concentrated on any criticism that might fall on team performance and in this sense, plays an accessory role very well (media) of coach in order to ease the pressure on the players. "
ADVERSITY. "The reaction to adversity leads to a cognitive error is the typical and selective abstraction. Is fixed at some facts, only a few, to achieve an explanation as to save the budgets for it are fundamental. When any of these assumptions, for example, "My team is the best" - is hit against a challenge that puts you at risk, the mechanism is to focus the causes of facts that allow saving the mother's idea, perseveres Feixas. "One of the things I like about Mourinho is the ease with which we get exasperate sports journalists: Vidal-Quadras is the current English football, "Lynch compares.

Male Brazilian Wax Charlia

sex workers. SINTRASEX

Presentation of the first union of sex workers:

http://sintrasex . / # c1680829197675564297

UNION sex workers struggle for legality (policy) FIGHT FOR THE REGULAR (Social Security) FIGHT FOR THE NORMAL (society) FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT TO LIVE WITHOUT FEAR OR SHAME.


Sex work in our legislation does not appear as such. The prostituicion not stated in the penal code. Allowing us to demand a labor law, as stated in the Law of the Statute of Workers (BOE of March 29, updated to January 2011) by Article 4.1.a) we have the right to work in the profession we choose .
For this purpose born SINTRASEX - Union @ s sex worker, which is nothing more than the English Union of Sex Workers @ s to demand our right to sex work and our right to be recognized as workers @ s s activ @ s in society and politics.

Such action would enable the de-stigmatization of sex work.

Facilitate the involvement in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation

lead to a visibility of several groups

would favor the state deficit with the contribution of taxes for us @ s generated.

Cons to legalization are mere moral points that violate human rights not only legal but also l @ s @ s sex worker, so that may be assessed as a positive for legalization and regulation of sex work.

Can Debt Follow Me To Australia

"Prostitution Submerged." Eugenio Suarez.

divers is not exercising mercenary love, but the peculiar situation that comes into this ancient activity, a matter that attempt to deal with the dispassion of an entomologist who sticks butterflies. In other words, it is not personal. I speak of prostitution as a social phenomenon and advancement, in all my life, dealing with this world was superficial, almost platonic and friendly. In the old days of cabarets, nightclubs night, I used to hit the string with any of the usual filtered by the maitre d 'who saw come closing time without obtaining the client. We talked with them, interested in the vicissitudes professionals who trust us with pleasure and relief. Then it became popular to fairly certain triad of "Three Ps": prostitutes, policemen and journalists. We have always been the scapegoats vile. I found that among that caste had splendid human beings
fairly certain was popularized triad of the "three Ps": prostitutes, policemen and journalists
has always been a model of economy, until recently which, it seems, business is air suspicious, exploitative, and ultranationalist mafia. I believe that choosing this profession is a voluntary fee and convenient for specifying vocational predisposition or tendency, as I do not go. Nor would prosecute if an agricultural expert notary or officer was frustrated Olympic swimming champion, chocolate, even fucking great restorer. There everyone.
You do not need knowledge or experience to conclude that prostitution has changed. We checked each morning with whatever the newspapers consulted startlingly explicit offers qualities and services offered. Except Whorehouses road, including lists of the Treasury, the office is exercised freely and, it seems that, at least officially, is excluded from the benefits of Social Security.
Like everything else, structures have changed, or is a whore misfit who has to yield the sidewalk, or a dissatisfied customer of the thalamus. Judging from the profusion of advertising claims, the claim must be high and I feel incapable, by age and other circumstances, put myself in the shoes of the user. Perhaps there is still the class division between the more low birth and high-flying, the client's urgent and petty and entertaining mixed geisha refinements to the understanding of the "beloved", endearing name that was given to wife bis. Today is all socialized, popular, and popularized in this area still remember when, in the bar he frequented long ago, I pointed to the last great cocottes - what cursimente afrancesado idiom for it - that 's mother in the vicinity of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. They princely entrance, wearing one of them the spoiled Pekingese in her arms, something that had not consented to another woman. Asked two separate cocktail and smoked in long nozzles, as if in her boudoir. The older waiters greeted with respect and old customers were coming to kiss the hand that tended to a certain languor. They were known by their nicknames and I think we saw two notable: The Mahogany and The Shining. The first was the lover of the dictator of Jerez de la Frontera and both were mature women of extraordinary distinction and beauty. Of course they had lining the kidney and no longer dependent men.
After they have been socialized the matter and, except in restricted circles, no notoriety, anonymity has fallen like a pall over a weak Democrat of lust. Those shining stars of fornication practiced and preached the most important of his virtues discretion. No reports, which would jugosísimas, even away from the confines sex-because they were witnesses, accomplices, collaborators, often necessary, political or economic events in the shaft. I do not know if they paid taxes, something that I do not know if you fill the hundreds of beings, men and women now engaged in a task-public practice, burladero of some underground activity of considerable proportions. A phenomenon has occurred: there is hardly any English prostitutes, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Asia have taken fruitful from the streets to our compatriots. Poor girls!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Restart Windowblinds 7

REDTRASEX message on International Workers Day

May 1, 2011 - Women who formed the Network of Sex Workers in Latin America and the Caribbean ( REDTRASEX) we want to greet all the people in this international day of struggle for the demands of the working class.
On May 1 was established as the "Labor Day (and employee)" in homage to the Martyrs of Chicago, anarchist trade unionists who were murdered for their involvement in the struggle for the eight-hour workday, which originated in the strike which began on 1 May 1886 and its peak three days later, on May 4 at the Haymarket Riot in Chicago. So today is a holiday, but to claim, because the struggle remains:
For work for everyone,
for better working conditions,
for wages,
by the disappearance of the wage gap gender,
against all types of labor exploitation.
Without work and without labor rights will not be social justice.
https: / / /

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Third Birthday Invitation Quotes

Collaborative digital daily half Vega Press.

Dear friends and readers in general. I am pleased to announce that from today I am the new contributor to the Vega Media Press Digital Journal of Murcia. My thanks especially to its director and José Luis Mazon they are the people who have trusted in me and giving me this opportunity to express myself.


Vega Media Press is proud to introduce a new partner, Montserrat Neira holds a BA in Political Science and Administration, an independent prostitute and activist for the rights of their professional group. Neira is added to the broad range of partners and opinion of this digital diary, the most complete of the regional press. Montse
Neira explained to readers that "until the age of 29 took a life," acceptable ", but not out of misery. I got married, started a family, got divorced ... and worked out what I I fall without rings, since age 13. I decided to take the plunge after losing my last job and without any expectation of finding economic stability and finding myself in a situation of absolute poverty (...) I suffered the stigma not only by specific individuals, but by people who represent public institutions and hold positions of power. "
says that "my experience in prostitution is wide, I have worked in different types, from seedy story to other super deluxe, local street, saunas, clubs, massage, peep shows, day and night, all price ranges. Except for street mode, road and industrial estates all others. With 40 years and a concern to know the why of how society works, I bet the formation and chose the career of Politics and Administration as it is multidisciplinary and I was far more resources than others. I graduated in 2009 at UAB.. "
addition, "in 2007 my attendance at a conference on sexual exploitation in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhe had made the decision to publicize the realities of prostitution in Spain and all involved, from the pimps who exercise (men, women and transsexual and transgender), social media, industry rescate, las ideologías, etc. iniciando un trabajo de investigación académica, documentándome con todo el rigor que exigen las ciencias sociales”.
Montse tiene su blog profesional en
Ahora, es una nueva compañera en la misma redacción en la que escriben plumas de la talla de José Juan Cano Vera, José Luis Mazón, Rafael Simancas, Leo Bassi, Magín Revillo, Luis Solana, José María Hernández, Coronel Martínez Inglés, Juan E. Palmis, José Antonio Gurriarán, Rosario Segura, Víctor Corcoba, Valdeolmillos Cesar, Laura Almirante, Joaquín Sánchez, Juan Sánchez, Rosario Segura, Pilar Rego, Alejandro Carrillo and others Govert Westerveld.
On behalf of the thousands of readers VMPress, Welcome, Montse!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Has Mirtazepine Worked

My opinion on the legal considerations were taken into account in the opinion of the State Council to ban ads prostitution. Value

official opinion
Do you know who are the Council State? directory and let yourselves judge whether people who compose it are truly independent and neutral ... and if they are "legal experts" ...

I've missed a few days to give my opinion on the report of the Council of State because I wanted to read it slow so the flood of opinions in newspapers and on television talk shows, as the official report which took a few days to fall into my hands. (Besides, in this blog I have raised repeatedly the issue of banning prostitution ads in the press as a measure to eradicate trafficking in women and sexual exploitation).
The opinion consists of five chapters (SEE LINK )

I. General considerations: comparative law
II. Prostitution and consideration by the English legislation
III. Prostitution and its assessment by the legal
IV. Advertising of prostitution in print
V. Advertisements for prostitution: the roles of women in advertising and stereotypes.

legal considerations are to be considered are the following:

"sexual service announcements published by the various print media with images and messages that violate the dignity of women whose services they offer, involving a humiliating and degrading treatment, violates the fundamental value of equality women and men, and may promote the transmission of gender roles and stereotypes are contrary to those rights and values, and favoring gender violence, as it conveys the idea of \u200b\u200ba female submissive, subordinate, servile and inferior. "

reading this section one wonders what criteria are based to state so categorically that messages "against the dignity of women." Furthermore, we also know exactly what you mean, fool me, "dignity of women", you should first know the meaning of "dignity of women is not it?. What criteria has to meet a woman to be worthy? Attentive the dignity of women to "mature 120 breast, very affectionate"? based on which criteria for claiming that they infringe the fundamental value of equality? and more importantly what equality, in particular, we are talking about? "girls of 18 to 20 years", "best felatriz" can be interpreted as submission? "come to have a threesome" means servile? "high Morenita and slender. Very twisted. Good french "means inferior? ... Come on ... but if anyone thinks a bit going to make people laugh reading these ads thinking about how stupid men are believing this nonsense. .. if you believe them, because the majority ignores the literal words, but what you hear when you call, is at that moment, as they are told when they call, when they take the final decision "consume".
The statement made in this text is based on the total desconocimimiento dynamics generated in the whole process from reading the announcement until it hires a service is consumed. In general, in the press, the ads have very little of what they are accused.
In internet if you change the thing, myself as a person, as a woman and a prostitute, I am ashamed of most ads that appear, both as written and the photos that accompany them. It is in the Internet directories where I intervene bluntly.
On the other hand, looking at the transmission stations of the roles in the daily lives of everyday attitudes and behaviors are made seemingly innocent, often by women themselves, if they help perpetuate the gender gap and are much most degrading and humiliating. As an example and as we about mother's day, note the increase in television advertising perfumes for women what stereotypes transmitted? And what I say about the appliance stores with posters recalling the offering Mother's Day plates, shopping carts, cutlery, coffee machines, vacuum cleaners, etc? and action taken with the same forcefulness that with prostitution.
More Things Should not talk (and writing) of the "dignity"? Could it be that there is a dignity to men and other "different" (sic) for women, because if it calls for equality between men and women, we must talk about people, but we will not ever close the gap the most fun and how do they know that the services offered involve (categorical statement) humiliating and degrading treatment? Do you have experience in first person?. Reality shows (they only have to want to hear the different testimonies of men, women, transsexuals, transgender) not necessarily sexual practices are degrading and humiliating. And why only women emphasizes bidders and not men (homosexuality) and transgender and transsexual? Do men and transgender people are not practicing in the same conditions than women? As it turns out, engaged in exactly the same conditions homosexual and consumption is not trivial at all, is gender discrimination in people who exercise find it totally discriminatory, uncooperative and not helpful at all to equality between people.

"promotes the value of women only in terms of its physical, not emotional or intellectual, in continuity with a historical tradition that has muted macho attributes and values of women to focus on purely physical and sexual issues. "

In this regard I think first of all we should reflect on whether it is really a macho tradition that has muted the intellectual attributes ... strictly speaking, what I mean is that if the macho tradition "may" annulling our intellectual capabilities but whose responsibility? Did men or women? Because the transmit macho tradition of women as mothers and as wives and as daughters, and because these values \u200b\u200bphysical and sexual enhancers for women that we are continually investing impressive amounts of money on creams, beauty treatments and cosmetic surgery (increase breast, liposuction, botox etc ..), waxing, fashion salon, diet miracle to have a perfect body (right now, as I write this we are immersed and in Operation Bikini ")... What if these sums of money we invested in cultivating the mind? Women Are not we the first to encourage us by our values \u200b\u200bphysical attractiveness by our intellectual capacity? Why are sold both women's magazines and beauty?
why vase women accept being on TV? Why are we allowing the runway models have the bodies they have? ultimately why women themselves continue playing these roles, they practice ... ? Is no good is said and ask ... are useless if the intentions in everyday life after the practice runs counter ... beside all this in an ad set "lush breasts" falls somewhat sporadic. Assume
and once our responsibility as women, instead of constantly blaming the men when the truth they do not care that we have cellulite or crow's feet or do not have a flat stomach ... I can vouch for it.

"this type of advertising is contrary to the rights of children and youth"

This statement is totally demagogic, it is true that you have to protect the rights of minors, no one doubts it, but it is also true that children and young people what to do first is to teach them to think, and secondly place have to know all the realities. But on the other hand, are equally exposed to violence, social injustice or conduct rejected by the moral imperative to television and movies and other news coming out in the same press - eg corruption of politicians and public institutions, the event page, sports (only male) - and if we teach them to manage all these news, you also have to do with prostitution as a social reality as everyone else.
Finally, speaking from my experience, children are sometimes given us a hundred laps to adults, both in creativity, as in questions ... as cruelty ... not as innocent as it is sometimes pretends from according to areas ...

"transmit gender roles and stereotypes perpetuating inequality and subordination"

is repeated, almost, with the first, so my answer is the same. Prostitution is not synonymous subordinate per se even if symbolic-cultural reality, in practice, interact thousand and one type of relationships as in the rest of the other human relationships, and that if there is not, sometimes are women and other men are. People have different natural resources and ways to cope with different situations. From my own experience and what I have observed, in most cases it is the customer who has to submit to conditions that put people into prostitution and is negotiating a pact, which the objectives are different does not mean there is asymmetry (except in the trafficking cases, obviously) and likewise we should not forget the asymmetry occurs in all contexts of human relationships: family, marriage, couples, in the workplace, which reproduce social differences economic, social and cultares. Once again we make prostitution a scapegoat. We are not acting with the same forcefulness
Ah! I almost forgot a shade I wanted to do ... in the pages of newspapers, especially in the sports section where practically only talk about football, Formula 1 and motorcycling (sport mostly male) roles and also transmitted perpetuating stereotypes of inequality and subordination. Except in very, very exceptional does not speak of women's sports ... and return to the same is not acting with the same forcefulness.

"ads that offer prostitution can cover phenomena related to human trafficking and exploitation of women and children"

this consideration I have no objection when they say "may conceal (...)", thankfully they do not say" that cover "!. If they are cases of trafficking and exploitation of women, and children and transsexual and transgender people (that's what they say and that is important to note, also enslaves men and transsexuals). What is important to note, is that in cases it can give the ads is irrefutable proof or should be, along with the testimonies of the victims.

"can sometimes be covered or at least giving a certificate of naturalization to a criminal activity punishable by our laws, as is pimping" is very difficult to know who the real Advertiser contracted spaces. "

The latter consideration two important things ... Indeed the Penal Code in hand, and literal reading of Article 188 of a second, if given letter of nature to a criminal activity because these items typify offense procuring and pimping, and if that following the announcement of prostitution there are people who are profiting from the activity prostituitoria other (so I began) and whether the Act defines this as crime as a crime, but it is true that is very difficult to know who the real poster. Is known and is very easy to follow the thread.
When I want to place an advertisement, the press would be like La Vanguardia, El País and the Newspaper, I have to give my details and pay VAT in addition to being registered for life in libraries. Are essential to make a radiograph of prostitution. If I were a judge would use print advertising, as irrefutable proof of the crime of procuring and pimping. And, of course, are different cases of independence and autonomy, as in my case today. In contrast, on the Internet if anyone, from total anonymity, you can insert ads do not pay VAT, the computer's IP can be booths and can be deleted without a trace.
Finally, the demise of the newspaper ads would not end at all or decrease the demand for prostitution since as I said before the Internet has become in recent years at best half-and-return is more in attracting potential customers and is also where the ads are more explicit in both text and Photos, which reproduce stereotypes really harmful to people and, instead, the State Council only deals with internet advertising with a brief text that even remotely approaches the scale of the problems of Internet ads.
"And in relation to the Internet, must be weighed against the usefulness of establishing some kind of restriction, if it is technically possible, since are known to be precisely the youngest the most access to the contents of the network and therefore, can do to prostitution ads that are inserted into it. " ads in newspapers, in some time they will disappear or be only a few, in fact there is already much less than ten years ago and today, much less represent a great percentage in advertising revenue in the press. This measure would have had to make when most of the day Europeans decided to withdraw advertising for relaxation and contacts and has not used the network, but now is another absurd and useless as it will not change the reality today of prostitution in Spain and generate a waste of public resources should be invested to resolve situations that are real problems of social injustice. Is a measure that comes too late.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bus Groping Free Viedoes

news on prostitution in Spain. Value
http : / / / the-Govern-you-mix-the-order-of-citizenship-on-prostitucion.html

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Does Alexis Texas Black

His defenses against their bones

Iván Arriaga have ankylosing spondylitis. After years of hardship, he found the right medicine, which combines gentle exercise .- Carlos Rosillo

spondylitis occurs when lymphocytes attack the joints of the hip - Two out of every thousand people have varying degrees CARMEN
disease GIRONA - Madrid - 26/04/2011

Iván Arriaga, a Madrid 34, ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune disease that primarily affects the joints that connect the sacrum to hip. So it is very debilitating, painful produces stiffness and the person may end up unable to move .

"One day, playing football gave me a pain in the hip that took my breath away. Since 2000 I was diagnosed with the disease until 2004 that I started with some new drugs, took drugs and lived many moments of crisis because pain did not disappear, and not let me sleep, "he said. "I'm happy. The trick, in addition to medication, is exercise without sudden movements," he says.

The use of stem cells is emerging as a treatment option
spondylitis belongs to a group of rheumatic diseases affect two in every 1,000 people , although no studies, including one in Berlin, which increased to two in 100. Of these, 60% suffered from spondylitis. Its origin is unknown, and is manifested by inflammation, swelling and stiffness.

As happened to Ivan, ankylosing spondylitis appears at younger ages, between 18 and 30 years and, unlike other autoimmune diseases such as lupus, affects more men than women . Biologic therapies that block alpha-antiTNF molecule present in the cascade of inflammation, are most effective. In more advanced cases, inflammation generates chronic bone growth, complete fusion, and immobilization of the joint. Is what, in the case of the vertebrae, known as bamboo spine.

"It was thought that new bone is formed after inflammation or concomitantly, but there is now evidence that they are two separate but coupled processes and, probably, there are other mechanisms involved," said Eduardo Collantes, head Service of Rheumatology, Hospital Reina Sofía de Córdoba.

The International Society of Experts in spondyloarthropathies (ASAS its acronym in English) has developed new diagnostic criteria Still for clinical trials for early detection. The result is that you can identify a 15% increase in patients.

Eugenio de Miguel, La Paz Hospital in Madrid, is one of the few experts in the world that uses ultrasound for this purpose. " spondyloarthropathies are difficult to diagnose early . In 2005 we started doing ultrasound in the tissue that connects the tendon and bone in patients with two years of disease progression. Now we have found that provides a ratio of probability to predict the disease similar to that of resonance, "he says.

But progress does not stop there. There are high hopes stem cells. "These cells or their derivatives may be potential drugs for a wide fork diseases such as arthropathy, have as common denominator inflammation," says Francisco Vizoso , head of research unit Jove Hospital of Asturias Foundation. Something that remains to be tested.
published today in the country.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Peter Doig's White Canon

antidepressants and risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer: A review of the literature and research partnerships with industry.

On April 6, 2011 was published in PloS One a fascinating study in which, once again demonstrates the power of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry. In analysis, incidentally, laboratory studies give a 0% ratio AD (antidepressants) / breast or ovarian cancer, while studies from independent laboratories, the percentage is over 43% . Almost nothing!. The study was conducted by Edmond J. Center Safra for Ethics at Harvard University . According to him, over 60% of researchers working for pharmaceutical companies and found no association between antidepressants and cancer . seems that after this the researchers propose the use of antidepressants included in the protocol breast cancer screening and the informed consent (good thing). In this ties of Farmaindustria, speaks at length Miguel Jara in his book "Dealers of Health." PLoS One 6 April 2011, 6 (4): e18210. Antidepressants and the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer: A review of the literature and financial partnerships with industry researchers. L Cosgrove, Shi L, DE Creasey, McKivergan M-Anaya, JA Myers, Huybrechts KF. Center Edmond J. Safra for Ethics at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.


BACKGROUND: The use of antidepressants (AD) has been suggested that increase the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, although in pre-clinical and epidemiological studies, both have reported conflicting results [1 ] - [6]. Previous studies in various fields of biomedicine have found that financial ties with pharmaceutical companies associated with the study's conclusions favorable [7].
METHODS AND RESULTS: We searched English language articles on MEDLINE, PsychINFO, the Index of Scientific Citations and the Registry Cochrane Central Controlled Trials (to November 2010). A total of 61 articles that assessed the association between breast cancer and ovarian cancer and the use of AD and articles that examined the effect of ads on cell growth were included. Modal multi-screening techniques were used to investigate researchers' financial ties with industry. A meta-analysis was used random effects to share the findings of the epidemiological literature. Thirty-three percent (20/61) of the studies reported a positive association between AD and cancer . Sixty-seven percent (41/61) of studies reported no association or antiproliferative effect. The pooled odds ratio for the association between use of AD and breast / ovarian cancer in epidemiological studies was 1.11 (95% CI 1.03-1.20). Researchers industry affiliations were significantly less likely than researchers without ties to the conclusion that AD increase the risk of breast or ovarian . ( 0 / 15 [0%] versus 20/46 [43.5%] (Fisher exact test, P = 0.0012).
CONCLUSIONS: Both clinical and Previous clinical data are mixed in terms of showing an association between use of AD and breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The possibility that the ads can show bi-phasic effect on the short-term use and / or low-dose antidepressants may increase the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, warrants further investigation. industry affiliations were associated with negative findings on cancer risk . The results have implications in the light of the 2009 Guidelines for the USPSTF breast cancer screening and informed consent process . PMID: 21494667 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] access to the original publication (in English ).

Friday, April 15, 2011

Reits Closed End Fund

A court first recognized the occupational origin of multiple chemical sensitivity.

The Social Court 35 in Madrid for the first time recognized the occupational origin of chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCS) multiple a ruling against mutual Aspey of Accidents and Occupational Diseases Social Security and National Heritage company he works for, has informed the Collective Ronda.

According to the verdict, a woman aged 35, who worked from 18 as a restorer of paintings for Heritage Nationwide - dedicated to preserving the assets transferred to the State Crown - has made the SSQ in the course of their employment. Since 2008, the patient noticed his health deteriorated feeling sore throat, malaise, stomach, headaches, dermatitis, dry mucous membranes, diarrhea and joint pain in the presence of perfumes, paints, air fresheners, gasoline, bleach, cosmetics, insecticides and cleaning products. The woman, after passing through several periods of sick leave, filed for Permanent Total Disability occupational disease, which was refused despite having been diagnosed sqq and disease associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

Nexus occupation disease

Source: You can not go back. Andone's blog.

Underworld Note: it is seen that there is something where everybody is going to settle their affairs and leave me in the lurch (last week I received the denial of the claim tropecentésima previous , and no cancer or anything not cut!. signal with the "Justice" on his part. And the view is).
In this step, other than honorary patient and with infinite patience, I will have to give some degree those of the judiciary . For now, I'm wrestling with that should sue for injury to feelings system, because what we do is a full-fledged moobing. In my case, I not only lowered my contribution basis in these two years, half if not that high, they have the chutzpah to denegarmela (that and get me and get into the "system" for convenience, I have good evidence it as to discriminate against the Administration to be disabled and "not suitable for the job" of the same category and another professional group that they say yes I am fit, the dilacción in the return to employment exchange tb. administration's refusal sickness benefits and roles for all, the refusal of the pension, the pension absolutely robbed by the judges (from absolute to nothing), then propose the invalidity of the inspector that "no value "to be in a position of high .- despite not being in the INEM (Yes situation or assimilated) since I ran out of maternity leave in December 2006, the Inspector confirmed that already in 2008 thought grant it and still extending and turning! ... and so it goes). How much is bad life to give for years of injustice?. For me, no money in the world to pay me what they are doing especially last 7 years.

Can Tooth Ache Cause A Sore Throat

7 May in Madrid. National Focus FM, CFS, MCS, EHS. Health

Saturday, May 7 · Time 12:30 to 15:30 Location
Developers Chary Romero Steppe, Dori F. Currently
the Fibromyalgia (FM) the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Electrohipersensibilidad (EHS) awareness are considered diseases focuses l . are many patients who have a superposition of these pathologies.

The FM and CFS and have their source in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10 ) WHO but EHS and MCS are not yet included in this classification .

We Central Sensitization patients (fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalopathy / chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, electrohipersensibilidad ...) denounce psychological abuse to which we submitted by the mere fact of having one of these diseases ... diseases because we have so much toxic product that are uncontrolled in the environment, diseases that major chemical or pharmaceutical industries strongly favor s filled the coffers ... Chemistries mainly for not having no control over their products and to bring them to market without worrying the damage, short or long term, produce to the inhabitants of this planet, among which we find central sensitization patients .. . pharmaceutical to deceive with impunity by bringing every two three new products that will remove all our problems and what they achieve is to further deteriorate our body sick ...

No one to stop it rolls ... There are many benefits through and many people in high places that are ... but we we tired of being invisible and we want the whole world see us , we remove the masks of the closet and let everyone see this reality to think where we have taken so new product that is useless ... such a struggle to see who washes whiter or who wears clothes softer, who leads the fashion perfume creams or who uses innovative ... AND WE CONTINUE IN THE MIDDLE ... Leaving

on the street for our pain, but we went out over a hundred symptoms that keep us r. .. vivi Leaving

to scream to the world that exist but often can not leave the house, or worse, our room ... Leaving

working hard and knowing that we will suffer a major crisis for this, but with the joy of doing something for those who share our illnesses can not leave without risking your life ... Leaving

representing all those who have no symptoms today, but unfortunately the will in the not too distant future ...

We left for our children and grandchildren , to find a planet to live, not where SICK ...

went out and continue taking to the streets to make our voice heard , the voice of the innocent, the voice that calls for justice, the voice that wants to live with dignity and calling for an investigation and put a stop to much pollution and as a product that kills us little by little ...




keep fighting ...








Nota de Submundos: Parece que ¡POR FíN llegó el DÍA DEL ORGULLO FIBRO-SFC-SQM-EHS!. Lo del 7 de Marzo de hace dos años va a ser poco comparado con ésto. Ya está rulando por el facebook(que algo bueno tiene en el fondo). Personalmente lo tengo muy complicado de ir(por temas de mala salud pero sobre todo por tema económico pero sí que me ENCANTARÍA poder estar allí y si hay una mínima posibilidad ¡estaré!. Vaya que sí).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bad Reaction To Face Cream

create specialty of Infectious Diseases, Genetics, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Emergency and Emergency

certainly extraordinary news! . At last.

04/13/2011 15:42:37


Minister for Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin , announced on Wednesday in plenary Congress, before the end of the year , will have been dealt a royal decree allowing creating four new specialties Infectious Diseases, Genetics, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Accident and Emergency.

This decision responds, as noted, the interest of many groups of professionals and patients , which may benefit from these specialties.

also explained that Health is working to make the specialties of Medicine Sport and Physical Education, and Forensic Medicine , which is now under a student enrolled in some schools Medicine, specialties can strengthen the system of internal MIR.

=============================================== ========

SEMES welcomes the establishment of the specialty of Emergency, but asks that deadlines are met

04/13/2011 16:37:57


The president of the English Society of Emergency (SEMES)
, Thomas Toranzo, showed on Wednesday welcomed the announcement by the Minister of Health, Leire Pajin, that is to be created before the end of the year and by Royal Decree, a specialty of Emergency. However, it has claimed in statements to Europa Press, "to meet the deadlines" for implementation.

" is a claim that we demanded for many years . We wanted the creation of this specialty was linked to the Royal Decree of main, but as seems to be stopped and will not go easily in the short term We feel good that is done by direct route, "says Toranzo, stressing that expected" soon see the draft Royal Decree and that deadlines are met " .

Source: Interactive Physician. Electronic Journal of Health.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is It Ok To Wear Socks To Pilates

"Women Only" Documents mujeres/219187.shtml

Sex, morbidity, or company, are the reasons that push women to use the services of male prostitutes
The woman begins to pay for sex, though hide it under an environment full of taboos
Prices range from 300 euros for an hour and 3000, for a full weekend
'Just for Women' shows that male prostitution is a business booming. Women pay for the "working" world's oldest men who have launched the newest "profession" of the moment.
the Mood, sensitive and attractive. Looking for sex, morbid, curiosity and increasingly more often away from home cover sexual needs, which no longer meet their partners.
Historically, women have been sexually subordinate to men, as a passive, without any possibility of sexual enjoyment. And not until the second half of the twentieth century, when women achieved among other achievements, the right of your body and pleasure. The roles are changing and today is increasingly that, in satisfying his sexual needs, they resort to specialized agencies for paid sex.
'Just for Women "shows how, even in an enclosed and hidden, male prostitution for women is a reality. We approach the first agency of paid sex, where women go in search of the prostitute, that company offered and the fantasies they never implemented before. Therefore, typically pay from 300 euros for an hour, up to 3000 for a full weekend with all expenses paid.
are women, aged between 25 and 50 years old, attractive, professional with a great future, but with strong emotional deprivation.

And in another documentary this link consumption of prostitution of women in Japan :


Friday, April 8, 2011

Implantation Bleeding How To Know

TV2 dissabte 9, will be a COM radio to 10.30 h

sex workers protest in Frankfurt.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spanish Busienss Sayings

them sex workers protest. Germany / 2011/04/01/galicia/1301689831.html

http:/ /

Coffee And Diazepam Safe Together?

PREMIERE .- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: LIVES INTERRUPTED. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Lives Interrupted. CASA BLANCA blog.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Lives Interrupted Publication April 4 at the White House Web . By Llewellyn King Posted April 4, 2011 - 1:30 pm Category Category Items Featured Items King King's Commentaries Reviews Tags Centers for Disease Control myalgic encephalomyelitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Centers Tags Disease Control CFS myalgic encephalomyelitis XMRV Whittemore Peterson Institute

In 2010, I made more friends in my life . They are scattered throughout the United States and around the world. But for their sake, I wish I had never heard of me. Unfortunately, my new friends know me just because I have taken up their cause . I've written and broadcast about their plight, and they have responded by pouring out his heart to me. For the very small service, I received more recognition, more praise and more stories of life that everything you have written or broadcast in five decades in journalism. My sadness, suffering, new friends are victims of an extremely so-called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) . We knew once more robust as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) seriously suggests that at least , although not very accurate. Myalgic describes the joint pain and encephalomyelitis, inflammation in the brain and spinal cord . CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) has no known cure, and varies in intensity over the life of the victim . In 1988, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) disease called chronic fatigue syndrome after an outbreak in 1985 in the station at Lake Tahoe Incline Village, Nevada As early as the 18 outbreaks of the disease, and were given several names . In 1955, there was a major outbreak in the Royal Free Hospital in London. The case cluster 300 in Nevada is generally recognized as the largest United States. The second largest group was in Lyndonville, New York, a village in the northwest, where 216 cases were confirmed in a population of less than 1,000, also in l985. A doctor Lyndonville, David Bell, is considered one of the true experts on chronic fatigue syndrome as well as one of the most dispassionate in the controversies that surround the disease. Bell has resisted pressure from both the medical and patient groups, while maintaining respect . As I see it, four disputes affecting the discussion, research and therapy:

  1. is a serious psychological illness with physical manifestations (a diagnosis aided by the British medical establishment)?

  2. is caused by the new retrovirus XMRV (first seen in cancers of the prostate), as some researchers believe, and almost all the 1 million patients in the United States pray will lead to a cure?

  3. Some charge is a conspiracy in the medical establishment to minimize the SFC of guilt for past indifference, or the pressure of psychiatric physicians are reluctant to cede jurisdiction.

  4. Others fear a threat to the general population - groups confirm CFS is contagious. But the way of pathogen (air, blood, sex, surfaces, food) or how big the risk is unknown.

Thanks to the family of Harvey Whittemore - his daughter Andrea Whittemore Goad has been a victim of chronic fatigue syndrome since childhood - a serious, private financing is being done in the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) in Reno, Nevada is from This institute the most convincing evidence of a retroviral function in CFS has arisen. However, recently, has been refuted by British scientists claim that there was contamination in the testing, skewing the results. Dr. Judith Mikovits WPI British rejected the findings of contamination . She is very sure that you have found this XMRV in most patients with CFS, claiming that she has used four methods of analysis to one in Britain . Bell, at the hands of doctor in New York, said he believes the virus is present . However, only when XMRV is irrefutably shown that the culprit is that you can make a search for a cure. These are some of the issues to be discussed at April 7 to 8 in a "state of the science" meeting Institutes National Institutes of Health in Bethesda , Maryland, but there is no expectation that something new is revealed as the debate rages on the internet daily. Deborah Waroff , a talented author of the New York City, former securities analyst and suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for 22 years , tells the story of his first attack in this way: " I have no idea how I got it. I had the symptoms of the flu. After a week, thinking he was pretty good, I returned to my normal activities such as cycling and tennis. Then, after a week, was sick again . This repeatedly repeated that summer [1989], until I reached a point that was never well again . After a bit of activity, which would collapse, fold. " often Waroff is bedridden, and nothing has improved permanently." His symptoms were classic , fever, dizziness, upset stomach, swollen lymph nodes, and frequent headaches . She developed cognitive problems like putting the wrong words in sentences, known as dysplasia . Waroff introduced me to my new friends and witness terrible suffering, medical neglect and indifference . Their families are separated, their wives and lovers to drift . infected relatives care for their children . One correspondent told me that they are "dead unburied." Others said they were "living in coffins" . not have any famous spokesman. They have no lobby in Washington fighting for research dollars. They have no hope of a cure is just around the corner, and little confidence that government research organizations are hard enough in any case, to find one. know them is to look into hell.

For the Union of Hearst-New York Times

Posted in Web White House (yes The White House of America). And with their own label and everything!.

and highlights. That's nothing. :)

this out yesterday on the website of the White House today gave the award to Dr. Vizoso "Gijón Exemplary!.