First: Morocco is an imperialist state, ruled by an Arab elite ninguneo the Berber population. The Saharawi people suffering oppression especially Moroccan, while the international community, in a cowardly fashion, looking away. Commercial interests with Morocco, which lends itself to Europe large quantities of cheap labor, take precedence and Europe prefer to pretend that there is Western Sahara.
Second: The situation of Mr. Haidar, although derived of the oppression of the Saharawi people, is a personal conflict between her and the Moroccan government. Therefore, when she seeks help, you are not helping the Saharawi people, which is just down (or even more, now come retaliation). Haidar Glad you could finally return home, but it is a problem that concerns us any time Europeans. It is very hypocritical to focus aid on one person, while all his people are oppressed. But we know that hypocrisy is the hallmark of liberals. Now that they have helped Haidar, may still be turning a blind eye to the Saharawi people.
Third Strikes hunger is not a means of protest, but a means of blackmail. "Or do what I say or I'll kill myself." Europe as a whole can not yield to blackmail someone, right or wrong in their claims. Especially as Europe has never had anything to do with the personal problem with the Moroccan government Haidar. Furthermore, a person puts on a hunger strike does not mean he's right. Not long ago, Mr. De Juan Acha also went on hunger strike. Many wanted to take his "peaceful protest" to its ultimate consequences. Moreover, risking his life, Haidar has proven to be very selfish about their children and family.
Fourth, nearly 40 years ago, established the Sahrawi Polisario Front to oust the English from their country. Perhaps they were right. It might have been better than the Sahara to succeed as the tenth-eighth autonomous community of Spain. Surely they would be better to the Sahrawi. But the fact is that we were expelled, and that allowed Morocco, in its imperialist policies, invade his country. They were wrong, but you have to be consistent with their actions. They can not expel hit trigger (not forget) to the English Sahara, and now claim our aid. No, it's OK to laugh at Spain. To all former colonies, the English we are the devil or the motherland, as it suits them. Enough of this hypocrisy.
In conclusion, although I understand the situation of Haidar and shameful international procrastination regarding the situation of the Sahara, I think this conflict has been full of hypocrisy. The hypocrisy of the Saharawi violently expelled us and need our help when it suits them. The hypocrisy of Europe, which passes oblivious to the situation of the Sahrawi and now go to help rescuers Haidar. The hypocrisy of the self-Haidar, blackmailing us as if we had to blame. And above all, the hypocrisy of the liberals of this country, worry so much because a Saharawi starve in a English airport, but they support the capitalist system that starves millions of people worldwide.