Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Congradulation Speech

The "paganism" of the Catholic Church

By Greg Oatis

Source: http://www.apologeticacatolica.org/

Some people argue that the Catholic Church was not founded by Jesus Christ, being more of a pagan cult with ties that bind ancient Babylon. This idea reached widely disseminated through a book, "The Two Babylons" published in Britain by Alexander Hislop in 1858 which aimed to establish a relationship between Catholic teachings and practices of the religion practiced in that mystery Babylon. However, the methodology used by the author of the book, a Protestant minister with no serious academic training, has been rejected and denounced as false from the standpoint of sound and historical.

Revelation 23, 1-4 - Then came one of the seven angels which had the seven bowls came and spoke to me: "Come, I'll show trial of the notorious prostitute who sits on many waters, with whoring her the kings of the earth and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her prostitution. " I moved in spirit to the desert. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast covered with blasphemous titles, the beast with seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, shining with gold, precious stones and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and filthiness of her prostitution and her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, "The Great Babylon, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth. " And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I was greatly amazed to see her, but the angel said, "Why are you surprised? I will explain the mystery of the woman and the beast she rides, which has seven heads and ten horns. "

This passage is often used to" prove "that the Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon" to San Juan describes in his vision. Such an interpretation is not only wrong but it is impossible to reconcile with the story. Obviously, for anyone seriously studying the scriptures, that St. John is referring to Rome as "Babylon the Great" as Rome and Babylon were the only two powers of this world which God allowed overthrew Jerusalem, leading to exile him away to his village. Both Jewish and Christian writings have been compared to Rome with the ancient Babylon, as both subjugated Israel, destroyed the Holy Temple and Jerusalem devastated.

A well-known promoter of the interpretations of Hislop, Ralph Woodrow, following the same path, even wrote another book called "Babylon, Mystery Religion." Woodrow years later had to repudiate the method he had learned from Hislop when scholars of his own Protestant group he noted the serious deficiencies and lack of scholarship. In 1997, Woodrow published a retraction, "The Babylonian Connection?" in which exposed the essentially false starting points of the original theories of the Scottish religious fundamentalist. To illustrate the kind of faulty logic in play, Woodrow using the very methods Hislop to "prove" a preposterous theory: that a certain chain of fast food has its roots in Babylon. Quote:

- "golden arches" are known worldwide as the identifying symbol of McDonald's. However, we note that the arch was commonly used by the ancient Babylonians in their doors and palaces. In fact, in paintings by the Babylonians, we see that their kings are represented in arch-shaped frames! We also know that Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, ordered his subjects to worship a golden image (Daniel 3, 5-10). And Babylon was known in the world old as "the golden city." Finally, note that the first letter to McDonald's, the M is the thirteenth letter of the alphabet (English), a number recognized as having a mystical power to bring bad luck. Can this be mere coincidence? Even, why the M points in addition to McDonald's? Clearly to Molech, the pagan god of fire worship in Babylon. What is used to heat food in a McDonald's modern? Electricity, which many associate with a controlled fire! Therefore, who can doubt that the restaurant chain McDonald's, known for its golden arches, is actually a mystery cult related with the fire god worshiped by the ancient Babylonian royalty?

As ridiculous as this absurd way of reasoning may seem, just know that the chain of McDonald's was not created by a king of Babylon, but by an American businessman named Ray Kroc in 1950-this is exactly the same technique Hislop reasoning used to slander the Church. In his essay "Anti-Catholicism, the Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong errors Hislop said:" The method [Hislop] incurs two well-known logical fallacies: the fallacy of "origin", which attacks the source of a idea rather than the idea itself and the fallacy of "non sequitur" in which a similar number "Proof" that a practice from another past practice ... "For clarification let's say a logical fallacy is a statement presented as a true statement, but it is only in appearance. The logical fallacies are commonly used to justify arguments or positions that are not justifiable using reason. They tend to mask deception, misrepresentation, or fraud. Knowing how to recognize logical fallacies is helpful not to be deceived. The Latin term "non sequitur" means literally "not followed". If we are analyzing the similarity of an ancient Catholic practice Babylonian practice does not mean that the first comes from the second. Woodrow

also notes that, if used Hislop's own arguments, you could "prove" that the Bible itself is pagan. Shows many elements in the Bible that can be related to pre-existing pagan religions, such as prostrate on the ground, praying, raising hands, a mountain with this in her divinity, law engraved in stone, Elijah cart horses of fire. All this and much more biblical phenomenology, can also be found in paganism.

Therefore, if we Hislop fallacious logic, we would be forced to conclude that the faith taught in Scripture is actually a pagan religion. Since we know that's absurd, we must necessarily conclude that the technique of Hislop is fundamentally flawed.

1 Corinthians 9, 20-22 - To the Jews I have become a Jew to win Jews, with those under the law, and who is under the Act, even without being so, to win those who are under it. With those who are without law, as those without law to win those who are without law, not being without law toward God but under the law of Christ. I became weak with the weak to win the weak. I've done everything to everyone at all costs to save some.

Rather than condemn any practice of the Gentiles as pagan, the Catholic Church has always sought inculturated. Ie, has respected the good that may be in other religions and cultures to relate to the truth in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:9-16 - What God has cleansed, you must not call profane.

Jesus came to bring salvation to all mankind. Included those who were seen by Jews as impure, and not just a chosen few. In other words, the love of God is not just for those who already practice the Christian faith. He loves all men, which created in His image and likeness. Acts 17:16-34

- Athens, I perceive that you are, by all accounts, the most respectful of divinity. And watch for after your worship, I found an altar on which was engraved the inscription: "To an unknown god." What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you.

St. Paul preached a fiery condemnation of the Greeks for their pagan worship. Rather, he used their beliefs as a tool through which to reveal the full truth is in Christianity. The Catholic Church has always acted that way. Note also that in verse 28 is a reference to St. Paul to two pagan poets, Epimenides ("In Him we live and move and have our being ") and Aratos (" For we are also his lineage "). Does this mean that Paul was preaching a pagan religion? Using the system to test things Hislop, would come to this ridiculous conclusion. However, it is clear from the context that Paul is using proper technique to debate: empathy. Just for your message using terms that make sense for your audience.

Acts 22, 25 - When you were stretched with thongs, Paul said to the centurion who was there: "I is permissible to whip a Roman citizen without having been tried?"

In Acts 22, San Pablo 25-28 We see repeatedly stating his Roman citizenship-that is, citizenship in a pagan empire in its disputes with the temple authorities. Obviously he saw no such thing as a desecration.

Sometimes, certain fundamentalists seem more concerned with preserving the pristine nature of an idealized Christianity, while retaining a kind of amber theological than following the example of St. Paul using all the cunning, art and own brain in effort to save souls whom God loves. Paul was less busy in maintaining the purity of their traditional religious practices, such as circumcision or the Jewish dietary laws, which in the search for the transmission of faith, which is dedicated to courage and when he found necessary, used unconventional ways. Therefore there is no reason to fear when our faith is attacked, debated, even in the arena of the world of ideas. The essential truth of the Gospel is their protection

Monday, December 1, 2008

Aaron Diaz Completo Desudo

the Virgin Mary, the constellation Virgo and the letter "M"

See what Zeitgeist says:

The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo, also known as "The Virgin."
Virgo in Latin means virgin. The ancient symbol for Virgo is an "m" as amended.
is why both Mary and other virgin mothers: Myrra, the mother of Adonis, or Maya, Buddha's mother, begin "m".

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"December 25th? Relationship

Here we will talk about this day, as used to try to establish inequalities between Jesus and other deities.

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Greece Dionysus with Jesus.

See what Zeitgeist says:

Greece Dionysus, born of a virgin.
December 25.
Master travelers.
performing miracles such as transforming water into wine.
It was called "King of Kings", "the only son of God," "Alpha and Omega" and many others.
After he died, was resurrected.

Mucus Before Two Days Beforeperiod

ratio similar course Krishna with Jesus. Similar course

See what Zeitgeist says:

Krishna, India, born of a virgin.
Announced the Eastern Star.
Make miracles.

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Relationship with Jesus Mitra. Similar course of Horus

First, what Zeitgeist says:

Mithra of Persia, born of a virgin.
December 25.
had 12 disciples and performed miracles.
After he died, was buried for 3 days and resurrected.
also called him "Truth", "Light" and others.
The sacred day of worship of Mithra was Sunday.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

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Relationship with Jesus. Similar course

Well, here we will contest the issue of the similarities between Horus and Jesus.

First let's put it that says Zeitgeist Horus:

Overall, the story of Horus is as follows:
Horus was born on December 25 of the virgin Isis-Meri.
His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which helped
three kings to find and worship the newborn savior.
At age 12, was a child prodigy teacher
At the age of 13, was baptized by someone named Anup and thus began his ministry.
Horus had 12 disciples who traveled with him, performing miracles like healing the sick and walking on water.
Horus was known by several names like The Truth, The Light, God's chosen son, the Good Shepherd, the Sheep of God, and many others.
After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days and resurrected.

Okay. Let us see him gradually.

thank the collaboration of a moderator Forums Catholic.net .

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Horus was born on December 25

is impossible to make that claim. Quite simply, it is impossible.

The Egyptian calendar was divided into 3 seasons of 4 months, the month in 30 days and each month was divided into 3 weeks of 10 days, 5 days left loose called "epagómenos" (anniversary of the birth of the gods Osiris, Isis, Seth and Meftis). That is why the time lag over the years. Egyptian Calendar.

for more on this calendar, we have a light viewing page Institute for Egyptology .

When he speaks of the temples of Karnak, there are two parties named, which are "La fiesta del toro cigar in his field" (birthday of Osiris, celebrated the first five days epagómenos the year) and "The day of the feast of Renenutet" birthday of the child Horus (held on the first day of the month Pachons), besides these, we know that there are other character Osirian Choiak held during the month.

that day "The day of the feast of Renenutet" according to the calendar of celebrations for the Fourth of Peret March 27 to April 25 ( http://www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/chronology/calendar.html ).

At least, according to the Temples of Karnak, the birth of Horus was held between 27 March and 25 April.
The funny thing is that this date is not constant.
Egiptología.org page, these are the feasts of Horus:

"Their celebrations were held on 22 Mesh month, along with Ptah, the day 23 of month Famenoth; day 1 of month Pajon, along with his companions; and the festival was the 1st of the month of Paini. "

No corresponds to December 25, according to this page.

Honoring the truth, after researching on this point it is clear that the Egyptian calendar is contradictory constantly or you do not already agree scholars interpret when , therefore, some pages place the birth of Horus on December 25, equivalent to 10 Mech. While Egyptologists agree not nobody can say anything categorically.

This brings us to the conclusion that for the moment there is no 100% security when the Egyptians celebrated the birth of Horus, otherwise, the dates are contradictory, so is impossible to admit that Horus was born on 25 December and that Christianity took from there then.

---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------

... of the virgin Isis-Meri.

can not conclude something as delicate as a roundabout way.

Egiptomanía.org stated on Isis:

"Egyptian goddess whose origins sinks into the darkness despite becoming one of the major goddesses of Egypt in the later periods."

And further states: "Isis, as we passed the History of Egypt, suffered the effects of blending or syncretism taking characteristics and attributes of other goddesses, Isis was fused with the goddess Astarte, Bastet, Nut, Renunet, Sotis and Hathor, the latter of great importance in its syncretism as the goddess Isis takes it, as we said many of its attributes iconographic and mythological characteristics. " And later

Contu with a long list of the different aspects that took Isis.

obviously is a syncretic deity Isis, and from that point should be evaluated.

Very true that in its origins, Isis was considered a virgin goddess, more specifically, an asexual goddess.

However, the figure evolved to such an extent that at some point stopped being a virgin goddess to become the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus.

The main literary device on Isis, Plutarch has given us in his work "On Isis and Osiris" . Interestingly, there is no mention of a virgin Isis, but wife-mother Isis.

full text you can see Aquinas in English : On Isis and Osiris .

A summary here: The Story of Osiris .

We can see that as the mother of Horus, Isis, there is no virgin, so this claim is false.

false Why? Because, as I said before, Isis is a goddess that has evolved, so we can talk about multiple Isis, not one, and if it is true that there was ever a virgin Isis is wrong to say that this is the virgin Isis mother of Horus.

The Isis mother of Horus, is the wife and sister of Osiris. It is very interesting that there is an Egyptian text that speaks of a star ... and a sexual union of Isis and Osiris that destroys the myth of Isis and virginity mother of Horus:

"[Osiris] Your sister Isis comes to you joyful for your love. You have you placed on your phallus and your seed it is issued, it is listed as Sirius, and Horus Sopde (a star) has come before you as Horus who is in Sirius. "[ Pyr. Text line 632 ]

Can anyone continue to hold that Isis-Horus's mother is a virgin?

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

His birth was accompanied by a star in the east, which helped locate three kings and worship the newborn savior. At age 12, teacher was a child prodigy, at the age of 13, was baptized by someone named Anup and thus began his ministry.

There is a text that contains the legend of the birth of Horus, in some hieroglyphs that are on a trail, which is currently in Paris. Chabas, in 1857 gave a translation in the Revue Archéologique, p. 65 ff.

The hieroglyph was first published by Ledrain at work in munumentos of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris (Les Monuments Égyptiens (Médailles et Cabinet des Antiques), In the Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 1879-1882 , plate xxii. seq.)

We review all English translation of the hieroglyphics here: BIRTH OF HORUS .

Interestingly, the target text that tells the s birth of Horus makes no mention of any stars or any infant kings who worshiped the divine hawk.

in Egyptology The other page also mentions the birth of Horus, but not the data of the star or the worship of kings Birth & Flight of Horus

remember that the only reference to a star during the s birth of Horus is the quoted text and the Pyramids:

"[Osiris] Your sister Isis comes to you joyful for your love. You you've placed on your phallus and your seed is broadcast on her, she is listed as Sirius, and Horus Sopde (a star) has come before you as Horus who is in Sirius. "[ Pyr. Text line 632 ]

Horus is said, like a star, comes to Isis ... but not a star guided some kings to worship him.

Other events mentioned, this is the baptism, child prodigy, etc. , is unknown in the texts that speak about the myth of Horus.

can review all the myths of Horus from original sources, the hieroglyphic texts here: Myths About Horus.

------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
Horus had 12 disciples who traveled with him, performing miracles like healing the sick and walking on water.

is completely untrue that Horus had 12 disciples. There are references to four 'disciples', semi-divine beings called Heru-Shemsu ('Followers of Horus'). There are also innumerable references to a group of followers called mesniu / mesnitu ("blacksmiths") who accompanied the god in his battles ... but there is not a single reference to "twelve disciples."

The only deity who is depicted surrounded by 12 beings is Ra, Sun God The twelve beings are the constellations of the zodiac:

http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k311/malleus777/otros/wheel1. jpg

But that is an attribute of Ra, not Horus. In addition, the constellations are not "followers of Ra."
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------
Horus was known by several names like The Truth, The Light, God's chosen son, the Good Shepherd, the Sheep of God, and many others. According

Egiptología.org, we summarize the epithet of Horus as follows:

"The One in the heights", "The high ',' The distant," "Lord of Heaven," "Lord of the circumpolar stars '. In the thrones of the Lisht appears as "Horus, Mesen lord "and" Behdet Horus "or" the behdetita ", referring to two villages in Lower Egypt. Http://www.egiptologia.org/mitologia/panteon/horus.htm and http://www.egiptologia.org/mitologia/eneada/03-horus.htm .

The Great Dictionary of Egyptian Mythology also unaware of such epithets.

here -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
--- After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days and resurrected.


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Hi everyone!

Well, we finally begin to create entries.

In this first entry I have thought about putting a list of links for you to direct podais each of the different subjects to challenge, so it is easier to find what you will see.
add a link to this first post, and call it Home.

Well, I do more and start to make the list (go slowly growing. If you suggest a theme and let me know and I put it).

begin from the minute 9:37, that is, from where it leaves the poster:


is the only part that I have intended to challenge, ie the religion. To that end is made this blog. To publicize the truth about these issues. Texts related


Well, the list will continue to rise.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

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The truth about the "reconquista"

At school we were taught many lies, especially in a matter of history. One of the biggest is regarding the "reconquista". The name itself is a big lie, because there was never recapture anything.

begin at the beginning. The kingdom of the Visigoths is the first state genuinely English. That is, the kingdom founded by the Visigoths is the first Hispania (Spain) independent, the origin of the present English state. But this kingdom disappeared between 711 and 716, after a war against the Arabs. The Arab conquest was made possible due to internal disputes that existed between the noble Goths. In fact, in the 71st, one year before the start of the Muslim invasion, died Witiza Gothic king. In the midst of invasion, the country was divided between the nobles who had been appointed king Don Rodrigo, and those who considered that the king should be one of the sons of Witiza. The infighting was by then a constant in the kingdom, and it certainly facilitated the Islamic conquest.

Arabs defeated King Roderick in Guadalete, and completed their domination of the peninsula in 716, with further support of the various noble Goths, who joined them, that military victories. Could not win, however, Asturias, where the noble Gothic resisted Don Pelayo, who founded the kingdom Astur end. The Astur kingdom is not what remains of the Visigothic kingdom, which was broken, but a new entity that emerges from the Gothic resistance against the invasion. In addition, Asturias in the future will not be the sole focus of "reconquista" as another focus emerge in the Pyrenees.

From Astur kingdom Christians were taking new possessions to the Muslims, taking advantage in this case the internal struggles for power in Al-Andalus between the different factions (Arabs, Berbers, Slavs ...) and noble families. Thus came to conquer the Cantabrian end of the eighth century. Astur The kingdom was then transformed into the kingdom of Leon, who broke down in the kingdoms of León, Galicia and Portugal. Galicia would be recovered, but not Portugal, that he would remain as an independent kingdom (except for a brief period during the reign of Philip II). Portugal continued its "renewal" on its part to shape their country, conquered León Extremadura, which was its border with Islam. What happened while the rest of Spain?

The Muslim invasion was halted in Asturias, but not in the Pyrenees, penetrating even into the kingdom of the Franks, where they were arrested at the battle of Poitiers (732). The Franks then began their particular "reconquista", going into English territory in what is now northern Navarra, Aragon and Catalonia. There they formed the Hispanic in the late eighth century, as a zone of resistance against the Arab threat. The brand came to take so much power that it acquired independence, especially in Navarra, which became vested in their own kingdom. Also in the county of Barcelona, \u200b\u200balthough he never became a kingdom. Navarre has expanded and ended breaking up into three kingdoms: Navarre, Castile and Aragon. Throughout history, Navarre was isolated in the north, Aragón expanded southward, and in particular to the east, incorporating Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands and beyond, Naples, Sicily, etc ... Castilla, meanwhile, spread southwards by conquering the entire center of the peninsula.

Finally, the kingdoms of León (in Galicia) and Castile were united in 1230 with Fernando III, leading to the crown. This would join the Crown of Aragon in 1469, with the marriage of the Catholic kings. Then he would enter the kingdom of Granada to the Castilian crown in 1492, with the end of the War of Granada. Finally, today's Spain would settle in 1512, when Ferdinand Navarra conquest. Canary was incorporated into Castile in 1483. Thus, the last kingdom joins Granada Spain is not, as is often taught in schools, but Navarra.

The idea that this process was a reconquest is false for several reasons:

1 .- If the Visigoths sought to regain his kingdom, left Portugal, the southern part France, and part of northern Morocco, as part of the Visigoth kingdom.

2 .- Although the founders of the Astur kingdom descended from Gothic resistance, not the founders of the Hispanic, part of the kingdom of the Franks, and gave rise Catalonia, Aragon, Navarre and Castile, with all that Aragonese and Castilians conquered a posteriori.
3 .- It was a conquest unit. There were many kingdoms, as in the Muslim side, where were the Taifa kingdoms. These kingdoms also were often pitted against each other.

4 .- Nor was it a religious reconquest. Muslim and Christian kingdoms often joined to fight other Muslims and Christian kingdoms. Moreover, after the conquest of Granada, not forcing Muslims to convert to Catholicism (as stated in the chapter.)

5 .- There was an awareness of "reconquista" by the Christian kings. They simply took land to its neighbors, be they Christian or Muslim.
6 .- Even after completion of the "reconquista" and unification of Spain, the concept of Spain as a nation was formed. Each kingdom maintained its independence as a kingdom, ruled by a king all common. For this reason, the king of Spain called himself king of Castile, Leon, Aragon, etc., etc., or simply King of Spain, for short. The first king who was called king Amadeo I of Spain was already in the nineteenth century.
Example clearest of all is the length of the Sultanate of Granada, which lasted 200 years longer than other Taifa kingdoms. This was not due to a military resistance, but a policy of friendship with Castilla, which was a tributary kingdom. For example, in 1431, King of Castile, Juan II, invaded Grenada to overthrow the Sultan Muhammad IX, Lefty. But his claims were not conquer the territory, but to impose another king, Yusuf IV. In fact, the Catholic kings, when they decided to conquer the sultanate in the War of Granada (1482-1492), had the inestimable help of Boabdil Zagal, who had been dethroned by his niece, Boabdil the Younger. Most likely, the expected Zagal get rewarded with the crown of Granada, but it was not, and Elizabeth I decided to enter the realm for a long time ally of Castile, the English crown.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Zero No Tsukaima 4 Relese

Language and the mediocre

Opinion piece
Francesc de Carreras, extracted from the website of Citizens

As I teach my classes in Catalan, unfortunately I have students from Erasmus, the foreign student program that facilitates the exchange of students EU. However, on one occasion, at the end of the first class of course came to see a group of European students. They said that the authority had assured them that I took the class in Castilian and therefore had pointed to my group. Indeed, the teacher in charge of informing them of an error. I fixed it by saying things that seemed more natural and sensible: "Do not worry, from now on will use Castilian, the important thing is to communicate well, not the instrument used to communicate."

After a few days, talking with Dutch and Swedish students naively asked them to something that arouses curiosity, "Erasmus students going to countries known to the Dutch and Swedish to understand the teachers in the classroom? ". Smiling, I replied that obviously did not, had almost no idea of \u200b\u200bthe Dutch Erasmus or Swedish, but more than half the classes were taught in English because the teachers came from many different countries and English had become the common lingua franca. I felt pretty silly, parochial to hear this response. Should assume that the university authorities of these countries were educated and intelligent, concerned with knowledge and not by the vehicle which transmits interested in attracting the best teachers, but had to go look beyond narrow borders of their countries.

Well, in Catalonia are at odds with this position, our political authorities university and still have the mentality of the past. As reported by this newspaper, the Catalan universities approved within the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia, the proposal of the Government of Catalonia under which all new teachers, or older who wish to advance in his academic career, the level should be required C Catalan. This agreement has been unchecked my university, the Autonomous: Congratulations, team president and government!

C Recall that the Catalan level implies a perfect knowledge of the language, spelling and syntax. Behind him, there is only level D, which very few possess, due only to specialists to perform very specific functions of language, translation work or grammatical correctness. Do our universities as much appeal for teachers from Spain or other foreign countries make the effort to achieve the level C? Obviously, this will deter many college to come to Catalonia. It's already happening now, for years, not just in college, but also in other professions: doctors, notaries, judges, prosecutors, senior executives. Never in Catalonia had been shortcomings in these professions, on the contrary they were always highly sought after places. Only now, language barriers isolate and impoverish us.

But beware: the fault is not Catalan, the fault of the language policy of the fanatical excesses committed in the name of Catalan.

Catalan society, the vast majority are bilingual and tolerant. Also, except some intransigent, the move here to live and work strive to understand, speak, at a certain age, it's another thing Catalan quickly, especially if they are people with little cultural base. Ultimately, society is no problem. The problem is in a language policy and misguided, as is the case of the university, in some unspeakable interests. He has said exactly Professor Joaquim Molins, referring to the case at hand: "What people want mediocre Catalan universities restrict competition. Put as many barriers as possible to prevent people from the rest of Spain or Foreign them off their seats. This is what underlies this decision. And if there is a place where mobility is critical is in college. "

Catalan, as the poet said years ago a conservative, is a glass of clear water, that is, must be kept alive, with the support and incentives, but naturally, coexisting in peace with Castilian, as he had always been in Catalonia. The language should be an element of communication, not an element exclusive identity that we face each other. The philosopher Fernando Savater has led to a manifesto, in a few hours we have adhered to over 40,000 citizens, full of common sense, a spirit of tolerance and good sense. Meanwhile, the Government does something foolish, you fight with Madrid for a third hour of Castilian miserable week in schools, requires C-level and university professors, and at the height of surrealism, fail to renew a Extremadura cultural radio emissions issue not in Catalan! The

Catalunya and civic tolerance must react, instead of keeping silent while the mediocre fans and we are sinking into a visible decline.

Francesc de Carreras, professor of constitutional law at the UAB.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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Diseases: marginalitis

Article extracted from Black Flag and Black Flame

youth viral disease in recent years has mutated to affect the immune system in older people. The incidence peak between 15 and 25 years, although some subjects had relapses at later ages. The symptoms of this disease include acute alcoholism, paranoid schizophrenia and delusions of persecution. In many cases these symptoms are accompanied by prolonged baldness. Some experts the

have classified as a disease only present in "esquingers", but recent studies have shown that it can affect large segments of the population. The patient suffering from the "Marginalitis" develop antisocial behavior, alcohol and violence that are far from the ideas that supposedly defends. In advanced stages of the disease, the original ideas of the individual is reduced to zero, and there are only certain childhood tics such as masturbation by symbols "radical." In many cases, the clinical picture also has a phobia of culture and a habit of turning words into numbers. Thus, if the patient wants to say hello cry hard Conch Ochentaytré!, And if Europe means European sincuentaysincooo hard cry!.

There are a number of parasitic diseases which affect the patient with "Marginalitis", the most common "Botasobaquismo" consisting of wear military boots that reach the armpit. Many of the patients examined reported a continued use of psychoactive substances and / or anabolic steroids. Associated with this consumption, symptoms of priapism invested (tiny size of the penis in men and women flat chests). This serious ailment can induce individuals to commit criminal acts. Murder camels to get a dose, homicide is attempted, knife crime .... Patients with the highest degree of "Marginalitis" have come to express a certain difficulty in speaking, and at least a score of subjects served only made that unrelated words like "moromielda", "arribasssspaña" or "sijjjjaiiil."

If you have this disease, talk to your family quickly. If treated early can be overcome, and the patient is able to return to political life "standard." Even some specialists who have written this article suffered a milder variant of the disease, getting overcome with success. That yes, they have been affected other sequelae, although one of them has come "far away" in politics (Presidents of parties, associations ...).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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Relationship between Granada and Andalusia

that Spain is a nation multinational is a fact that only a fool can deny. Not only are there geographic differences linguistic but also cultural. around Galicia and Asturias shows that the Celtic heritage is still very much alive in this region, apart from the rest of Spain (for instance). We can even observe racial differences within our nation, with a northwest-southeast gradient in hair and eye color. To accommodate these differences ethno-cultural has created the state of the autonomies. Now, all the nationalities that make up Spain are represented by this state. Are all? No, not all. There is a nationality that is being maligned and despised: Grenadian citizenship. In a bizarre way , Granada is incorporated as part of Andalusia , which is unjustified, both for historical reasons, for cultural reasons, and even pragmatic. Andalusia and Granada not only are two separate entities, but also, Granada is a national reality much more elaborate that Andalusia.

To begin, remove the Andalusian myth of the nation. The word Andalucía derived from Al-Andalus , which in turn derives the word Al- Vandalius , which means "land of the Vandals." The Vandals were a Germanic people who settled in Andalusia in the early fifth century His reign was short here, as soon settled in North Africa, although colonies maintained throughout the southeastern Iberian coast. The kingdom disappeared conquered by the Byzantine Empire in the sixth century. The Berbers, therefore, believed that the original land of the Vandals was Hispania, and hence termed the Iberian Peninsula Al-Andalus , synonymous Hispania and Iberia. Al-Andalus therefore does not refer to a nation or state, but the entire peninsula, that is, to a geographical region. The real Arab state that existed in the peninsula was Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba . That was its official name, and not that of Al-Andalus .

Andalucía The term was used generically to refer to the Taifa kingdoms of Seville and Cordoba, where they were captured of Castile, but was never used to designate the kingdom of Granada, which survived a couple of centuries rather than others. In the poem Abenábar , for example, we distinguished Andalucía in Granada, as two distinct entities. While Andalusia was a geographical region (as can be " Scandinavia), Granada was referred to a well-defined nation-state. The kingdom of Granada was founded in 1013 by ben Zawi Zirí , and occupied the hearts of Elvira, about the provinces of Jaen and Granada. After its disappearance in 1090, was refounded by ben Mohamed Nazar towards 1232. With the conquest by the kingdom of Castile disappeared (as people think), but joined the English crown. The kingdom of Granada remained in existence until the disappearance of the name of a kingdom in 1833, when setting about the current provinces. The importance of the kingdom of Granada is such that the shield is part of the national emblem, along with the arms of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarra, the main nations that make up Spain.

The following
map we can see the provinces of Spain (see http://www.elnazari.blogspot.com/ ):

Compare with the Autonomous Communities:

The similarity is undeniable. Galicia, Asturias, Navarra, Aragon , Catalonia, Valencia, Balearic Islands and Extremadura remain almost unchanged. La Rioja displayed, Madrid and Cantabria . Vizcaya change its name slightly Euzkadi and territory, Murcia Albacete loses but remains as a region, New Castile becomes Castilla La Mancha, and the regions of León and Castilla la Vieja join the community of Castilla y León. All regions have their presence in the current map ... except Granada, which is engulfed by Andalusia. He has not even respected Grenadian nationality creating autonomous community of Andalusia and Granada as has been done with Castilla y León.

But the blunder with Granada goes further. If we examine the capital of the autonomous communities, they are always central cities or historical importance: Santiago de Compostela, Oviedo , Santander, Vitoria , Zaragoza, Madrid, Valladolid , Merida, Valencia, Murcia, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bLogroño , Palma de Mallorca , Toledo ... The Canary Islands had two capitals, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The only exception is again Andalusia. Considering Andalucía as heir to the Andalusia province, the logic should be Córdoba capital. Is approximately in the center of the region and is the most important historical city, capital of Andalusia and the province of the Umayyad Caliphate . It turns out that no, the capital Andalusia is Seville , whose historical significance lies only as a commercial center during the conquest of America, an important obviously much lower than that held by Cordoba throughout history. Sevilla also has the defect of being off center, away, in fact, the kingdom of Granada, leaving the provinces of Jaén, Granada and Almeria relatively isolated. The choice of Seville as the capital of Andalusia not obey or historical reasons or practical reasons, so it is conceivable that obey only for economic reasons.

But the question is why Granada has been ostracized. The most likely answer is in Hernando Cordoba and Válor , better known by its Arabic name: Mohamed aben Humeya . After the incorporation of the kingdom of Granada to the English crown, the Muslim community remained in the region. Many converted to Christianity, as the very aben Humeya , but kept their customs. The repression of this community led them to revolt in 1568 in the famous rebellion of the Alpujarras . Felipe II, who was a wise king, then realized that Granada was a powder keg. Cultural differences between Castile and Granada made it difficult to live together and repression does not seem effective. Then had the bright idea to disperse the Moors from Granada across the peninsula and recolonize Granada with residents from all corners of the kingdom. In this way the Muslim community spread, which ended integrated into English society and the kingdom of Granada Castilianize. This kingdom continued to exist officially, but its inhabitants were actually foreigners. Maybe they never completely identified with this land, and lack of leaders who defend the idiosyncrasies of the population led to Granada Granada to be a displaced population. While Blas Infante Andalusian nation was invented, no one ever claimed the nation Granada.

This situation must change. The Granada have lived without a homeland for many years, as mere castellanos want to become stateless Andalusians. But now we know who we are, our history and our nation. We have historical, cultural and pragmatic to demand the segregation of Andalusia and Granada. 2013 will celebrate the millennium of the birth of our nation. Celebrate the millennium organized and everything great. For Granada, Spain and Europe.