As I said earlier, that PSOE and PP are the champions of corruption can only be a reflection of who are the parties most representation. That is, a simple statistical artifact. To correct for the degree of representation, I created an index consisting of the number of politicians accused divided by the number of votes received in the last general election. In the case of GIL used the 2000 elections, and ANV UniĆ³ Mallorquina and municipal 2007. The index was multiplied by a million to make it mathematically tractable , as did many decimal figures. The result was quite surprising, and is shown below:
corrupt parties
There are four par excellence, with an index above 200, and these are, in order of corruption: the Andalusian Party, Canary Coalition, the late Gil, and UniĆ³ Mallorquina all regionalist parties ( localist in the case of GIL). The remaining parties have corruption indices well below below 50. In this case include the lack of difference between PSOE and PP with the other parties, which, frankly, surprised me, because they were expected to head. Even, it is noteworthy that IU beats PP in corruption.
In conclusion, this analysis shows that PSOE and PP are not as corrupt as expected, which I do not know if it is a relief or an element of concern, because ultimately, they are all the same does honest or crooks?