Today Sunday September 12, 20.529 applicants passed their entrance exam to the prestigious Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, simultaneously, in the cities of Lima and Huaral, with the desire to meet the 1.729 vacancies offered for the decentralized process of admission 2011-I.
For Huaral City, the place designated for the evaluation was the Educational Institution The Natural.
The various venues are opening their doors from 7 am to ensure orderly income participants.
For the current admissions process, the Dean of America offers a wide and varied academic and professional career total 58, including Civil Engineering, which is offered for the first time, as well as newly developed specialties such as engineering Telecommunications, Software Engineering, Tax Management, and Audit and Public Sector Business, all in six academic areas: Health Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Basic Sciences, Engineering and Economic Enterprise.
By including the Civil Engineering career, is a Breakthrough San Marcos University in Lima and offer only the National Engineering University and the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, and insurance will be well compentitivos able to achieve a vacancy for that race at this university.
general admission test is objective type multiple choice. Candidates have three hours between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm-solving 100 questions in 40 skills: mathematics (20) and verbal (20), and 60 of knowledge, divided in Mathematics (15 ), Communication (10) and Person, family and human relations (5), which are common to all academic areas.
The 30 questions correspond to other Social Studies and Science, technology and environment. All subjects are distributed according to each academic area.
To provide more details about this contest UNMSM admission made at 8.30 am, a press conference in the meeting room of the University Council and a tour of University City.
The results of this test for admission can see from the following links:
And to the key test for admission can see from the following link: