Well, here we will contest the issue of the similarities between Horus and Jesus.
First let's put it that says Zeitgeist Horus:
Overall, the story of Horus is as follows:
Horus was born on December 25 of the virgin Isis-Meri.
His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which helped
three kings to find and worship the newborn savior.
At age 12, was a child prodigy teacher
At the age of 13, was baptized by someone named Anup and thus began his ministry.
Horus had 12 disciples who traveled with him, performing miracles like healing the sick and walking on water.
Horus was known by several names like The Truth, The Light, God's chosen son, the Good Shepherd, the Sheep of God, and many others.
After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days and resurrected.
Okay. Let us see him gradually.
thank the collaboration of a moderator Forums Catholic.net .
------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Horus was born on December 25
is impossible to make that claim. Quite simply, it is impossible.
The Egyptian calendar was divided into 3 seasons of 4 months, the month in 30 days and each month was divided into 3 weeks of 10 days, 5 days left loose called "epagómenos" (anniversary of the birth of the gods Osiris, Isis, Seth and Meftis). That is why the time lag over the years. Egyptian Calendar.
can not conclude something as delicate as a roundabout way.
Egiptomanía.org stated on Isis:
"Egyptian goddess whose origins sinks into the darkness despite becoming one of the major goddesses of Egypt in the later periods."
And further states: "Isis, as we passed the History of Egypt, suffered the effects of blending or syncretism taking characteristics and attributes of other goddesses, Isis was fused with the goddess Astarte, Bastet, Nut, Renunet, Sotis and Hathor, the latter of great importance in its syncretism as the goddess Isis takes it, as we said many of its attributes iconographic and mythological characteristics. " And later
Contu with a long list of the different aspects that took Isis.
obviously is a syncretic deity Isis, and from that point should be evaluated.
Very true that in its origins, Isis was considered a virgin goddess, more specifically, an asexual goddess.
However, the figure evolved to such an extent that at some point stopped being a virgin goddess to become the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.
The main literary device on Isis, Plutarch has given us in his work "On Isis and Osiris" . Interestingly, there is no mention of a virgin Isis, but wife-mother Isis.
full text you can see Aquinas in English : On Isis and Osiris .
A summary here: The Story of Osiris .
We can see that as the mother of Horus, Isis, there is no virgin, so this claim is false.
false Why? Because, as I said before, Isis is a goddess that has evolved, so we can talk about multiple Isis, not one, and if it is true that there was ever a virgin Isis is wrong to say that this is the virgin Isis mother of Horus.
The Isis mother of Horus, is the wife and sister of Osiris. It is very interesting that there is an Egyptian text that speaks of a star ... and a sexual union of Isis and Osiris that destroys the myth of Isis and virginity mother of Horus:
"[Osiris] Your sister Isis comes to you joyful for your love. You have you placed on your phallus and your seed it is issued, it is listed as Sirius, and Horus Sopde (a star) has come before you as Horus who is in Sirius. "[ Pyr. Text line 632 ]
Can anyone continue to hold that Isis-Horus's mother is a virgin?
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His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which helped locate three kings and worship the newborn savior. At age 12, teacher was a child prodigy, at the age of 13, was baptized by someone named Anup and thus began his ministry.
There is a text that contains the legend of the birth of Horus, in some hieroglyphs that are on a trail, which is currently in Paris. Chabas, in 1857 gave a translation in the Revue Archéologique, p. 65 ff.
The hieroglyph was first published by Ledrain at work in munumentos of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris (Les Monuments Égyptiens (Médailles et Cabinet des Antiques), In the Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1879-1882 , plate xxii. seq.)
We review all English translation of the hieroglyphics here: BIRTH OF HORUS .
Interestingly, the target text that tells the s birth of Horus makes no mention of any stars or any infant kings who worshiped the divine hawk.
in Egyptology The other page also mentions the birth of Horus, but not the data of the star or the worship of kings Birth & Flight of Horus
remember that the only reference to a star during the s birth of Horus is the quoted text and the Pyramids:
"[Osiris] Your sister Isis comes to you joyful for your love. You you've placed on your phallus and your seed is broadcast on her, she is listed as Sirius, and Horus Sopde (a star) has come before you as Horus who is in Sirius. "[ Pyr. Text line 632 ]
Horus is said, like a star, comes to Isis ... but not a star guided some kings to worship him.
Other events mentioned, this is the baptism, child prodigy, etc. , is unknown in the texts that speak about the myth of Horus.
can review all the myths of Horus from original sources, the hieroglyphic texts here: Myths About Horus.
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Horus had 12 disciples who traveled with him, performing miracles like healing the sick and walking on water.
is completely untrue that Horus had 12 disciples. There are references to four 'disciples', semi-divine beings called Heru-Shemsu ('Followers of Horus'). There are also innumerable references to a group of followers called mesniu / mesnitu ("blacksmiths") who accompanied the god in his battles ... but there is not a single reference to "twelve disciples."
The only deity who is depicted surrounded by 12 beings is Ra, Sun God The twelve beings are the constellations of the zodiac:
http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k311/malleus777/otros/wheel1. jpg
But that is an attribute of Ra, not Horus. In addition, the constellations are not "followers of Ra."
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Horus was known by several names like The Truth, The Light, God's chosen son, the Good Shepherd, the Sheep of God, and many others. According
Egiptología.org, we summarize the epithet of Horus as follows:
"The One in the heights", "The high ',' The distant," "Lord of Heaven," "Lord of the circumpolar stars '. In the thrones of the Lisht appears as "Horus, Mesen lord "and" Behdet Horus "or" the behdetita ", referring to two villages in Lower Egypt. Http://www.egiptologia.org/mitologia/panteon/horus.htm and http://www.egiptologia.org/mitologia/eneada/03-horus.htm .
The Great Dictionary of Egyptian Mythology also unaware of such epithets.
here -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
--- After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days and resurrected.